The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

May 6, 2016
By Brayton BRONZE, NewHolland, Ohio
Brayton BRONZE, NewHolland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I felt the ball meet the bat in the perfect spot. I didn't know where the ball went or landed I just heard the crowd yell with a gigantic roar. It was a bright and hot Sunday morning. My baseball team was traveling to Heath. Which is an hour and thirty minutes away from my house. I was not in the mood to travel that far to play two games in the hot sunny day.

When I got there we stretched and took infield before we started our game. During the first game I wasn't doing so hot at all. I struck out and grounded out the whole first game. To be exact my whole team wasn't doing so hot. We had multiple errors and we couldn't score very many runs. We lost the first game of the double header.

In between games I went to go get something to eat and drink. My dad stopped me and told me that I was going to need to come around for us to actually win a game. This game was early in the year and we hadn't won a game yet. Our team record was about 0-5. As I thought about it I really wanted to get a win for our team. I remember as one of my coaches once said about playing doubleheader games, “Nobody is going to remember the first game the last game of the doubleheader will be the one they all remember”. I tried to get my team pumped up so we could win. Then the game started there wasn't a lot of action in the field. The innings went threw up three down, three up three down. It was a really boring game in fact.

But as the game went on Heath scored 4 and we hadn't scored any runs. I continued to struggle at the plate. My only good plate appearance was a walk. And that didn't amount to anything because we would just continue to get three out right in a row. No one on my team including me couldn't get a good inning going. As the last inning approached us we were still scoreless. Heaths starting pitcher was still in the game and we couldn't get hits off of him. There pitcher started out the last inning and we started to hit the ball off of him. Hit after hit after hit.

I was on deck when I noticed that the other team was warming up another pitcher. And as I watched him I realized he was throwing the hardest I had ever seen a kid of our age throw. When I was on deck my friend Jake was up and he hit a double which only put us down by one run, with him on second and I was up to bat. Once the play was over the coach for the other team came out to the pitcher's mound to make a pitching change. He looked to the bullpen and called the kid in to come pitch.

As I watched him warm up I got even more nervous. My hands were getting clammy and I started sweating really bad. But the worst thing was that my heart was racing a thousand things worse. I thought my heart was going to burst through my chest. My dad walked over to me from the third base side and told me to stay calm and to put the bat on the ball. There was one out in the last inning of the game. I wasn't even looking for a home run, just a solid hit. As I stepped into the batter's box I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

The first pitch was on the way and I didn't swing, all I heard was “Strike one”. So I got back in the box less afraid and I looked at the next pitch but it was a ball. The count was 1-1. The next pitch I swung and I felt it fly off the bat in the perfect spot. I ran as hard as I could to first base, because I didn't know it was a home run right away. Halfway to first I heard a roar in the crowd and my coach on first base say “That's the game”. I looked at the field umpire and he was twirling his hand, as in the signal for home run. I rounded third and was on my way to home all my teammates were surrounding home plate waiting for me to get there. It was the best feeling of my life to give my team the first win of the season. After the game I got my home run ball from my coach.

As the season went on we continued to win. My team went to a state tournament and we really excelled in those games. Our team took seventh in that tournament. But also at the end of the year our team finished fifth in state.

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