GOAL! | Teen Ink


November 13, 2014
By Neymar11 BRONZE, Lewisville Tx, Texas
Neymar11 BRONZE, Lewisville Tx, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    I wake up in the morning with a ring, I get up too fast and get light headed and fall back down on my bed. I wake up again and I check the time and its 9:30 a.m. I go to my closet and get my cloths and put them on, and I also put on my cleats and go to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and ate.  My mom come o me and says we got 15 minutes till we leave. I start eating fast and I went to go do my hair. After that I got into the car and went to my soccer game.
When we were driving there, I concentrated in my head of how I’m going to play at the game and how hard it’s going to be, it was going to be a fight to death.  When we got there I went on to the field and I could smell the fresh air and fell the grass and the ball with the touch of my shoes. When I saw the enemy player’s faces I could tell that they were not going to give up and fight for 2nd place.  I went to my team and when we got our positions. I went to my positions and when the referee blew that whistle the war had started.
  Andy passed it to Jr and then to me and started taking the ball up and I then tricked the enemy player and I crossed it to Andy  and he scored. We all were celebrating while  the enemy team was sad looking down at the ground. When we put the in the middle for kick off, I said to Andy “Lets put another one in the net!!” , When they kicked we interpreted the ball and Andy was going for the 2nd goal but he got tripped and fell with pain and all the grass and mud in his face. The referrer gave us a free kick. Andy told me to take the kick, so I did. I blasted it and dipped it and the goalie saved my shot at the last second. The referrer blew the whistle, Half time.
We got back on the field and they started with the ball. They’d kicked and they rushed us trying to score with speed, Alan tried to stop him but crossed up Alan and scored. I went to Alan and said, “Don’t be scared to attack him, You make him scared.” He said ok and we got the ball and kicked off.  Andy passed it to me and I started taking it up and I was going through everybody and I was about to cross it but I got tripped and it was corner. I went to guy who tripped me and started a fight with, we started pushing each other and almost started punching each other until the referrer came. We set up the ball and Andy was getting ready to cross it. He blasted it and I saw it coming and Jr tried to hit it with his head but he was too short and barely missed it, I saw it coming and I touched it with my chest and I shot it with a volley and my left foot put it into the net. I started screaming and running with joy and the whole team tackling me to the ground and celebrating. My mom was screaming and she was screaming “that’s my son who scored!!!”,  and she kept screaming and had tears in her eyes. With all that happening all at once, I knew that heaven is for real and that there is faith. The referrer blew the whistle and it was game over, it ended 2-2. The enemy team fought and tried to beat us but they forgot that we weren’t giving up either. We shook hands with the team and shook hands with the referrers and thank them. Everybody was proud of me and I was too, I went home with joy and excitement.



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