Thank You for Everything | Teen Ink

Thank You for Everything

January 29, 2016
By rileyhourihan BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
rileyhourihan BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is smiling, but her eyes are dark. These eyes are wise, scared, and cheerful all at once. The woman had been through a lot, but her appearance says otherwise. From far away she seems confident and happy. Some might say privileged even, but they don’t know her story. This woman, this wife, this mother had fought battles others wouldn’t mentally survive. She has no physical markings, but her eyes have scars. Scarred with the countless nights of missing her father. Scarred with the abuse from her brother. Scarred with the death of her mother. Scarred with abandonment. Moving from foster home to foster home. Isolated from her bloodline, forced to adapt. The lady always kept sight of her priorities. She received an education throughout her childhood and adulthood. She graduated college at Rutgers University and later became a writer for 201 Magazine. She also became a teacher. She married her post college boyfriend and moved to Texas. They later had a baby girl and move back to New Jersey. Two years later she had her second daughter.

"Riley, you are the person made me a mother. You were my greatest accomplishment."

Her oldest child is now fifteen years old. A lot has changed. The woman is now married to her high school sweetheart. She and her ex-husband are now best friends. Her second child is now thirteen. The woman now owns her own business part time and is a mother fulltime. Each day her childhood memories get pushed back further in her mind. She is farther away from the pain of yesterday and closer to the happiness of tomorrow. The woman created a new life for herself. That shows character. It shows how tough the woman is. Many would not be the same as she is today. Her strength goes underestimated. Her ability to go through what she did and still raise a family. The ability to still have happiness. She is still in touch with her sense of kindness. She does not ignore her past she grows from it. She learns how to be a proper mother, wife, and woman. She wishes for nothing but the best for her family.

"My family comes first. Always."

Her fifteen year old is often told she is exactly like her mother. But she knows she does not have her mother's strength. That strength is rare.  The girl inherited her mother's sensitivity towards others. As well as her mother’s anxiety over conflict and her love of family. The girl is also intelligent like her mom. The gift of optimism grows within her. The girl has a passion for sports and knowledge from her mom. She learns the importance of forgiveness and trust. She often thanks her mother for these qualities. Her second daughter inherits her cheerful sense of humor. Along with her facial appearance and gift of natural beauty. The woman learns each day at the same time as teaching. She learns how to become a better mother for her children with time. She learns how to support her entire family. She learns what is more important to her. But she teaches everyone around her a valuable lesson.

"Life is what you make of it. You decide your own fate," she says.

"I wanted something better and I earned it."

This woman inspires her daughters everyday. She inspires her husband and her best friend. Her devotion to those important to her is like no other. Her motivation to change her life is unbreakable. Her pride and joy take her far. The compassion she shares for others is one of the strongest yet. It is hard to know where to begin thanking her for all she has done, so go big.

"Thank you mom."
"For what?"
"For everything."

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This article has 1 comment.

Kennysmama16 said...
on Feb. 1 2016 at 4:55 pm
This brought tears to my eyes!