Waterpark Guests For Lifeguards | Teen Ink

Waterpark Guests For Lifeguards

December 7, 2014
By Anonymous

There are many types of people you will find at the water park. From a lifeguards point of view you will need to have a good knowledge of all of these types of people if you want to know what to expect from them while doing your job. All in all they can be classified as the troublemakers, the where-are-your-parents, the foreigners, and the model guests. Paying attention to each type of guest can help you very much to be prepared for what they are going to do so nothing will catch you off guard. As long as you keep a close eye on them it should become quite obvious what you've got to deal with as each one differs very much from the next.

The Troublemakers
Starting off with the worst of the worst, the troublemakers do exactly as their name denotes. They are at the water park because they are looking to cause mischief. Splashing, obnoxious yelling, and running are all traits that make them stand out from the rest. Better get your whistle ready and keep on the look out because this group manages to take up a very large amount of the guests overall. They require more attention than most as they can not be left alone or they will be free to wreck havoc on the other guests and each other which they will always find simply hilarious, which only leads to them getting worse and worse unless you stop them as soon as possible. Most of these consist of children and teens but from time to time there are the occasional adults (usually in groups of 3 or so middle age guys) so its easy to see them coming long before they get started.

The “Where-Are-Your-Parents”
This group is certainly problematic but not as influential on the other guests as the troublemakers. These consist of younger kids causing trouble, not listening to any rules, running, screaming, cutting in line, all that you'd expect from a little undisciplined child. Their name is the real problem with them, their parents are nowhere to be found. You can try as hard as you'd like to get them to listen but to no avail as the only thing that will make it through to them is the commanding voice of their mom or dad and with them nowhere in sight, you're going to have to hope with all of your being that they will get bored and leave or some parental figure will drag them screaming back to their car which seems to be the only way they go. They are a bad influence on all the other kids which can only lead to more problems especially when there are more than one of them and unfortunately as it is, birds of a feather flock together.

The Foreigners
This set of guests are the greatest in quantity of the bunch but how bad they are to work around can vary. You can figure out which ones to categorize in here by simply listening to them speak. Spanish, French, German, and sometimes a real heavy accent with some broken English quickly shows who they are and what you can expect. The one thing these people have in common is the inability to fluently or effectively speak proper English. There are times however where this group is not as bad as it may sound. Suppose you hear a group of Spanish speakers coming up next in line, instead of fearing what may be an impending catastrophe they may just look ahead and after seeing what is going on from a well mannered guest and maybe a basic hand signal or two from yourself, they will go straight ahead and do what they are supposed to do with no issues whatsoever. There is always the other side however which is to be worried about. The foreigners can equally be expected to go where they please and do what they believe is best without paying you or the other guests any attention and you are physically unable to tell them differently.

The Model Guests
After going through many of the groups it seems that you can never catch a break and you're doomed to suffer at the hands of every guest but that's not always the case. The model guests are the silver lining around all these dark clouds that make everything better again. You don't have to tell them twice what to do and they are always courteous to you and the others around them. You can confidently tell a confused guest to take a look at the model guest for the correct way to do something and save yourself a world of trouble. You can sit and relax knowing that they won't cause you any problems and give you all the time you need to focus on the others who need your help.

The author's comments:

I wrote this article after working a year at a waterpark as a lifeguard about all the different guests that I would see on a daily basis.

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