Action is Being Taken | Teen Ink

Action is Being Taken

August 1, 2009
By Parker Grogan BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Parker Grogan BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Earlier in the year I wrote an article that explained how I am very frusterated with the way people were handling steroids. I wanted to continue this article because people have been taking action. Baseball has made numerous aligations into this era of steroids and have found many people that have used these illegal preformance enhancing drugs that have made the game what you could say, "phony".

I was watching televison the other day and noticed that they had alleged David Ortiz with using these drugs. I couldn't believe it a man that had helped his team achive so many things had basically cheated. I began to get frustrated because these people that are investagating this topic had let out another name of about 103 names of people that have used steroids. This was what I have wanted for so long just someone to take it upon themselves to find these cheaters.

What I didn't realize was how these names were not supposed to be let out. Now my feelings have changed. This investegation I have wanted for some time has been blown all over the media and they are taking it way to seriously. It is hard to watch t.v. and find how all I see is these arguments of how these people should be handled. All I wanted was to see the people that are taking them now to get taken care of. If it happened in the past they may have done it but they probably stopped. I know that one 14 year old kid can't make this much difference, but I would hope many people feel the same way. Why can we all just not use these drugs?

The author's comments:
This is a sequal to Steroids my first article

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This article has 1 comment.

sherbinej said...
on Sep. 24 2009 at 5:32 pm
"Action is being Taken" I think in this article the boys point of steroids is the same as mine. I think using steroids is cheating just as he said in paragraph two. Also the fact that theirs 103 names of people that used steroids that have not been discovered should just confess.I really like the last line where he says "Why cant we all just not use these drugs"Why cant we? Those where just a couple of things I liked about this article.