If I Could Change One Thing in My Life | Teen Ink

If I Could Change One Thing in My Life

May 13, 2018
By Anonymous

If I could change one thing in my life to make it better it would be not having A.D.H.D. I would like not to take any medicine that upsets my stomach that would make me feel great immediately. I want to be able to think clearly on my own like everyone else does. I would also like to be smart and not have to struggle with schoolwork and homework. It also would be great not to be so forgetful especially when it comes to paperwork. I lose things all the time. I know that my parents and teachers get frustrated with me because I get frustrated too! No one knows what it is like to study for a test a lot of times and then you don’t remember most of what you studied. I really feel stupid when the paper comes back with a bad grade on it.


For example it would feel so great to study for a test and when you took the test you could remember everything you studied that would be so cool! The really neat thing would be to not only to get good grades all the time but to also be an organized person. Meanwhile I am stuck but who knows maybe someday soon things will turn around and I will be much better I pray for this all the time. Maybe next week or next year I might get there.


Maybe not today or tomorrow but someday soon if I try really hard and I get a different kind of medicine to help me I will make all the people that help me each and everyday proud of me. I know I can do it but it seems like I am never going to reach my goal. Although when I think back about all the things that t couldn’t do a few years before I know that I will be able to make my goals come true it is going to take a lot of hard work on my part and I am going to try my best to accomplish all that I set out to do.

Most of what I have wanted has come to pass I did find a medicine that didn’t cause stomach issues and also allowed me to think clearer. I have went on to making better grades which has made everyone so happy especially me. I have good supportive parents and amazing teachers who really and truly care about their students. I also feel that I have had the privileged to attend the best public high school in the state of Ohio. Life is good and I am truly blessed!

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece so that people that have A.D.H.D know that they are not alone. They can also do whatever they set out to do A.D.H.D. is just an obstacle.

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