My 4th Birthday Present | Teen Ink

My 4th Birthday Present

November 18, 2015
By chakmish BRONZE, Cupertino, California
chakmish BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were in the car and my heart was racing as fast as a three year old's heart could. I was with my father, racing to the hospital, while playing a game with him. Can you imagine the tension that a three year old would have while trying to win a game and trying get to the hospital. The game was to beat the other cars in a race while staying in the highway speed limit. The cars were all zooming past us and I was getting desperate to win.

“ZOOM… ZOOM… ZOOM ZOOM.” the cars “said” as they raced past us.

I was on the tip of my seat and was getting very anxious because I wanted to get past every single car, as soon as possible. We were getting closer and closer to a pink car when we suddenly overtook it with a burst of speed that I did not know that our car had. I (almost) jumped out of my seat and screamed yahoo as loud as my vocal chords could. Finally, one point for us, my father and I. But, why were we in the car in the first place? We were in the car because we were trying to get to the hospital for my mom…

Okay. Let’s take a step back. I started the day off with my dad dropping me off at school and telling me that I might have to leave school early… Two hours later the papers that I used for coloring  were thrown all over the table, and my crayons were spread around, like a tornado had struck. I was about to start cleaning up my mess, when suddenly I heard a knock on my classroom door.

“ Oh, Anushka, do you know who is here at our classroom? Did Mrs. White tell us that someone was coming?” I asked my best friend Anushka.

She shook her head from side to side. I was disappointed because I wanted to know who was here and what he/she was even doing at my school, when the person outside knocked again. My teacher rushed to open the door, not realizing that the door was locked from the outside. A tall six foot and three inch man, entered my colorful kindergarten classroom. I was certain that I had seen the man before, but not sure where because I wasn’t able to see his face. The man spoke to my teacher in a very rushed manner and looked like he was nervous and excited at the same time. My teacher then shook his hands and told him something that sounded like congrats. The man turned around to face my classmates and I, when I realized that the man was none other than my father! I was very puzzled, angry, and surprised that my dad was here, at my school, and so early too! I clearly remember that I was dropped off at school only two hours ago. The next thing I remember was being whisked away through the hallway, away from my dear, kindergarten class.

Devastated at leaving my school early, not eating my snack, or singing with my friends, I told my father, “DADDY! Stop walking so fast! I cannot keep up with you and I don't want to leave school so early! I still have so much work to finish! Slow down!” I yelled as we ran through the hallway.

The second we slowed down, I asked my dad what happened and why we were in such a rush!

He bent down and told me, with a smile on his lips curving up more and more… “ Misha, Mommy is in the Hospital.”
Two minutes later…

“WHAT!” I screeched for the fifth time in a row as we drove straight to the hospital after picking me up at school.

I still couldn’t believe my ears!

“What happened? Was my mom okay?” I asked myself. And the last thing I can believe is that my Dad is proud about it! My DAD is PROUD about my mother being in the hospital! What is going on? I thought.

As if hearing my thoughts, my Dad told me to take my mind off of the shocking news for a while.

“ Misha, let’s race the other cars.” he told me, “I’m sure you’ll feel way better and relaxed after we play your favorite game… “

Boy, did I love that game! The game was to simply try and get past the cars on either side of us without going past the speed limit, while on the highway.

“Yay daddy… we got past them… whoooo hoo… “ I yelled as we “beat” each and every car…

“Ha ha ha… I hope that you’re having fun! Oh we are almost there… “ my father explained to me while he was having fun, with me at the same time.

And as if we just got into the car, the hospital had arrived. I stepped out of the car, not noticing where we were and why we had stopped. Turning my head up, I saw the sign which said, “Kaiser Permanente”… 

Five minutes later, I was yelling, “Mommy!! Are you okay? Did you fall? What happened?” I asked as more and more questions spilled out of my mouth.

She laughed a weak laugh, smiled and said, “Misha, I am fine. You shouldn’t worry about your mommy this much… “

It was then, that I realized she had a bundle in her hands that she was slowly rocking back and forth. Me, being the curious person I was, asked her what was in her hands and why she was treating it with such care and concern.

She replied saying, “ Come forward; come, come. Don't be afraid…“

I went closer and closer sacred at what I was going to see.

“What is in that bundle that is so dear to my mommy? Is it something important?” I mumbled to myself as I got closer to my mother and the mysterious looking bundle.

When I finally reached the bed, (which felt like it took me more than eternity), and when I finally mustered up the courage to peek in the bundle, I looked up and saw my mother waiting patiently with a shimmer in her deep, dark brown, eyes.

The next moment, I found myself on my toes looking into the bundle of cloth, which had cars and trucks on the outside. What I saw that day cannot ever be brought back with words today. The little boy inside the blanket was wrapped and looked as cozy as a polar bear cub cuddling with his mother. He had a bubble of drool around his mouth that only added to the cuteness of the smile he had while he slept. I could only hope that the cute boy was dreaming of the best day of his life, for this day was certainly the best day of mine. I was in a state of shock and did not even realize that I was staring at the bundle of joy until my mother shook me gently with her free hand.

“He’s so cute… ” I said, in the quietest voice I could.

The little thing cradled in my mother’s hands was the most adorable thing I could have seen. It was… my little, and small, brother…

Soon after…

“Please mommy? Please? I need to hold him and hug him and… !”

Already, I was obsessed about my brother, whose name was Vihaan. The name Vihaan means dawn. This name was given to him because of its relation to the meaning of my father’s name, Rohit, (meaning sun). Coming back, I was pleading and begging my mom and my dad to let me hold Vihaan. Finally after about ten to fifteen minutes of pleading, my parents agreed, with some hesitation.

