How to Trout fish | Teen Ink

How to Trout fish

September 28, 2018
By justin-sturdevant BRONZE, Jber, Alaska
justin-sturdevant BRONZE, Jber, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fishing is one of the many fun challenges that people all around the world participate in. From the small bluegill in a pond to a piranha in the amazon all the way to giant bluefin tuna in the deep sea. The multitude of methods that are used are in the thousands. With river trout fishing there are still a lot of ways to do such but the best are using an inline spinner such as a rooster tails. There are also soft plastics like salmon eggs and mouse tails. The most productive and widely known way is fly fishing, which has a lot of subcategories and methods within it self.

With most river trout, what attracts them are bright colors and shine compared to bass or catfish that can be


very responsive to smell. With this comes the extremely popular use of rooster tails which are an inline spinner that has small feathers attached to the base above the hook. The hook is usually a treble hook which is a hook with 3 points. The best way to go about using an inline spinner is to use what is called a spinning rod and reel and you cast in all directions. This allows the trout to see the lure in all presentations. As the day progresses from

early morning to mid morning

and so on you will need to switch what colors you use. What i suggest in the early hours of the morning i have found that using a black or a darker color to be the most efficient as it gives a good reflection of the light of the












sun rise but has a darker shade to match the darkness of the water. The colors that i have found to work best as the day goes on is white, orange, yellow or gold, and neon green. Inline spinners are easy to use as they are all used the same technique for each. The only downfall with using these are that they will twist your line which can have negative effects to casting distance and can tangle with in your reel. If using a spinner is not being productive when trout fishing then you can always switch to a different method with numerous options.

One of those options is another very popular method of using soft plastic baits such as mouse tails, salmon eggs, and small plastic worms. These require more patience to use as it is a more “traditional” way that some of us have probably grown up with that involve a bobber, hook and a weight. Just about any rod and reel combo is sufficient when using these but i suggest using a shorter rod as the cast just have to make it across the river. the reel that works the best is a  spinning reel as it is suited more towards this kind of fishing.

To attach the hook you just use a simple sinch not or whatever you like to use to tie on your lures. Then you set your depth with your bobber and then put your weight on the line to help with keeping the lure down under the current of the river.


The last step is to run the hook through the lure. The placement of the hook is all based on what the bait is that your using and/or the presentation of the lure. Generally you run the hook through the bulk or the larger portion of the bait. You can cast these just about anywhere and will most likely have success. The brand that i finds works the best is power bait. These are usually sold at every tackle shop and have baits for to only trout but bass and other fish as well. The only negative effects of these are that these wear out quickly and have to buy them often. They come in packs together so this isn't a big problem but its not optimal. Another problem for some people is this lure requires

patience which some fishermen and women lack. Overall these are a reliable method to fishing.

The other very popular method of trout fishing








is fly fishing, this is completely different than any other method. Fly fishing uses the weight of the line instead of the weight of the lure as most of the lures are generally weightless. Fly fishing is another topic of discussion of how to but the basics of the baits is what i'll be explaining. When choosing a bait for fly fishing takes a special skill and you will have to try a lot of them before you get the right one. The time of the day also determines what you should use. The lure that you chose is based on what insect is hatching that day and there are different sites you can visit that will explain that better but in the early morning you need to use a sinking fly to replicate the larva of that insect but as the sun starts to rise you can use a sinking fly that looks more like the bug as its rising to the surface. Once the sun is up it's best to switch to a fly that floats as this acts like an insect that has made it to the surface and is drying its wings to prepare for flight. Other flies that you can use about any time of day are worms, ants and beetles. These represent the insects that fall out of the trees that are over parts of the river. With fly fishing there are numerous options and methods to approach it.

Trout fishing can be a very difficult activity but the pay off of knowing just a little bit of what you're doing can be the difference between catching all the fish versus not catching anything. Good luck fishing.

The author's comments:

This was a project in my english class.

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