LeBron James | Teen Ink

LeBron James

September 30, 2014
By DeAndre Hochstetler BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
DeAndre Hochstetler BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lebron James moving to Cleveland, is that a good idea?

Lebron James moved to the Cleveland Cavaliers. He is the best basketball player in the world. He signed the contract in 2014 to go to the Cavaliers. The reason he did go the Cleveland Cavaliers was because he was a free agent after he played for the Miami Heat.

A lot of people look up to Lebron James but after he moved to Cleveland a lot of people weren't very excited for him. But then there was a lot of people were amazed about him moving. He played on Cleveland for 7 years before he moved to Miami for 4 years. He will be playing for cleveland in the 2015 season. Cleveland, Ohio is also his home town.

I think it’s a good idea that Lebron James is going back Cleveland. When he was still on the Cavaliers he promised them a championship game. Now he’s back and they will get to be The NBA champions one day. Now like everyone knows “the king is back.”

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