Mother's Passion | Teen Ink

Mother's Passion

January 5, 2016
By PridefullySolo GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
PridefullySolo GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mother, proud of what she does, she collects stamps. For hours, she hovers over her stamps like a dog with her new pups. For hours, she documents every last stamp, clicking and typing away as the time flies by. Four hours, she is mesmerized by the history hidden within each stamp, stamps that have been in my family for generations. She gazes at each one of them, seeing the past.

But I have a different passion. My passion is my video games. For hours, I watch and play my video games, like a baby with its food. My video games--my video games, they are what I do. Addicted, like a hard drug user, I will never stop. I have a passion for my video games, but it will never be greater than my mother’s passion for her stamps.

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