Grandpa | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

Many people die every second. It's a very common tragedy that happens all over the world. This can affect people in ways. I would know because I lost someone very close to me. I lost my grandpa and we were very close. Some people deal with this better then some people. Losing a beloved grandparent can be a challenge and difficult to overcome.

My grandpa and I had a very interesting relationship. My grandpa would do everything for my cousins and me. He would always take us camping in the summer. We would go tubing, sometimes fast tubing, behind the boat and sometimes slow tubing down the rivers. We would go swimming mostly while were out on the boat or camping. Most of the summer on the good days we would be on the boat swimming, tubing, water ski, and more. I also had softball games in the summer so he would take me to my games and sit there and watch them all. He would always help me before my games and take me to dinner after. Some innings, when I pitched, he would come to the dugout and give me advice. Also when im bating he would cheer me on and I would be happy and I would improve.
I was at dance one day when I got a call from my mom saying that I was going to have to spend the night at my friend Kendra’s house. She called me back later that night and told me what happened. My grandpa had a massive stroke. My brothers were at my other grandparent’s house. My mom was with my grandma and my aunt at the hospital where my grandpa was. After two years at the hospital, he was getting ready to go home. My brothers and I were pulled out of school early one day and we were wondering why. When we got home, my dad said to sit down because he needed to talk to us. He told us that our grandpa died, I didn’t go to school for a week because it affected me in ways.

Without my grandpa here it feels really weird and strange. We have been through everything together so it's really sad that he's not here anymore. He was always doing anything for me and he was my bus driver for a year before he died. I would ride the bus and not get off at my house and stay on the bus the whole time. When we were done on the bus, my grandpa would take me out to eat and sometimes I would spend the night at my grandparent’s house. My grandpa always was the one that told me not to worry about what other people think of me. He helped me with everything;  if someone was being mean to me he would always cheer me up in any at he could. He taught me most things in life and I'm very sad to see him go.

My grandpa has taught me most things in my life and I miss him very much. Everyone loved my grandpa. He was very kind to everyone. I hope everyone has a good grandparent or grandparents like I did.

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