Big 8 Conference Collision | Teen Ink

Big 8 Conference Collision

November 14, 2014
By cookeletsgo BRONZE, Concord, Michigan
cookeletsgo BRONZE, Concord, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Last Friday night I had a varsity football game at Springport. It was Springport’s Homecoming also, so we really wanted to beat them bad because someone wrecked our Homecoming so we wanted to wreck theirs. The players from Springport and Concord really do not like each other so I really thought that there was going to be a fight on the field. Before the game, in the locker room we were all saying how bad we need this win. Like we were saying that if we beat Springport, that we go out of this season with a big bang. So when we were heading out to the field there was a whole crowd full of Springport fans and then there were barely any Concord fans.

When the game started I thought that we were going to get blown out. The first quarter did not go as well as we planned, the Spartans were just whooping us through the air and when we went into that game we thought that Springport was not going to throw it at all. So the first quarter we were losing 20-6. But then we realized that Springport was over rated and did not hit hard at all. So we started to step up our game a little bit. So in the second quarter we held them to zero points and we scored a touchdown and a two point conversion. So we were losing 12-20. During half time the coaches were really proud that we got right back into the game. So we kept saying “let’s go.” We knew that a touchdown wasn’t enough to stop us from winning this game.

So when we were eating bananas and drinking Gatorade in the locker room of Springport we were getting ready for the second half of their Homecoming. We were getting so hype to kickoff the football to the home team. As we were warming up on the field we started to talk and saying “let’s win this for Brice,” because Brice got injured in the first quarter cause his knee popped out of place again.

During the third quarter we should have got a touchdown on defense because Clayton Simmons stripped the ball out of the running backs hands while he was trying to pitch, and he was on the 30 yard line and there wasn’t a kid within 20 yards of him. Then the referee blew his whistle. He said he choked on it, but we knew why he blew it. So it was Concord ball where Clayton stripped it.

So no one scored in the third quarter of that game. The fourth quarter came and we were still trailing 12-20. When it was only 30 seconds left in the game we are on the 5 yard line and Chase runs the ball in and we are down 18-20. Then Chase passes the ball to Clayton and scores the 2 point conversion. So the game is tied 20-20. Going into overtime we lost the coin toss and Springport elected to play defense first. Well so we lost in overtime when Springport scored on their first drive and we never scored.    

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