One Strange Man | Teen Ink

One Strange Man

December 4, 2015
By dyllan56 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
dyllan56 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He is the only one who doesn't belong.I am the only one who sees him for what he is. One strange man with a short neck not like mine. One who does not belong here but is here. One minor mistake made by the city. From my room I can see him, but he this man who pushes a cart has to appreciate everything he is thankful for.

His will is strong.He walks block to block. He grew up and now grows down and scavenges roads for food all day and yells at the sky never showing anger just This is how he sleeps
Everyone forgets the reason he is there,he will fall without help, we should reach our arms to aid his journey, helping recover from loneliness. Joy,joy,joy I say as I sleep.

Now when he is too sad to keep keeping, even me a young man can't do much, but I can I walk to him. When there is nothing left for him to look for on this street. For I now see. I reach my hand to him and drop a seed to start a new. Now his reason is to start the seed.

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