RIP Papa | Teen Ink

RIP Papa

April 27, 2015
By chand__ler BRONZE, Quinton, Virginia
chand__ler BRONZE, Quinton, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never let go of your dreams

The longest day and night was June 9th 2011. That day was when my papa died. I had no idea what I was going  to do! He was in the hospital for his foot and when he went home he had bad pain. He had to go back to the doctor because it was hurting so bad!  They told him that he would have to stay a while so they can help him but a few days later it got so infected that it traveled through his blood and indeed up in his heart. That day I was in fourth grade and I got picked up early and my dad told me the the news! I was so sad I cried for days!

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