An Adventure | Teen Ink

An Adventure

December 14, 2010
By Anonymous

Imagine a fire-engine red eighteen passenger van packed with eight people and enough food, camping supplies, clothes, and entertainment for two weeks. Sounds fun, right? I didn’t think so in third grade, when my mom told me I was going to be going on a road trip in the mid-west with her, my two older brothers, my aunt, and my three cousins. The moms were not exactly sure where we were going to stop along the way from New Orleans to South Dakota; they said we would stop at anything that looked interesting. With this mentality it is no wonder we got lost more than a few times. According to my mom however, we were never lost, just on another adventure. And adventures we had. We saw Mount Rushmore, Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park, and the Badlands. Although we went on this trip almost eight years ago, we still always reminisce about the many memories we made. We always laugh about the time my cousin threw up because my brother put his feet in my cousin’s face. Another beloved memory is how we would have to walk through the hotel lobby two by two so all eight of us could stay in one room. Although I was not looking forward to going on this trip, it was an unforgettable experience that taught me an important life lesson. Although you may lose your way in life, you are never lost; you are just on another adventure.

The author's comments:
While lost in collage decision making, I rememnbered what I had learned on this trip.

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