My Story | Teen Ink

My Story

March 17, 2016
By Anonymous

I was born into this life for a reason. I was placed here with this mother, father, and brother. I stared blankly into my mothers eyes unable to create the tears i so desperately wanted to make. Now we fast forward to the abuse. My mother bleeding from her nose, as my father so ignorantly left. When i turned the age of seven I began to visit my father, who was to lazy to cook for us. Me the little seven year old at a stove unsupervised cooking for me, my brother, and my father. I would hve to be the bigger person when i was at my fathers. My brother was ten, and born with autism, so i would have to pay tons of attention to him there. There i was the mother, friend, the maid, and the big Sister. All i ever wanted to be was seven years old.


When it came to school I would protect my brother, i would take the punches for him, mentally and physically. I took the punches for him, and from him. I spent so much time worried about him I couldnt take a moment to see what was appening to me, I had bullies all around me. They made fun of me for being younger then them and having leg braces and occationally going deaf. I told no one of these harsh words, even if they asked. I remember silently crying to myself at night afraid to tell someone the truth. When i finally made friends I found I was good at making them smile. This lter would come to my disadvantage. As time went by my mother got remarried, to a very kind man. This gave me three more siblings, all sisters. One of which ended up leaving and resorting to drugs and alcohol. Something i only thought happened in movies. Now as i said earlier the fact that all i could do was make people smile.I began to be treated like i was "JUST ME". A new name tag that i hate to wear. Now im in 10th grade and my heart is on strike One doctor is telling me POTS the other lime desiese, and another verdigo. I'm in pain constantly. In and out of hospitals to do more tests. So what is the reason i'm here on this earth as this creature... When i'm Ignored, Silented, and "always happy". How could i be happy with the short unfortinate 15 years of my life. Cause i know the reason i am here is to make people happy. Im a brony and i love Pinkie Pie because i can conect with her happiness and wanting to make others happy. I stick whatever is going on in my life a side to give someone a hug when they need it, or maybe just smile at them from across the room when they look angry or they look like they are going to cry. And yes it does hurt to not be able to help, but i can always be that smile. That is why i am here... On this world.. Smiling.. Laughing.. But always hiding.

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This article has 4 comments.

on May. 10 2016 at 8:35 am
EyyItsDesi PLATINUM, Spencer, Massachusetts
38 articles 14 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
Smile More It's Worth It

I could say the same to you in this world we are in now there aren't many people that can do exactly what you and I do. And no matter how alone you may feel, now you know there are more of us :)

on Apr. 18 2016 at 5:08 am
Bruce-Wayne BRONZE, Tirana, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

I never knew I could find other people somewhat similar to me. I have been hurt by a lot of people, and those people hurt my family too, so now I have to live here in Albania to never see them again, but I'am weird of some sort because I can't stay angry at people, I always try to see the good in them even if they hurt me, I also hate that some people just want to hurt others, but I still think there is a reason for that and that If I can make them happy maybe they will understand what they are doing wrong. Thank you for writing this article it made me feel like I was not alone with my thoughts and acts.

on Mar. 30 2016 at 2:09 pm
EyyItsDesi PLATINUM, Spencer, Massachusetts
38 articles 14 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
Smile More It's Worth It

thank you soo much and it just is who i am when someone meets me they dont see this story and yeah we could use a little more happiness in the world ^_^

grace07 said...
on Mar. 23 2016 at 2:14 pm
grace07, Spencer, Iowa
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest cruelty is our casual blindness to the despair of others."

With everything you've been through it's so amazing that you believe in making others happy. We need more people like you in this World! Also, very powerful ending! Great work :)