Ow He Hit Me | Teen Ink

Ow He Hit Me

October 23, 2014
By Kanijaee Lloyd BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
Kanijaee Lloyd BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on Jake just one more set, I know you’re not done yet,” said Robert. Jacob and Robert were in the middle of a heated sparring match at the Golden Hands gym in Los Angeles, California. A place of hard work and sweltering ambition, not a single weak minded fellow stood in the gym at any given time. Robert had Jacob on the ropes handling his friend any way he seemed fit when suddenly… SLAM!!!
“Every d*mn time i fall for it,” says Jacob who now lies motionless on the ring floor. Robert takes a few steps and hovers over Jacob just barely standing,
“You should know by now I will never go down without a fight.” says Robert. Jacob had been stung in his face by Roberts overhand punch. His signature move that seems to lurk into the shadows of his opponents mind, anyone who’s watched or fought Robert knows he hits when all seemed like its over and done.
“Sure are a crafty one, snake-like intentions.” says Mr.Goldwell who was the owner and manager of the elite boxers of the Golden Hands gym. He always stayed in the shop, countless hours of his life have been invested in this very building.
“Watching you two go at it creates a lil spark inside of me self,” says, Mr.Goldwell “I bet you two don’t even have a legit record of who wins the most between the two of...”
“That’d be me coach!” says Jacob as he interrupts and rises off the mat finally, “Don’t mind that last match i’m still up three.”
“At least his spirit doesn’t diminish.” says Mr.Goldwell as he lets out a hearty chuckle. “But lets cut to the reason why im here, are you two ready for your next match coming this friday night, your opponents are tough ones especially for this soft, sneaky Robert.” Robert and Jacob look each other in the face and not before two seconds they both bust out in laughter.
“Even I found that one hard to believe, i’m already ready for the middleweight champion.” said Robert.
“I like the confidence, I hope you can back it up with your fist.” says, Mr.Goldwell.
“He can’t even handle me yet and don’t even bring up what just happened here, I closed my eye for a second because of all this sweat running into it.” said Jacob.
“Awww shut that up.” said by Robert and Mr.Goldwell in unison while the rest of the gym began to chuckle themselves.

The next few days had passed and its now thursday, while  Robert and Jacob did their daily morning run around the busy city they noticed a poster on one of the light poles speaking of two undefeated boxers in their weight class.
“Hey is that who I think it is?” Jacob stops completely and sprints to the poster.
“What the heck are you doing knuckle head we have another mile to go?!” says Robert who is considerably tired as it is a smothering 90 degrees today.
“I don’t care about this routine right now, thats Tyreek from 5th grade!” said Jacob whose face is currently a tomato red and not from the heat but his anger.
“Chill out Jake the veins are gonna pop in your neck if you don’t.” said Robert.
“Even Rehmon is on here Rob, does this not get to you even in the slightest way, or do you not remember all those days during recess?” “I’m going back to the gym right now, i’m going to settle this once and for all.” With these being Jacobs final words to Robert before he dashed to Golden Hands with all the power in his legs. Busting through the door he races to Mr.Goldwells office with the poster in his hand. 10 minutes later Robert trails in gasping for air.
When he enters the room he finds Jacob basically screaming with no intentions of calming down.
“Him, I want him now, bashing his face in is the only motive I have. Give me him NOW!!” said Jacob, Robert lays his hand on an aggravated, restless, and stubborn Jacob.
“Now is that any way to talk to the old man Jake? Calm down or you won’t be fighting anything but practice dummies. Maybe even the man himself.” Robert chuckles yet Jacob doesn’t move an inch. Only locked in the face on the poster on the table.
“Jacob usually I have no problem placing you into a fight, the amount of potential within your gloves during a match is nearly unlimited.” Taking a pause and looking down onto the poster Mr.Goldwell continues “I’m not sure this is the time to mix emotions into business matters, this man Tyreek is ranked 5th in middleweight boxing and you are ranked 21.”
“Thats 16 ranks.” coming out of Roberts mouth under his breath.
“Playing around with your career like this is absurd Jacob, heed this advice from Robert and I.” said in a stern voice. When Mr.Goldwell finally lifts his head to lock eyes with Jacob he met a burning pierce of fire in his brain. This was Jacobs will overpowering reason in all ways possible.
“Please, I want to fight this man. Nothing else will rest my soul until I do.” Not an inch of muscle moved until Mr.Goldwell spoke
“Alright if you insist so much i’m going to train you like never before and you better give it your all after so much whining to get into this.” A sign of relief from Jacob, so determined to begin training.
“I’m here 4 AM sharp, waiting for you coach!” screams Jacob
“Quiet down we’re still in the office Jake.” says Robert who rubs his ears gently.
“How about uhhh… 8:30?” says Mr. Goldwell who is barely able to speak because of laughter. “Ok now scram I need to eat these fried bananas, i’m famished.”

