Dream Track | Teen Ink

Dream Track

December 18, 2015
By Cameron171 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Cameron171 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was thursday morning and i got a text from my friend, asking if he could come over for the week and i said yes. His name is Charles and we like to jump bikes and do tricks on bikes. he arrived at 10:15 he pulled his bike out of the car while i held his backpack full of his clothes and other things he had in there. We put his stuff in the house.

we went back outside and i asked
“what should we do”? and charles said 
“we should build a bike track behind your house in your woods”! I was thinking about what he said
“sure we can do that,that's a great idea”
i said. I was trying to find this perfect bike spot behind my house to build some bike jumps. I found it! there was one thing wrong, right in the middle of the spot there was a big huge log that was about 3 feet wide in the way that fell in between to trees so it laid horizontal
“should we try and cut it so we can move it”  i said,wondering?.
“lets try it but it's the biggest tree around here” said my friend Charles.

Me and him tried to cut it but we were not making any progress so we started loading the buckets and wheelbarrows brought it down there and started loading the black dirt into a huge pile. After a while we got the dirt pile about 3 feet high and we started pacing it down. It was about a little under 2 feet after pacing. We didn't think it was high enough so we add some dead wood and dry dirt which is heavier. After we packed that down it was almost 4 feet high. So we did the same with the landing and i try it and so did he we both did the same thing. We fail... both of our front tire hit the log flipping us over our handlebars and making us faceplant  into the landing. We started to make adjustments and we when we were it started to downpour. We were in my house because it  was raining it didn't matter because we were super tired anyways. The next morning everything was dry there were some damp spots but it didn’t affect us. We remembered that we flipped over the log so we went to menards to get more dirt because we was out. We unload the dirt and started dumping the dirt. After we dumped the dirt we tried it out and it worked. We jumped it so many times, we did the whole track until we were tired and we still kept doing laps over and over again until the time read 11:32. we had to go inside for the night. We just want to keep riding all night long but we had to go in so we did it one more time and then were brought all the tools and put them in the garage. This changed me because i took a risk i didn't want to do and now that i've done it i'm not afraid anymore.

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