Personal Narrative | Teen Ink

Personal Narrative

January 22, 2016
By Anonymous

Boom, that was the sound of my dog when he fell on the floor. I was close with my dog my parents got him a year before I was born and when I was born I basically grew up with my dog he was always only one year older than me but then he started getting older.

And well you see he is old for a dog, he is thirteen years old and his leg isn't doing very well whenever he tries to walk on hard surfaces he falls and can hardly get back up after that. When ever he walks to get his food or go outside he just keeps falling.

My mom keeps hopping that he can get better and every week we go to the vet see my cousin and have her look at buddy. My mom hopes that my cousin can eventually find something to help my dogs leg so he doesn’t fall and to make his leg better.
“We might have to bring him to the vet and put him down” my mom said.
I replied with “Do we have to?”
my mom said “No we don’t have to, but you don’t want him to suffer do you?”
I replied with “no”.
My cousin can save my dog right? that is what i thought everyday.

For examples of hard surfaces that my dog couldn’t walk on is hardwood floor and aluminum flooring, well he can walk on these hardwood surfaces but he just has difficulties with his leg on surfaces like that. My dad would put down mats on the hardwood floor so my dog could walk, it was easier for him to walk at my dads but still a challenge for him to walk in my mom’s house, because she could not afford the mats because she already had very little money for food and house supplies

Eventually whenever he fell he would stop trying to walk and just give up we would pick him up and bring him where he wanted to go. But when he went outside he was fine, basically he could walk anywhere except for the inside wood floor. The things he could walk on were things like: carpet, the deck and on the cement. When he stopped walking it also meant he stopped trying to go outside to use the bathroom and he pooped in the house a couple of times.

After a while we took him to a vet because we didn't want him to suffer, on the way to the vets we had to drop my dad off to work because he could not come with us or take the day off. when we got to the vet’s we waited for my cousin to finish with the animal she was just working with. When she was done she had us bring my dog buddy, into her room so she could look at him, she checked if she could give anything to him to help his leg but after looking at him she decided that my dog had to be put down because there was no way to help him.

After my dog was put down it was very sad, my cousin said she would burn the body and have us pick up his ashes when they are done. We didn't have to put my dog down because other than his leg he was just fine but since he was suffering we decided to put him down.

Even though it was hard to  see my dog go, after my dog's death everybody was sad and my mom  did not want to get another dog for a really really long time. it was the right thing to do for my dog buddy because he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore and we didn’t want him to suffer anymore.

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