My Way Of Golf | Teen Ink

My Way Of Golf

April 23, 2014
By Freakychickens BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Freakychickens BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many people say that golf is boring, woeful, stupid, time consuming etc. They also say that it is not a sport. Golf is a sport in many different ways. This activity may be time consuming but it is completely opposite of what people say when they start. To some people this may be shocking but just an FYI, golf is a lot of fun. I drive my ball as straight as I can down the fairway, yet hit it with a lot of strength and smoothness. Patience is key in this game, patience is key to getting the ball in the hole.

I start out the game by hitting the ball down the fairway. Most commonly, before I hit, I get into position far enough away from the ball and take a few practice swings. I soon get into position near the ball and prepare to let ’er fly. Then, all is quiet, I take my swing. “Ping!”, and the ball is off, shooting down the fairway. I watch as my beautiful ball soars like a bird down the fairway, only to land in its grave, the sand trap. Did I hit too hard? No, maybe I hit too little. That's the thing, I never know when I hit it too much or too little. That’s why I just hit and hope that I hit it just right. Another key to this game is to not think, which opens the door to becoming a great golfer. I just swing, but with a lot of strength and smoothness. To keep the ball from going somewhere I don’t want it to go, I never take my eyes off of it. That is how I make sure I don’t swing and miss or I hit the ball right, left, or right in front of me. This all takes patience, something that could get you far in a career of golf. Lots of people swing and miss the ball. Everybody does it and the most common reason is because they get impatient and look away from the ball when they swing. Whenever I get frustrated or impatient I take a break to cool off and maybe eat something. Like I said, patience is the key to getting the ball in the hole.

When I get the ball in the hole it feels like I have saved the whole world from a giant dinosaur trying to devour us. I have never gotten a hole in one before but I have always wondered what it would feel like. Would it be as exciting as getting a new puppy? Or would it just be like what getting it in feels like? Since my dad has done this before, I decided to ask him. He said, “It is very shocking and extremely hard to believe what just happened.” I have chipped the ball into the hole a few times and it actually feels like I have accomplished something in my life. I mostly get the ball in the hole by putting, a lot, because, well, I’m a terrible putter. Golf is my way of life in the spring and sometimes in the summer with my family.

So as I drive my ball down the fairway I always put as much force behind it that I am capable of. But I also attempt to be patient so I can get my ball in the hole for the win, hopefully. Just the feeling when I watch the ball sail through the air, landing in just the right spot, says to me that this sport is fun and interesting. Golf is something that I want to majorly improve on. This is also one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I am never planning on giving it up and I always want it to be a big part of my life. This is something that I could do for the rest of my life. And hey, if golf was easy, we would all be Bubba Watson. Golf is very time consuming, but it isn't just a sport to me, it is a way of life, my way.

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