“ Okay Misha,” my mom said, “ Come sit on the bed… criss-cross applesauce… like how you sit in school… ”

I sat down, excited, awaiting the moment that would change my life forever. My mom placed my sleeping brother in my lap and the second he was placed there, he opened his eyes and… STARTED CRYING! I was so scared that I asked my mom to take him away as soon as possible and to calm him down.

“ Shhh… It’s okay… mommy is here… shhh… ” my mom whispered as she tried to calm my brother down.

Thankfully, he relaxed and went back into his peaceful, deep, slumber.

I need to hold Vihaan again… I thought to myself as I watched my mother and brother sitting so cozily, and my dad watching them with pride, in his maple colored eyes.

I, quietly, asked again, and the second he was placed on my lap… he cried AGAIN! This sequence was repeated so many times that I slowly gave up on holding my baby brother, Vihaan. When…

“Hi, Misha!” said my grandparents as they entered the doorway to my mom’s room.

I knew they were in my house for the past few days, but  being only 3 years old, I did not expect them to come to the hospital. I embraced them, not wondering for a second, why they had arrived now… Then, my happy bubble popped…

“ WHAT! No grandpa. I don't want to go home without mommy and daddy. I want to stay with Vihaan.” I said while crying and hugging my dad.

“ (sigh) Misha, you know that mommy and daddy need rest, right? They need to take care of Vihaan…” my grandpa and grandma both explained in my mother tongue, Tamil.

I continued to argue with them, trying to stay and give every excuse possible, but sadly, neither my parents, or grandparents would give in. In the end, I had no choice but to leave… Suddenly, a light bulb popped up over my head!

“ Mommy… Daddy… Aren’t you coming home for my birthday? If you don't come, then I won’t talk to you!” I said slyly, still trying to persuade my parents into let me stay.

“ What? No Misha, mommy and I will still come home on your birthday and I will bring you a present and a chocolate cake. “ said my dad.

Looking down at my shoes, in disappointment I started to walk to the door, dragging my feet. Sensing my disappointment, my dad, caught up with me, scooped me up and gave me a big hug. All cheered up, I left the hospital…

Three days later, “ When are they coming home?” I yelled to my grandma, “Today is my 4th birthday!”

It had been long time, since I had seen my little brother and my parents. I had stayed with my grandparents, who had stayed at our house for the time that my mother was going to have Vihaan. My grandparents had come from India and wanted to spend time with my mother, Vihaan, and I. Anyway, my mother and father were not at home yet and it was pitch dark.

“ Did they forget? Will they not come? If they don't come, I will get really mad and throw a tantrum!” I yelled to my grandmother as more and more words spilled out of my mouth.

“ Dear, mommy and daddy with come. Be patient, they will come and spend time with you… ” my grandmother explained to me in my mother tongue, Tamil.

I ran away and closed the door to my play room so I could cry in peace. When suddenly the doorbell rang…  

“ Mommy!!!! Daddy!!! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!” I yelled as my grandma and grandpa ran to open the wooden door.

Mommy and Daddy are here! They have come to celebrate my 4th birthday! Did they forget to bring my cake? I thought as my grandparents started to open the door.

In all the confusion, I completely forgot about the new member who came to our family three days ago. The door was opened, and there stood my parents. My dad held a large, chocolate, and covered with flowers, cake. While behind him, stood my mom, carrying the bundle thought to be, my dear, little, brother.

“Come, come, come, come in! Oh! Hi Vihaan! Help him come in!” I told my grandparents, mostly because I wanted to eat all the cake myself(and spend time with my sleeping brother).

My parents laughed and came inside the house. My mom immediately went inside to her bedroom, after giving me a quick one-handed hug, and placed my brother in the newly prepared crib made just for him, while my dad placed the cake on the dining table.

Ah… My whole family is here in the house with me! I thought as everyone was greeting, hugging and saying hello to one another.

Later, after all the greeting was over, I finally realized… My party was a blast! I was so happy, that I ran all across the house, while yelling and screaming with excitement!

“YAYYY… Today is the best day of my life!!!” I screamed while continuously running in circles across the house.

My mother, father, grandpa, and grandma, were all laughing and were really happy and overjoyed that I was so content. Next, we all sat down on the dinner table, which had my wonderful chocolate cake, which was covered with multicolored flowers. All of my family members, (except the one who was snoring and sleeping inside me and my parents’ bedroom), were seated around the table. Then the lights suddenly turned off!

Suddenly… “Happy Birthday To You…” sang my breathtaking choir of family members.

Then came the part, we all loved the most… The cutting of the cake. My parents and my mother’s parents all held on to the knife while I cut it. I was the first one to try a piece of the cake followed by my parents and grandparents. Then finally, the fantastic, fantasy, fiesta was over. Next, we all sat together and gave me my presents. When it came to my parents turn, (after both my grandparents), they said they had already given me a present and smiled. I sat there puzzled when suddenly, I remembered that the first time my brother came to my house, was on my birthday!

“Oh!” I exclaimed and we all burst out laughing…”I knew that a looong time ago Mommy and Daddy! The day I saw him, I knew. He he he...  “ I whispered, because I realized that my little brother was sleeping inside.

“Of course you knew, darling… You know everything!” My parents told me, while they laughed quietly to themselves and while my grandparents sat quietly with smiles on their lips.

That night, with my parents on one side and my little brother on the other, I went to sleep with a smile on my lips, that curved up more and more just like my father’s on the day that he told me that my mother was in the hospital.

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