Change for the Better | Teen Ink

Change for the Better

December 18, 2015
By Drizzy_Clay BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Drizzy_Clay BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“ Olivia, Destiny come down here and help pick up.” My mom screamed up the stairs on the top of her lungs. The race was on, we had to be like road runner to finish the house before they came, it was much too early for them to come now. We picked up the main floor, dishes put away, carpet vacuumed, counters washed, dusting complete. What were we missing, what didn’t we do? That’s when it hit me literally the broom fell, we didn’t sweep. Destiny took that job while I was told to go downstairs to pick up, it looked like a hurricane hit our basement, We will never finish it in time. but it was just my little brother’s. When I asked Jaden, my younger brother, to help me he told me no and ran upstairs. After he ran upstairs I asked my other younger brother Gio to help me pick up. At least there’s one sibling that I can count on.

“Hurry Gio.” I told him. We had to finish in time, I was running all over the place back and forth it felt like I was racing time. I was frightened but happy to meet them, I heard the door open and voices coming in. Calm yourself down Olivia, get yourself together. Don’t make a joke out of yourself. I got upstairs with no idea of what they look like, sound like, anything. I stood there eyes wide, weak in the knees didn’t know what to think about them.  The moment they came into my life, in our house, I knew at that point everything would change. Two Sudanese children age three and four stood in front of Destiny and I smiling. A lady introduced one of them a little girl named Atong, I took her hand and shook it and gave her a smile. Next she introduced Destiny and I to a little boy; his name was Deng he walked up to me and wrapped his hands around the back of my neck into a hug he squeezed so tight it was like a boa constrictor. I tugged at his shirt to tell him to let go. Let go I can’t breath.

“Hello my name is Destiny, and this is my sister Olivia.” she said bending down so she could look them in the eye. Careful he’s a choker. After the people that dropped them off left, we tried to make them as comfortable as possible. I asked my dad where they were going to sleep he told me that they would be sleeping in the living room because it's only for a few days. I was glad because I finally just got my own room, but at the same time I felt bad because it was rude of me not to share. A few days went by since they moved in everything was going well up until...

“Girls.” my dad called from downstairs; We both ran down stairs at the exact same time. I think that we both were thinking that they were leaving today, but it became the opposite of what we were thinking. “They have to stay a little bit longer, less than a month:” What? Why? Destiny and I looked at each other in a weird way.“Your mother and I would like you two to decide who Atong will be sharing a room with.” I already knew the stubborn, teenager gets to keep her room - even if I didn’t want to I know it is the right thing to do.

“I will share my room, I still have my bunk bed up” I said.

“Thank you,” my mom said. as she gave a look towards Destiny. As I helped Atong move in and moved my sewing machine and art supplies up away from her reach I realized she can’t be too bad. I grabbed a flower bed spread and made her bed and gave her a few of my stuffed animals. I showed Atong the guidelines to my room, what she can and can’t touch. I was awoken at 3:00 am with Atong jumping on me.

“The sky's awake so I’m awake so we have to play.” Frozen this movie ruined my life, the day I get to sleep in I have to wake up to this. If you don’t get off me you’ll be off this bunk bed in less than a minute.

“Get off me it’s too early.” I said “Atong will you go down please I want to show you something.” Once she got down, I took her hand and lead her to the window and pointed to the moon, I told her that when that was gone you can get up. When I woke up I knew this was going to be a very long day.

“Good morning honey, did you sleep well?” As she said that I was about to flip, instead I got a drink of water took a deep breath. Do I tell her or just let it go? I think I should tell her.

“Good morning,” I said back. “Honestly, no I didn’t Atong woke me up at three am and started quoting Frozen.” As I said this my mom and I started to laugh about the situation.

“Well I guess I will have to inform dad on the situation.” As she said this she was still in a snicker. Every morning for the next week that is how I would be woken up usually at the same time every day. The week felt like it would never end, there has been positive and negatives to these children coming to us. My parents left for the night and asked Destiny and I to put them to bed. I woke up the next morning and did my usual to get ready for church. All of us children were already for church and sitting in the livingroom. It was so silent you could hear every breath.
“Our daddy is one of the lost boys,” Atong said breaking the silence. Her and Deng went into the details about why they were in foster care. They told us how their parents said that they would see them again, and when they did they had to say goodbye. They didn’t know when the next time came when they would see them again. When I was in foster care I knew that I was not aloud to see my birth parents until I’m 18. The moment they came into my life the moment they came into my house my life changed. One minute at a time they grew on my heart and changed me for the better. Everyday that I was with them I learned to not take people for granted, accept the person for who they are and don’t change them.

The author's comments:

These two amazing chilren had a great story to tell.

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