This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

June 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Music is what people listen to on the radio or when they’re bored. Yes, I do this too, but music has a different meaning for me. In fourth grade everyone is given the opportunity to try and play a musical instrument. To everyone this seems like the best thing at the time, until you have to practice. For some kids it was easy, while others found it difficult. Many made it past fifth grade, but dropped it sometime after that for various reasons. Music has given me a sense of security and a way to express myself. Taking part in band has helped me grow as an individual and help others grow around me. The band has given me a sense of community and family when others cannot. Band and music has become an important part of my life because it gives me a sense of family and has helped me grow as a person.

In fourth grade I made the choice to play the flute. Actually my mom suggested I play the flute because my cousin had one. I joined the band as a flutist and never would’ve imagined I would still be playing the flute as a sophomore in high school. During fourth and fifth grade it was pretty boring at some point, just learning notes and how to read music. It got fun around the concert and the Memorial Day Parade because then we got to travel outside of school. We would take the bus over to the high school for a dress rehearsal or the middle school to learn how to march. Then we would get to see the kids from the other side of town and all the older kids in the middle school and high school bands. Learning the songs for concerts was fun because then we got to make actual music and not play hot crossed buns over and over again. Joining band in fourth grade was one of the best choices I made and I’m glad I never dropped out.

Music has helped me grow and become a better person. In band, I have learned anyone can be a leader, no matter what grade you are in. Underclassmen are expected to take charge and lead instead of sitting back and allowing the upperclassmen to do that. As a band member, I have learned things about myself that I might not of if I didn’t choose an instrument during fourth grade. I have learned that I am a leader and that I’m able to step out of my comfort zone. While people believe  participating in band or even playing an instrument isn’t important, it is. Every year the band plays at the Veterans Day ceremony and it makes the veterans happy to see so many young faces. After Mr. Kelly passed, his family asked if the band would play Stars and Stripes as his casket was carried out of the church. This song was his favorite and at one point, Ms.Mette gave him the opportunity to conduct it at a concert. This made him so proud and he wouldn't stop talking about it with his family for years to come. The band was honored that they wanted us to do this for him. The performance we gave brought tears to his family’s eyes and in that moment I realized music gave people comfort in a time of sadness and I was helping give people comfort. Playing an instrument has given me a sense of comfort and family.

Band has given me a sense of friendship and a family. I have made many friendships and gained a sense of protection. I know if I ever need help with anything, I have friends and two teachers that care about me. I have gained memories that I would not have been able to make any where else. Some people call me crazy for doing band because it’s a major commitment, but it really isn’t. It becomes part of your life, sometimes you have  to plan everything else around it. Making sure you are around for the yearly trip to Camp Nokomis for marching practice, or the weekly rehearsals to learn the show. The Friday nights where you have to eat dinner in the high school cafeteria because we need to do a refresher before the game to make sure everyone knows the show correctly. Despite the drama and the late nights, we are still a family who cares for each other. Everyone has their own job official or not, and without each other we wouldn’t be able to get the job done.

Band is a small word, only four letters long, but has such a powerful meaning to me. It means a sense of security and family. It means having a place to go to when the times get tough and you just need to be around your friends. It was that one choice in fourth grade that changed my life for the good. I've made so many new friendships with people I may have never talked to if not for band. I believe music especially band is an important part of people’s lives even if they do not realize it.

The author's comments:

I was assigned to write a this I believe essay for english and I couldn't find anything to write about. My orginal topic didn't work out and my friend helped me come up with this essay.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 16 2016 at 5:23 pm
showchoirsoprano BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You'll see in time, you will survive. Too soon to run, too late to hide. It's your density. Every pace, every strife." -Finding Neverland

This is an awesome piece!!!! I also know the impact of music can make on someone's life, you captured it amazingly!!!

on Jun. 15 2016 at 9:47 am
rollsteppin GOLD, Roseland, New Jersey
10 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Think positive, and positive will happen."

As a proud band geek myself, I know exactly where you're coming from. There's something special to it, something nothing else has. You captured the feeling perfectly.