Treasure of Waukesha County | Teen Ink

Treasure of Waukesha County

April 20, 2015
By SeanStraka GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
SeanStraka GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Purchased in 1851, the land went from a tourist attraction, to a tuberculosis sanitarium, a School for boys, and now into the nature conservation area and park today. Year round, thousands of visitors enjoy the park for its natural beauty and plethora of trails winding through the hardwood forest.

Every winter, the trails are blanketed with snow. Layer after layer forms the park into a sanctuary for cross country skiers. You can cruise down the trail and gaze at the snow dusted branches. When the trail doesn’t have snow, but the winter has creeped in, no worries. Lapham Peak is one of the only trails in Wisconsin with man-made snow. People from all over flood the trails, including me and many other skiers on teams, vintage skiers, or anyone who wants to try the sport. Lapham Peak even has an area for ski rental right inside the entrance.
During this time of year, there is a 12k Race known as the Lapha
m Loppet. And the park holds multiple high school ski races, including a weekly set of races. When the snow is gone, the summer stage has multiple performances. you can stop by on multiple days to view the entertaining events. During rain or shine, warm or cold, Lapham is open and welcoming to all. It is a True Treasure of Waukesha County.

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