How Schools in the Philippines Are Different from Schools in the US | Teen Ink

How Schools in the Philippines Are Different from Schools in the US

September 27, 2018
By Abree09 BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
Abree09 BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Schools in different parts of the world may have the same goal which is to teach and provide learning to students, but schools in different countries like Philippines and USA may have lots of differences on their school system.

First of all Technology, technology in schools in the US and Philippines are so different. Public schools in the Philippines barely gets technology, unlike private schools in the Philippines where we have television at every classroom and computers for doing online works which we use at least twice a week. In the Philippines, both public and private schools still use notebooks/fillers for writing notes. We also still use study books for every subject which we bring almost everyday. Unlike most schools here in the US where most of them have like a chromebook device which I can say is pretty neat because you can write your notes and have all the study aids in one device instead of carrying many notebooks and books a day. I find this good to mother nature too because instead of wasting lots of papers for notebooks,books, papers we print for assignment; We get to save trees buy using chromebooks. I can say that this transition from carrying notebooks/ books to a chromebook helped me a lot because it helps me become more organized with my school things and it makes me carry less school materials everyday. For me I hope that schools in the Philippines would have this technology because devices like the chromebook really helps a lot of students especially those students who carry lots of school things and commute at the same time. Unlike in the US students use their chromebooks everyday in class.

Another huge difference is unlike in America where the students move to different classes, In the Philippines the teachers move to the classes where as the students stay put. School hours in the Philippines are completely different than school hours here in the US. In the Philippines we usually have around 9-10 subjects in a day, unlike here in america we get only around 7 subjects a day. We get longer hours there because schools there are required to have Christian living because of the population of catholics in the Philippines and a filipino subject which is really required since that is our mother tongue. Here in America public schools are free until grade 12. In the Philippines Public schools are awful and has a small amount of tuition. Public schools in the Philippines are not air-conditioned, too crowded per classroom, bad classrooms, and ugly amenities. I myself studied in a private school since I was young in the Philippines, the private school’s I’ve been to are nice but compared to the public schools here in the US they are almost the same but US have better classrooms, amenities and many more little.

Schools in the Philippines are more strict than schools in the US. In the Philippines, both public and private schools require students to use a uniform. Here in the US, public schools are allowed to wear any civilian attire and even shorts! I like how that works because we get to choose what we wear and what we are comfortable with, unlike in the Philippines where people use uniform and knowing Philippines( a country near the equator, meaning it’s a hot country) would be so uncomfortable for the students. Oral presentations are also more emphasized in the Philippines, students usually present powerpoint presentations for every subject lots of times in a week. Students also have lots of public speaking and what we call “board works” which is somehow fun and a good way to learn.

There are also differences in little ways like for education in the Philippines like there is only one lunch period for all students, where we also have longer lunch periods and have lots of food stalls and many more differences but in my opinion and perspective they have the same goal and objective which is to teach and help students succeed in life.

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