Both Robert and Jacob leave the office, Robert prepares to go home and rest up before coming back to hit the mitts (mittens) for a few. But not before he exchanges words with Jacob.
“Leaving already I see, such a softy as always.”
“Kicked your butt today, so it doesn’t bother me much what you say.” Robert grins and walks out of the gym not looking back. The next day and training is just as intense as promised. Jacob had ran 11 suicides with only one break and wasn’t even given a second of air.
“You wanted a champions breakfast and now you’ve got it youngster, don’t bail out on me now its about to get real.” said Mr.Goldwell. Robert couldn’t bear to watch his friend go through torture. The two buddies haven’t really talked much since the situation within the office. Before you knew it a week had already passed, and the three of them are in the media day to see if the fighters have made weight for their upcoming matches tomorrow. Grinding his teeth while glaring over at Tyreek, the friction could start a forest fire if enough wood was around.
“I’ll get him, if its the last thing I do i’ll get him.”
“Calm down its not the time nor place, wait it out just one more day.” says Robert trying to reason with a pissed Jacob. Walking over calm and collected, Mr.Goldwell has a few words himself.
“Yeah and this isn’t just some silly child squabble you have, this is your career.” “Take this as seriously as you can, remember you are a boxer.”
“And a victim.” Whispers Jacob who stomps out of the room in anger of reminisce.

“Fighters touch gloves, no hitting below the belt I want a clean fight.” The referee drops his hand and the match begins. DING DING!!!! Jacob races out of his corner throwing every punch you can name off the tip of your tongue.
“Jacob what the h*ll are you doing, you’ll go down in the first minute fighting like that.” Mr.Goldwell slamming his hands onto the mat from the red corner.
“Look at him go he’s really into it.”
“Yeah this is definitely what I paid for man.”
“Smash his head in bro!!!”
“Yeah go for it, this match is yours.” were the crowds comments the first 60 seconds into the fight. But Robert knew what was going on and exactly what would happen if Jake wouldn’t box the right way. The two minute mark hits round 1 and Jacob is slower than a turtle. Tyreek see’s the chance he’s been waiting for so patiently. Firing two quick jabs to Jacobs nose. (Zing) (Thump).... Jacob is on his back staring into the stadium lights. Consciousness fading
“What happened, am I dead?” struggling to get out his words.
“No but you did lose, and you took that loss with no honor.” said Mr.Goldwell who heads for the door meeting Robert at the doorway, Robert raises a finger to his mouth and tip toes into the recovery room.
“How’s your head Jake you took a mean stinger out there?”
“Man I don’t know what the heck happened, I was so wrapped up in my revenge the picture of what kind of punch won’t even come to mind.” said Robert
“A simple jab did the trick, you threw about one thousand punches in under two minutes. If you weren’t tired by that theres no way you’re still human.” Robert chuckles. “Old man wells looked really disappointed but he’s glad your A-ok.”
“Rob, i’m done.”
“Done what Jake?” Jacob turns his head slow and says
“Boxing.” Jacob then closes his eyes as if he’s sound asleep.
“Jacob what do you mean?!?!?” “Hello? JAKE!!!” Robert panicked. Jacob heard his friend voice fade over time until…..

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