Penbrook Park | Teen Ink

Penbrook Park

April 21, 2015
By mnjohnson23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
mnjohnson23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Penbrook Park located at the end of Penbrook Way in Hartridge Subdivision is a place where countless memories have been created. Each park is unique in it’s own way, but this one,  is one that suits all personalities and signifies my treasure of Waukesha County.
Each adventure taken to Penbrook Park was one where new things were found. Every bike ride that my sister and I took to the library, we made it a point to go through the trails of Penbrook Park. Tree branches that dazzled in length surrounded each paved path. Racing down hills and stopping to find new things made this place special. Animals scurrying up trees, disrupting colorful bird’s song of life all as our tires freshly roll down the asphalt.
It’s a place for trails, but it’s also a place for adventure. I spend days kite flying and playing tennis. Sand dust flew like raindrops in a storm, as gusts of wind trapped in the kite’s sail and my tiny body glided forward. My brother stood behind me least before he  grabbed me.
Each memory engraved in my brain shows the magnitude of how much bliss one simple playground can bring. When I’m there the only things I hear are the calling of nature, loving families laughing loudly, and intense games of baseball, basketball, and tennis. The adaptability of Penbrook Park and the adventure is what helps make Penbrook Park special and unique. This is a true treasure of Waukesha county.

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