My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 10, 2016
By Haley.W BRONZE, Littleton , Colorado
Haley.W BRONZE, Littleton , Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Haley, it's special to me, some other people might be named Haley but they aren't the same person as me. Im unique by how I dress, how I act and this reflects back to my name. My name can be spelled many different ways like Hailey, Hayley,Haylee, and how my name is spelled Haley. My name fits who I am but sometimes i wish i had a different name that wasn't as common as mine like I really like the name Lucia I think it’s a really pretty name and I think if it was mine I would feel unique because I have never really heard that name before.

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