Leaving a Legacy | Teen Ink

Leaving a Legacy

March 6, 2016
By jpeirson BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jpeirson BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kobe bryant by far is one of the greatsest basketball players to ever play the game. After 20 years in the NBA (national basketball association) Kobe bryant has announced this season of 2016 will be his last. Most people would think that a player in his last season would want to play as much as possible before his carrer ends but Kobe bryant has actually been playing less... on purpose. Kobe bryant plays for the Lakers and in the recent NBA Draft the Lakers drafted D'angelo Russell. Kobe has deliberatly taken his playing time away to let the rookies and backups get more playing time. Not only is Kobe bryant leaving behind a legacy of legendary basketball but he his going out honorably.  

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