Personal experience essays written by teens | Teen Ink

Personal Experience

Most recently submitted Personal Experience Articles

By Anonymous

Over the past few years, you’ve been the person that has meant the most to me. I was never disappointed in you, never angry, and I never wanted you to leave. When I was around you,...

MumblingMelanie DIAMOND, Jackson, Missouri
79 articles 0 photos 210 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't be a victim; be a titan.

Quincy, Florida
AndiMeg BRONZE, Quincy, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don\\\'t give up on what you\\\'re not suppossed to be!

By Anonymous
By crazy4music GOLD
Sewell, New Jersey
crazy4music GOLD, Sewell, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

By Anonymous
By justkidding GOLD
Shelton, Connecticut
justkidding GOLD, Shelton, Connecticut
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:

By OfficialApprover PLATINUM
Orefield, Pennsylvania
OfficialApprover PLATINUM, Orefield, Pennsylvania
48 articles 0 photos 1752 comments

Favorite Quote:
Grab life by the balls. -Slobberknocker<br /> We cannot change the cards we&#039;re dealt just how we play the hand<br /> Experience is what you get when you didn&#039;t get what you wanted<br /> It&#039;s pretty easy to be smart when you&#039;re parroting smart people<br /> -Randy Pausch

By Holly_Frost GOLD
Henrietta, Texas
Holly_Frost GOLD, Henrietta, Texas
17 articles 5 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
Individuality makes us human

Amsterdamsel DIAMOND, Henderson , Nevada
54 articles 2 photos 69 comments