A Special Place | Teen Ink

A Special Place

January 15, 2016
By Aschaum BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
Aschaum BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
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A Special Place
We all have a place on this earth that is special to us.  It could be anything from a relative’s house to a lake cabin in the woods, like in the painting “Sweet Memories” by Rick Rundsten.  As I first set eyes on this painting, I saw nothing but what it physically was.  A painting of a cabin on a lake. 
This painting is of a quaint cabin set near the shore of a quiet lake that is surrounded by a dense, deciduous forest.  The setting seems to be either late spring or early summer by the looks of the vegetation.  The cool water is a deep blue.  The shoreline is of alternating sand and tall grass with a small fire pit near the bottom-center of the frame.  Three small stumps surround the pit, probably used as seats.  A faded red boat sits far down the shore and a yellow canoe is near the cabin.  A small dock is also pulled up on the shore.
The cabin itself is rather dull, but has a certain warmth to it.  The walls are a dirty looking shade of white with one window and one sliding glass door.  The blinds appear to be shut on both.  The roof of the cabin is light green like the grass that grows around its base.  Outside of the sliding door there appears to be a small deck, perhaps for enjoying a nice summer sunset.  The cabin reminds me of the ones at a local resort, which I always associate with a rather unique, musty smell.
I think Rundsten’s goal of this painting was to capture a time and place that was special to him and share it with others.  Made apparent by the title, this painting must depict the setting of many memories.  The specific details within the painting, like the boats and fire pit, all seem to have a story behind them.  For example, maybe Rundsten and a friend tipped over the yellow canoe while paddling across the lake.  Maybe the dock was a pain to put in the water, so he painted it as it usually was.  Whatever the stories may be, I believe every element of this painting has some significance.
The painting as a whole gives me a feeling of peace and serenity.  It evokes
memories of childhood camping trips to the Black Hills, Hayward, Wisconsin, and various locations in Minnesota.  Each one of these trips has a specific detail or two that correlates with a story, like the roadkill antelope in South Dakota and the leeches at Cass Lake.  “Sweet Memories” also reminds me of my uncle’s cabin on Island Lake near Detroit Lakes.  It is partly because of the setting, but it is also due to the mood.  The scene captured in this painting brings me back to many fishing opener mornings spent at that cabin.  Every small detail shared by the painting and the cabin holds a special memory.  The light is hitting the trees in the same way it does at the time that we usually come back to the dock to restock our bait supply.  The dock in the painting looks just as my uncle’s did when he was too lazy to put it in the water before fishing opener.  At first glance, I never thought this painting would mean anything to me, but upon further reflection, it has become a gateway to years of precious memories.

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