September 30, 2009
By Anonymous

I remember my 8th grade year when we won a championship game.We won almost all the games we played at the tournament, except for Dobie. Dobie was the only team that beat us in the tournament so we had to play them again for the championship game.After, Dobie was undefeated and I was kind of mad when they beat us but I was glad we had another chance to play them.

We was getting ready to play Dobie again I was so nervous my stomach started hurting I think I had butterflies. And, also everybody was just screaming. Dobie and then other people was yelling Murchison! The Delco was packed that night and everybody was in the gym it was very loud. It was time to play and it was time for the jump ball, Dobie was the first to get possession of the ball.

The first thing they did was shoot a three, and they missed it. Bout time we got to Halftime it was 24-38 and we was winning. So when we got to the locker room my teammates was so happy. My coach said,”we have a good lead let’s keep it up guys.
Now it was the end of Halftime. And, we came out fighting and playing good defense. My coach said,”as long as they don’t score we could keep the little lead we have but we was alright on defense but they still scored. But at the end of the game we won by like 20 or maybe a little more than that.
But all of that taught me to play hard if you don’t wan’t to play hard go home and don’t play at all. My coach use to always say that,”play hard or go home.” Basketball is my sport so I got to play hard.

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This article has 1 comment.

donaldj said...
on Oct. 21 2009 at 7:27 pm
This was a great basketball story. I would have like to know what the name of team was and where the tournament was. Your story did not create a great image on my mind. You could have described the sceen a little more to let reader to get a better image. You could have also talked about what colors the jerseys were and maybe even describe a good play that your basketball team had during the game.