Softball | Teen Ink


December 11, 2013
By Amber Fistler BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
Amber Fistler BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started of as a normal Saturday at a softball tournament in Des Moines. It was my first year of fourteen and under softball. This game taught me that attitude changes everything.

We were home team and I was playing left field. The game hadn’t started off the way we wanted it to, but we were still involved. The first time I went up to bat my friend was on first base. I was supposed to swing and miss, but I miss read the play. She was stealing second and got out because of my mistake, my coaches were very disappointed, I was in the doghouse for not doing what they wanted me to do. I was really discouraged, I didn’t want for her to get out. She was the second out. I wanted to change the game, I was tired of getting yelled at. I went back into
the batters box with the confidence of a champion. The first pitch was a little outside, right where I wanted it, I made contact and drove it right between center and left field. I was halfway to second base when my coach was shouting, “Slow down! It went over the fence! You hit a home run!” It was one of the best feelings I have ever had!

The next inning we were down by one and there were two outs, I was up to bat. There were girls on second and third, our team needed this win, I knew I had to do something about it. Again a flawless pitch comes right where I want it. I hit it right overhead of the center fielder’s head, it didn’t go over this time but I did get a stand up double. “Ball game!” shouts the umpire. We had won the game!

This game informed me a lot about character and how attitude has an effect on almost everything. It is up to you to make a difference. If it is at school, sporting event, or just hanging out with friends, the way you act can change everything.

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