First Time Driving Terror | Teen Ink

First Time Driving Terror

October 13, 2015
By XoRuCw BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
XoRuCw BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
only god can judge me - Tupac Shakur

Introduction : My First Time driving has to be the most Terrified Exciting experience in my life All in one Have You Ever Been scared to get behind the wheel You're first time ?.

Body Paragraph 1 : Last year was my sophomore year. I had drivers ed which was a fun experience but also serious . I was schedule to drive after spring break i had been asking everyone i knew how driving was it difficult ? was it easy ? some people said no its not hard an some said its easy But more than half said you just have to me aware of your surroundings and listen to all the instructions you get. So at the point i was thinking to myself " okay i got this " Just Remain Calm.

Body Paragraph 2 : As I Came back from spring break i had already received my yellow card which had my schedule times and dates i was suppose to drive . As I Got in my first period class 15 minutes after the bell my driver ed Teacher Mr.Johnson Came in & started talking to Mr.Ott So Mr Johnson called me up and said " Did you forget you had to go driving ?... I " Said oh snap ! i forgot  so we proceeded on down the hallway into the drivers ed room so he could get his clipboard for the day He Came out and said okay Ronziah Your Starting First ... I Was Terrified He Seen The Shock In My Face He Said just Relax You'll Be Fine.

Body Paragraph 3 : We Exited The back of the building into the parking lot There were two cars both sliver he said we are using the one on the Right he popped the trunk and got out the magnets that had drivers ed on them we place them on the car . He Began to warm up the car took us around to the front He put the car in park and said " Okay which sides". So as i did My Heart was racing a mile a minute i swear you could see it through my shirt  i got into the drivers seat " Mr.Johnson Said " Now What i want you to do is adjust your mirrors and seats im going to back up at the end of the car Make sure you can see me in all three mirrors . I Began to adjust my seat and mirrors Check Check Check So At This Point im calm.  

Body Paragraph : 4 We Got that out the way Easy Right ? He Got in one the Passenger side he told me to put my foot on the break and gas to make sure my foot could reach so i wouldn't have to look down Your only using one foot Your hands should be placed at 10 & 2 which by the way was a weird feeling i had to accustom too. Mr.Johnson Told me to put my foot on the brake and pull down the gear into D ( Drive) From that point on it was no turning back i felt a sudden change of force which scared me He Began Talking to me he said now gently push the gas and before i knew it i was moving the car Scary..! that point he had imaginary stop signs i had to stop at  .
Body Paragraph 5 : I came to the fake stop sign he continued to take me step by step on what to do next . He Demonstrated how my hands should intercept to turn the car to the Left but first i turned my blinkers on  looked into my mirrors to make sure i was cleared to make my turn which wasn't hard as i came back around to the school i had to which places with Kristina then after she was done we swamp again i didn't go on the highway until my 3rd time we each had a total of 6 times to drive . It was Raining when i did finally reached the highway i was freaking out among myself but i had to remain clam. it was morning rush hour Geesh!.. Ladies putting on makeup lipstick , making incomplete stops  all kinds of stuff there was no room for me to be paranoid i had to beware  of everything I Rode through A Park so by the time it was all over i felt a sense of relief.

Conclusion : So Are You Afraid To get behind the wheel ? don't be  Trust me  it's all a mind thing as long as you listen to your teacher an beware of everything around you trust yourself this task everything will work out.

The author's comments:

oringal i worked very hard on it 

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This article has 3 comments.

on Nov. 19 2015 at 1:45 pm
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
this a good one

on Oct. 29 2015 at 7:40 am
roniziahwinfield, Wilinmigton, Delaware
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
thank you so

KayVegas said...
on Oct. 23 2015 at 12:11 pm
KayVegas, Chapin, South Carolina
0 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I won't give up, no, I won't give in
Till I reach the end, then I'll start again.
No, I won't leave; I want to try everything;
I want to try, even though I could fail."

You might want to spelling- and punctuation- check it, but overall it's good, informative and comforting :)