November Change | Teen Ink

November Change

December 14, 2017
By Anonymous

It was over the summer after 7th grade. I went to Jake’s Skate Park by the fire station. Some of my friends were there, and we were having a good time. I asked some of them if they wanted to spend the night at my house. Four of the guys said sure. The two girls said no.

Austin, Corey, Kevin, Jerry, and I all went to my house and stayed up pretty late. It was 4 A.M. before we went to sleep. I was talking to one of the girls over Messenger. I started to like her a little. We went on with the story for about a week. We talked more often. I was half asleep one night while I was texting her, because I had a rough day. What I thought was part of the story was actually her asking me out. We started dating and we hung out more. The day of school was about 2-3 weeks away.

When the time of torture came, I was sitting at the lunch table from 6:42 to 7:56 talking and sharing my schedule with my friends and everyone else. I had to go to READ180 for first period. READ180 was a class about learning how to sound out words and read faster. We didn’t stay long though, as we had to go to a pep rally. She sat in front of me and I sat behind her. We went through the rest of school in separate classes. We had planned to go to my house after school. We had to walk though, as my mom, grandma, and grandpa were busy, which was fine with me, because hey why not? I got to walk with my girlfriend and they got to finish work. We got to my house and we went into my room. We watched a little television. (The rest is to inappropriate to explain so I won’t.) She went home and we texted all night until we got tired. I passed out at 11:49.

About a month after we were dating, I finally got to go to her house and meet her mom, grandma, and her nephew. They were nice people for the most part. Then October came up. About a week into October I was almost dying because of how much it hurt to be in school. In the same school, class, band. It hurt. Worst of all she started dating my best friend. I was stuck not being able to move from my bed. I still feel like that today, sometimes. I actually had to move to Kemp with my brother, Robert, and his girlfriend, Kristen. That is where I met Carson. I also made some more friends. I don’t talk to them as much though. I moved back after two months.

She broke up with me again, because she liked someone else. After what I thought was about two weeks, Carson started coming to school here in Malakoff. He came in the middle of 8th grade lunch in March. He sat right next to me and I didn’t know who he was at first. Then, he talked to me. In my slight, depressive state, we talked and I got him to come over. He basically told me his life story. I told him a couple things that I knew about Austin and Jerry. I told him I didn’t know much about Corey (which was a lie) and that he was just mysterious person that was quiet most of the time. I told him very little about myself. Just enough to see if I could trust him. I got up the next Monday morning and went to school. It turned out I could only trust him on the things he forgot. Everything else he told Austin. It went from Austin to the group. We spent the entire year of 8th grade being stupid, and then we had to test.

Then came 9th grade, where I got to see everybody who I hadn’t seen since 6th grade. It was ok for the first week. I got tired of it really quickly though. People just don’t know how to shut up sometimes. All I here is something happened to someone or someone dating someone else. “It’s just annoying bull crap that’s all,” is what I tell myself in my head. Then I end up having to keep friends from fighting and keeping a relationship together, which isn’t even my relationship. Sometimes things just tick me off. Although, this hasn’t put me in too much of a bad mood. In fact, I don’t even mind it anymore. I don’t want to give too much away, though, I’m pretty sure I already have.

During thanksgiving in November, I got noticeably taller. I don’t mind being tall so much as I can stay tall enough to call other “people” short. The only people I call short though, are my friends. I have 6-7 friends, but I only call 2 of them short. I do this to be noticed by them. I’m basically invisible if I don’t talk. It’s not as bad as it seems though. I get to sit back and watch everyone while I just make a friend of mine jealous by letting his girlfriend hug me, which I don’t normally like, but I’ll make an exception with her.

Honestly, I didn’t think it would end like this. Me telling a story to people I don’t even know, about my personal life. Well, at least part of what happened toward the end of this year.

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