Breitenbach-- A Sip of Joy | Teen Ink

Breitenbach-- A Sip of Joy

April 28, 2015
By Joshua Billman BRONZE, Dundee, Ohio
Joshua Billman BRONZE, Dundee, Ohio
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     Outside a little town in Amish country on the Old State Route 39, there is a business that gets a lot of attention all over the United States. That place is a little winery with a big reputation called Breitenbach Winery.  Breitenbach is more than just a winery, it is a legacy and a family.
     Founded by Dalton “Duke” Bixler in 1980, he had one thing in mind, to let people try his wine even though he had only ten wines. He joined the Ohio Wine Producers Association in 1980 and he was the twentieth member.  “I never would have imagined growing to the size and recognition that Breitenbach enjoys today,” Dukes explains. He now has over forty different wines including his three bestsellers that have there since the beginning- Frost Fire, Roadhouse Red, and First Crush. Starting from his 1,500 gallon wine cellar, Breitenbach grew into one of the biggest in the state in less than ten years. This spot has become a very popular stop for tourists all over the world. It is said that it is “one of the most visited winery in the state.” 
     Dalton “Duke” Bixler was born in 1939 on a farm between Navarre and Bolivar and is the youngest of seven children. Even though his parents were a steelworker and a homemaker, when he was young he would dream to be an entrepreneur and to own his own junk yard filled with different things. It is amazing that even when he was seven years old, he was selling fresh berries and fruits, and he still is today with his fruit and berry wines seventy years later. After years of hitchhiking, finding unique places, and after his time in the air force, Duke returned to Sugarcreek and married his wife Cynthia. He had many jobs before the winery such as an auto repairman, delivering ice, and owning a cheese and meat store. With an idea for a different business, the couple bought seventy acres outside of Sugarcreek in the 1970’s. They opened the wine store in September 1980 and named it Breitenbach, which translates to “broad or bright stream” in German.
The production of the wine in the beginning ages of the store was 1,500 gallons a year and now, several expansions later, Breitenbach is now able to produce 150,000 a year. The store continues on with the help of their daughters- Anita and Jennifer. It has become the biggest family owned winery in the state of Ohio. The famous wines in the store have received so much recognition and medals that tourists are dying to get through the doors. The Roadhouse Red, Frost Fire, and First Crush are the wines that have put the place on the map and have stood the test of time.
     The store itself has more than just wine, it has food from the cafe with a wood fired oven and a BBQ on the patio. It also has a meat and cheese counter to pair with the wine, and many decorative items throughout the store. On Saturdays, there is entertainment on the patio for everyone to enjoy. There are also tours of the cellar every Friday and Saturday for interested parties that want to learn more about the winemaking process at Breitenbach.
     A recent addition to the winery is the Tool Shed on top of the hill next to the Breitenbach store. The Tool Shed is a place where wedding receptions are common and where other events for the winery take place. An upcoming event that is well known is the Dandelion Festival that is held the first Saturday in May. This festival was created because of the very popular wine, Dandelion, which Duke has perfected. There are countless people that come to this festival every year and always come back. There is also entertainment both Friday and Saturday in amphitheater while people go from food stand to food stand trying the different dandelion themed foods. On the Saturday of the festival, the Great Dandelion Cookoff begins and people enter different kinds of recipes with dandelions on or in it. There are many creations such as pizza, sausage, dandelion gravy over mashed potatoes and cakes or pies. Other events on the hill during the year include the Breitenbach Dog Show and Dog Run.
     Overall, this winery is a very special attraction to this area of Ohio. Simply because it brings in people from all over the country and puts this small town on the map. With all the people that travel to the area, more money is put into the community and with the money in the winery, the owner is able to give back to the community and help out with sponsoring events and donating within the community. With the new generation coming in to take over, this business has become a family.

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