Shattered | Teen Ink


October 13, 2015
By Utilityman BRONZE, Mildland, Michigan
Utilityman BRONZE, Mildland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lights, Camera, Action. The bus arrives and we head into the locker room. “Backs and Receivers in 5 minutes!” Hopefully I didn’t forget anything, thinking as I unload my bag. Getting dressed and lacing my cleats, the room is quiet. I stand, buckle my helmet and leave alone.


Thoughts find themselves in your mind as the jog out begins. How did I get to this moment? What brought me here? Remembering all the people who’ve had their doubts, a smile joins me. This is going to be great, and I hope they’re all here.

Warm-ups started and the tension arose. Climbing in anticipation for that big moment. Enjoy the experience, don’t mess up, catch the ball. Do it for your school, your family, and your future. Do whatever you have to and put your life on the line.

Drink. Hydrate every chance you get, but not too much. Don’t cramp. Stretch out and stay loose, but how do I stay loose with all these responsibilities? It’s just a game, have fun with it, they say. Even though one play could end your career.

Running through a few plays, the guys are ancy. Then to the locker room with no more than 15 minutes until kickoff. Stay calm, let the moment come to you and be ready. The coach’s speech comes and goes with a roar. “Play proud!” they yell exiting the tunnel.

The band plays as the team runs onto the field. Emotion is overwhelming and completely exhilarating at the same time. Helmets off, the anthem plays. It finishes with us huddling and exciting each other even more. You close your eyes and break the huddle.

“Kick-Return!” they shout, and you realize it’s your time. Lining up in the front row, focused on the ball. The whistle blows and the kicker moves forward. The band and crowd going wild while your heart is racing. You know you’re ready.

Then Silence. The ball leaves the kicker’s foot and you start to move, but you can’t hear anything. It’s such a complete silence it catches you off guard and time freezes. The field, the crowd, the game, all hits you at once and you realize.

That moment is now.

The author's comments:

Leaving for college football soon, this is what i feel while playing.

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