Ultimate Frisbee | Teen Ink

Ultimate Frisbee MAG

By Anonymous

   Frisbee. To many people the very word brings back memories of long trips to the beach with their parents or endless hours of gym class. To me, it means friendship, camaraderie, and a sense of accomplishment. This is all aside from the intended connotation of a good time. This is because last year I joined an Ultimate Frisbee league.

Ultimate, as it is often called, has similar rules to soccer, football and basketball. The disc used should weigh approximately 175 grams. Ultimate is played on a field 70 yards by 40 yards with end zones 25 yards deep. Teams score points by passing the frisbee into the end zone of the opposing team. Games are played to a previously agreed upon number, usually 15, winning by two. It is not permissible to run with the frisbee although the thrower may pivot to escape his or her defender. Play resumes after each point by pulling, throwing the disc to the other end of the field from the end zone. Possession changes when the disc goes out of bounds, is blocked, or is dropped. It is a sport with no physical contact between players.

Ultimate draws an amazing assortment of people. Where can one see uniform shirts worn with everything from bare feet to sneakers to cleats? Other uniform accessories include jeans, sweat pants and even bandannas with rock group logos. In our league we had a track star, soccer players, a karate instructor, a gymnast, college students, and some players still in middle or high school. Players in my league range from the ages of 12 to 35.

Why does Ultimate appeal to such a diverse group? The main reason is the spirit of the game. In frisbee there are no referees. Players call their own fouls and are responsible for their own conduct on the field. The main point of playing is to have fun. Disputes are settled between team captains. Many Ultimate players enjoy the game because it is a sport that stresses fair play and fun over competition.

When I first played frisbee, I could barely catch a disc. Thanks to the patience of my teammates and some coaching, I have learned a wonderful sport. The atmosphere is very relaxed and the people are enthusiastic about the game. I encourage everyone to find a league and go for it! Frisbee is not just for gym class anymore. l

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 21 2009 at 9:48 pm
zoeylife BRONZE, Mountain City, Tennessee
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Yay!!! Ultimate frisbee is so much fun!!! :D