What I've learned | Teen Ink

What I've learned

December 16, 2016
By Anonymous

What I have learned from being a grandchild, daughter, sister, niece, athlete, and a friend is that love is everything. Being a grandchild is the best thing ever. Although I never had the opportunity to meet my dad’s parents, the grandparents I have had been around my entire life are pretty great. My grandmother puchases me a lot of stuff that I need and don’t need. Makeup, food, clothes, electronics, art supplies. Everything, if I need it she’s got it or will get it for me. Although she’s a little crazy, I still love her. My grandpa on the other hand is very calm. (I think it’s because he’s drunk all the time). He’s very funny too. Every car ride that I have with him he tortures me with very old, cheesy jokes. Like “A Grasshopper went into a bar and ordered a drink and the bartender said “We have a drink named after you” and the grasshopper replied “You have a drink named Steve ?? “” Most of his jokes are not good , but I Laugh anyways. Because I do realize that one day he will be gone and I will miss his cheesy jokes.

What I’ve learned from being a Daughter. Moms can crazy. They will scream, and get mad and cuss at you. They will ground you and snatch your phones away. But one day when I be off to college I may miss her. Maybe. I’ll miss my dogs more than i miss my mother. My dad is also crazy, just like my mom. He yells, and he gets angry. But that’s what parents do, and we have to deal with that until we depart for college .

What I’ve learned from being a sister. I’ve learned that sisters are evil and brothers are aggressive . I have 9 siblings all together. Half, step, and full. The one story that I remember vividly is one where i was walking home from volleyball practice on my birthday. My mom had gotten me a case of mini cinnamon doughnuts from Wal-mart so i was really looking forward to them . I got close enough to my house that i could see my brother standing on the front porch talking on the phone to my mother. The closer i got the more visible the huge “Scar” from lion king looking laceration was etched into Traes face . As confused as i was he told me to just go inside and look . I walked through my living room and there was nothing there. I continued on into my kitchen only to see our middle table collapsed on the floor, tea all over the ground, m&m’s spilled, our watermelon was smashed and it looked so gross . The reason for all this ? My brother and sister were wrestling over the doughnuts that my mom BOUGHT ME for my BIRTHDAY. My brother tossed my sister on the table resulting in the massive mess. Siblings are nuts, and forever will be .

What I’ve learned from being a niece. Aunts are the best. They will be there for you when you need it. They furnish me with clothes and jewelry when they get tired of it , which is great. They usually have good food too. They’ll do your makeup for you from prom. They’ll also straighten your hair for you even though it takes about 2 hours to do. But that’s what aunts are for.

What I’ve learned from being a friend. Geeze, friends can be annoying, they can be rude, they can make you sad, they can make you cackle, they can make your day or they can make your life. Luckily, i have had the chance to become friends with everyone in my class. But what makes it even better is that i have become best friends with two people i’ve known my entire life. I’ve learned that being a friend means you need to share you food, maybe not ALL the time. But most of the time.

What I’ve learned from being an athlete, “You’ll miss it when you get older” The typical alumni saying that i’m sure every single athlete has ever heard. I’ve learned that working hard pays off sometimes. Good coaches can be mean, and Good coaches can be nice. I’ve learned to suck up to Jeffers so he doesn’t hate us and make us run more sprints . I’ve learned to know my signals when Mr.Davis is giving them. I’ve learned to make my serves over because Mrs. Williams doesn’t like it when we miss our serves. I’ve learned that little kids will look up to you and admire you for being a good athlete. I’ve learned that winning games will earn a free meal at Granny Wolfs. Shout out to you Granny. I’ve learned that being an athlete causes injuries, it may not heal fast. But it will .
Over all I’ve learned that no matter one role you play in someone's life, You have a spot to fill. So do it well.

The author's comments:

I hope people can experience and learn from who they come ecounter with. Because you never know who'll you meet and how they impact your life.

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