The Boot | Teen Ink

The Boot

February 28, 2016
By maxlennon BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
maxlennon BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So I just lost half my season of basketball to a boot. I tore a ligament in my foot and was put in a boot for six weeks. Let me tell you it was the worst experience of my life. Being in that boot is worse then any punishment your parents can put you on. Sitting on the sidelines in a game watching your team struggle, and knowing you cant go in to do anything about it is the worst feeling in the world. Then there is always the doubts surfacing in your brain to whether you are going to be as good as you were before when you come back. For all you people that think your life is over after you get your phone taken away, try wearing a boot for six weeks.

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