Sunshine Challenge | Teen Ink

Sunshine Challenge

January 3, 2016
By Anonymous

One day i walked into my vice principals office. I had just been in guidance for a whole period pretty much and my eyes were red and it looked like I had been crying. Guidance is basically like a school therapist who helps you when you are too mentally unstable to be in class. So I walk in, and ask for an admittance slip back into class. The lady at the desk had been short tempered and grumpy with me most times I had bothered to talk to her. So I went up tentatively and grabbed my slip. She kindly turned to me and asked why every week I miss the same period, and I come in every time and get a slip. I explained to her briefly why I need the in school therapists so often.

After i told her she briefly looked at me, paused and smiled. She asked me if she could tell me a story.  She told me about her friend who worked in the police force and helped out at a school in the really ruff neighborhood of town. This woman dealt with drugs and abuse and the worst that life had to offer to kids. By this time i was wondering what the point of this story was. But then she said her friend who worked for the police department, she described her time working in the neighborhood as this; It took her 5 years of that job in that neighborhood before she could see sunshine again.

So i thought this was a very uplifting story but i didn't know what it had to do with my admittance slip. But then she says, now Jamie, whens the last time you saw sunshine? I looked up, and said that it had been a while. She told me to always look for sunshine because as time goes on it will be easier and easier to find. I want to look for the sunshine and I think its a good way to look at it. Sunshine is hard to come by sometimes, but its always worth it to keep searching.

Shine On.

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