I Don't Want Kids | Teen Ink

I Don't Want Kids

March 3, 2016
By Breannasand SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Breannasand SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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“I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights,” -Terri Guillemets.


When it’s said like that it makes it seem like there is no reason not to want a kid. Well I have a few. Not wanting children has seemed like something I always knew I wanted to do, not only because of the pain. The main few reasons I do not want to mother a kid is because I’m not motherly, a girly type, and I’m a germ freak.

The first reason I came across for not wanting to care for a kid is I’m not in the least bit the motherly type, being the little girl who would always drag my dolls on the floor and accidentally popped the head off a few. If I were going to have a kid, I would first need to find some coordination and pay attention a bit more. With a baby in my arms I would rather not have its head come off, either would I want it to be drug on the floor.. Another example of my non motherly ways is I honestly do not care If my child brushes his or her teeth or not, or goes to bed at a certain time.  I would let them do whatever they want and care for themselves, which would end in a disaster. The last reason to not be a mother is I can’t keep track of myself. I wake up every morning to my mother shaking and yelling in my ear, I walk out the door than walk back in realizing I didn’t bring my backpack or maybe forgot deodorant. With this way of life I might just leave my baby in a grocery store, forget to feed it, or even forget it's there. Next, besides being clumsy, irresponsible and a complete mess is I'm not that girly.

I could never see myself looking good in a dress. Everyday I put on a plain shirt and the same black pants. I've never been into the girly stuff and my hobbies show a little of that. When I get time to myself I love to fish, hunt, four-wheel, snowmobile. Pretty much anything that I would be able to drive, I’m in love with. Every year we go on a four-wheeling trip. This year we went to Wisconsin and It was one of the best vacations I've been on. While there we got to go fishing on the lake nearby  and spent over 20 hours four wheeling for the next 3 days on nice groomed trails, I never missed a puddle. The next thing that proves me not being very feminine is hair and makeup. I can hardly brush my hair and when I try to braid it it looks like a rats nest. My solution to not having any talent in beauty, is I just don't care. I leave my hair down and brush it once a day and do very little with makeup. My little girl would probably love going to school with a rat in her hair. She would probably love to learn makeup skills from someone who doesn't know anything about it. The last proof of my manly ways is I have a get over it personality. I babysit quite a bit for a few families. When the kids fall down I’d like to give them compassion but the first thing out of my mouth is, “You're fine get up,” and I know it does seem wrong but I really think it makes them tougher. As a kid I was always told to get over it by my parents and now it's passed down to me. As a mother you're supposed to love and show them how to look nice, and teach them how to be compassionate.  If I can't do that myself, I’m not sure raising a kid is a very good idea. Even tho I’m said to be more manly, I still have quite an issue with germs.

Germs, my worst fear. Christmas at my grandmas was never a good experience. Every year my family would come back into town and go to my grandma's, including my brother. When I was about 6, I was sitting on the floor and my brother decides it's funny to make me mad and began doing spit yoyo’s above my face. That was the first time I actually puked because of spit. My worst fear is spit. It's the most stomach churning thing. It’s so gross just writing about it makes me gag. The thought of a child drooling down my back or sharing my drink is nauseating.  I don’t remember the last door I opened. I either kick the lever, use a paper towel for the knob, or push with my elbows. This last October my great uncle died so I went to South Dakota with my grandparents. We were in the car for awhile so we decided to stop for food. I was in the bathroom alone and I noticed the door handle was a twist knob instead of a lever. Well, without paper towels and a twist knob, I didn't know what to do so I decided to wait for someone to come to the door. My grandma came in a few minutes later and was laughing. She had remembered that I won’t touch a door and so she came in and opened it. She thought this was so funny that I was stuck in the bathroom, I didn't. When we got to the hotel she told the whole family and now everyone asks me if I need help going to the bathroom everytime I go. Another one of my germ freak fears is hospitals. When I enter a hospital I make absolutely sure not to click the buttons on the elevator, touch the doors, or touch the railings. I keep my hands at my waist and try to hold my breath. I am deathly afraid of hospitals and that if I go in I will get a disease or die right then and there. I will only go in if I'm in desperate need. Basically any building that's not my own will scare me, knowing there's hundreds of thousands of germs crawling about. Any germ spit, fingerprints, coughs, sneezes and pretty much anything that other people touch grosses me out and kids are the most germ prone people.

The three main reasons to remain childless is because I’m not motherly, feminine, and I'm afraid of germs. I won't be having kids and there's nothing wrong with that. Having a kid with a clueless parent that's not fit to raise a child is worse than not having one at all. I've gave many reasons for my kids not to love me as much as water and sunshine. I hope you now understand why I'm not a tree.

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