It’s Not Just a Dream, Part 2 | Teen Ink

It’s Not Just a Dream, Part 2

May 5, 2016
By Andranice BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
Andranice BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The morning light that shined through the window was enough to see everything clearly. I was still in my same old living room laying on the couch in the same exact spot. Nothing was on and everything was silent. Then I remembered I had just been attacked by an insane man in this very spot. Where is he? This must be a new dream. My breathing was still uneven, but it was better than feeling choked to death. I looked around the room until I came across the painting that hung above the TV; it was of a Christian Baptist church. On the painting, a priest is wearing a black robe and is curled over his saxophone in the center of the painting. Surrounding him are his  fellow musicians and women singing. All of a sudden, a light appeared behind the painting. It looked like the light was stuck behind the corner of it trying to escape. The painting started shaking and swinging until a ball of light popped out from behind it.


The light looked like a star, a ball of burning gas. It flew around the room and bounced on the walls and ceiling. It was out of control. I didn’t know what to do, especially since I couldn’t move. I continued watching it bounce around the room until it slid behind the door curtain. Even though the door curtain was made of thick cloth, I could still see the ball of light snaking in the doorway. The light started to flash and expand like an old fashion camera - like the ones with the shattering light bulb. Something began to morph from the light into what looked like a human. With the flashing lights behind the curtain, I could see the construction of the human-like creature being made. It was terrifying to watch and to think about what was happening behind that curtain. I could make out the formation of bones and flesh coming together. The silhouette started out hunched over and its spinal cord grew within the body, pushing against its tender skin. It then arched its back and threw its skeletal arms behind itself. Its head popped up looking straight up with its mouth wide open. I could see muscles wrapping around the jaw bone and the rest of the upper body. A horrific sound came from the creature, a sound of pain and desire. I didn’t want to see what was behind that curtain, it was the last thing I wanted to see. After hearing that thing crying for life, I fell into my own head. My brain started to muffle the creature's cries and left me with only my eyes to examine it. It was like I plugged my ears with my fingers; some things were barely audible but I could clearly hear the beat of my heart.


Things felt like they were slowing down. The flashing lights lasted longer and the creature moved gracefully into each horrific position. This was only happening because of how scared I was. When I'm in a sleep paralysis, I may be aware it's just a dream but it doesn't mean I lose all my emotions, especially with fear - that increases from what I have learned later on. Soon I came back to my senses and watch the creature continue morphing. It was more intense now. The creature was moving in ways that were unnatural and inhumanly. The twitching of the head proved to me it must have been possessed.


I wasn’t having it. It was time to get up before this thing comes from behind the curtain and tries to kill me. Once again, I prepared myself to move into the sit up position. I closed my eyes and stayed calm. 1… 2…3. I used all my energy in my back and arms to force them to move but I was only met with the feeling of heavy gravity on my body. I learned it will never work the first time, so I wasn’t surprise it took me three more tries to sit up. I open my eyes and found myself staring at the ceiling. But that didn’t last long for my eyes fell shut again. What the Hell!? I was having another one but I only saw darkness. It was one of my usually versions of sleep paralysis; no dream was occurring. I was so relieved that I didn’t have to endure another dream and it was so much easier to awake from one of these than the recent ones I just had. As soon as woke up I forced myself off the couch and onto my feet.


I wasn’t planning on having anymore sleep attacks so I tried to stay active for a few minutes to stay awake. I walked back and forth to the kitchen and living room thinking about what happened. I noticed my head was hurting and I felt unbalanced. I was just out of it. When I felt like I was fully awake I reluctantly sat on the couch and stared straight ahead looking at the covered doorway thinking about nothing and yet I was thinking about everything. I knew everything there is to know about sleep paralysis, but it felt like I knew nothing now. I wanted to believe that there was a logical or reasonable explanation on why this happened, but there isn’t and there never will be. Confusion and pain filled my body, but I did nothing about it. I just stared ahead. I questioned why I didn’t feel connected with reality yet. I knew I was awake but I was somewhere else, somewhere completely different. And even though my eyes were open, I couldn’t see what my mind was seeing. But maybe sooner or later I will see, so I kept on staring until I came to reality.

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