Healing Fire | Teen Ink

Healing Fire

February 20, 2014
By Anonymous

I love it more than life. I want to continue to play basketball for at least four more years. I want to play at a higher level, and get stronger, and be better than ever before. It's my passion; it's my dreams. It's everything I've ever wanted. I want it so bad my heart aches for it and my soul searches for it. I've always been a basketball player, but recently my love and passion has burned stronger than before. Basketball became my escape from everything that hurt in the outside world, and it healed my heart. I'm in love with the swoosh of the net and the bounce of the ball. It calms my nerves; it brings life and love into my empty heart. It fills me with the joy I can't find anywhere else except on the court. I'd do anything to feel like that forever.

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