Class B103 | Teen Ink

Class B103

June 14, 2022
By Goose_Rocky7, Massachusetts, Massachusetts
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Goose_Rocky7, Massachusetts, Massachusetts
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Ally turned the page of her Chemistry book in a bored manner. 

‘Chemistry is the worst’ she thought to herself. 

Ally was in her 10th grade Chemistry class and currently trying to figure out how to do this lab. The teacher had gone out of the room to make copies of the same lab for the next class. Her partner wasn't any help. She glanced at her partner Kavi who was on his phone. He was on Instagram and started to stalk this girl's account with a sly smile on his face. 

‘What an *sshole,’ Ally thought to herself, ‘He's probably after her next’. 

That's what Kavi always did, he would pick a random girl, treat her like she was special, and then dump her when he got bored. Ally was one of those unfortunate victims. She let out a small scoff and rolled her eyes. Her eyes then scanned the room to look for her best friend, Isaac. He was over at the sink, washing the dirty beaker he had just finished using. 

‘He looks so focused,’ Ally thought to herself while smiling softly.

Ally then looked around the rest of the classroom. She never realized how many people she didn't know in this class. She looked in the top, right corner of the classroom and saw a girl with short, curly, black hair. She has two buns on the top of her head with a beige bandana that was made into a headband that complemented her smooth, melanin skin. She had multiple ear piercings and a big cut on her left hand. She was currently playing with the pencil on her desk and talking with another girl.

‘She looks cool,’ Ally thought with a smile ‘Maybe I can talk to her and expand my social circle’ 

That being that her social circle was just Isaac and her golden retriever Finn. 

‘I think her name is Teagan’ she thought to herself.

She looked at the other girl that the girl with the bandana was talking with. She had straight, black, shoulder length hair and complimented her pale skin tone and her outfit by wearing a small light green headband. 

‘That other girl is also in my math class, her name is Noemi. Maybe I could get up and talk to-’ Ally’s thoughts get interrupted by a loud yelp…

Ally whipped her head to the other side of the class to see Beth and her twin brother Eli fighting over a small bottle of baking soda. 

“Eli let me do it!” said Beth “I want to see what will happen!” She yanked the bottle from Eli’s hands and pushed him to the floor and turned around to open the bottle. She turned her back to him so he wouldn't be able to get the bottle back. 

“No! You got to do the rest of the lab. I wanted to do this part! Give it back!” Eli yelled in protest as he fixed his rectangle glasses and leaped from the floor to try to get the bottle from his exuberant sister. He went behind her and tried to grab the bottle from her small hands. Eli had managed to grab the small bottle from Beth. They had a little tussle when both of them had at least one hand on the bottle and started tugging it back and forth. Suddenly, Eli let go and the baking soda went everywhere, especially on Beth; her long blonde hair now covered in the white powder and basic pink crop-top and new light blue high waisted jeans ruined. 

“Oh sh*t, Beth I am so sorry!” Eli said in shock

Beth immediately shrieked in annoyance and tried quickly to get the baking soda off of her. Beth then let her anger out on her sympathetic looking brother. 

“You little sh*t! Now look what you did” Beth shouted in a very angry manner, “You're the worst! And you wonder why nobody f*cking likes you!” 

Beth turned away from her brother and looked up. Everybody in the class was looking at them. Some stared in shock, some started to laugh, and a few others were recording. Beth could feel their judgmental eyes on her. Her face blushed red in embarrassment and fear while looking at everyone's faces. She then looked at her brother. His eyes were wide and about to fill with tears at her hateful comment. His ears went red; which is what happened when he was embarrassed. He just stood there, silent and still. Eli’s never had many friends. Well, he HAS friends but he was never able to make them on his own. Especially when they were young. He only got friends because of how popular Beth was. 

Beth couldn't face her brother right now. Or anybody else in the room. So, she went to the bathroom to clean herself up.

The room was silent. Everybody didn't know what to say. They all would have never expected Beth, the nicest person they had ever met, to blow up at her brother like that. Even if      they were siblings. Just then, Kavi erupted into a loud, obnoxious laughter. Some people in the class had turned to look at him, the rest just didn't bother with him and tried to continue the chemistry lab. 

Damn Eli…You sure are a nuisance” Kavi spoke in a teasing manner “She's right, you know.”

Kavi then got up from his seat next to Ally and slowly approached Eli. But before he could get too close, Ally grabbed his arm to stop him. 

“Shut up Kavi. You don't know what you’re talking about,” Ally exclaimed and attempted to drag him back to his seat but Kavi was able to slip out of her grasp. 

“Sit down Ally. You're not relevant here. Nor are you relevant in general,” Kavi said as his lips formed a sly grin. As Kavi and Ally were bickering, Isaac was keeping a close eye on them. Making sure things didn't get too out of hand. He knew that the both of them could get a bit…defensive. 

‘He thinks he so damn smart,’ Isaac thought to himself, ‘ *Insert something funny or something*’

Ally didn't pay any mind to his insults but decided to sit back down. Not before she insulted him a bit. Just to push his buttons.

“ *Ally's cool insult here*” She said while looking directly into Kavis eyes. 

Small chuckles came from different parts of the classroom as Ally looked to see Isaac looking her way, giving her a wide smile and a thumbs up. Most of the class wasn't paying attention to this bicking except for Teagan, Noemi, Eli, and Isaac. They all looked at Ally with their hands covering their small smiles and laughter. 

Eli gave Ally a sympathetic look and mouthed a quick ‘Thank you’ 

Kavi then starts to clap his hands slowly and has a weird victorouis smile on his face “I literally have no idea what you're saying right now” He says in attempt to make Ally look stupid.

Before she could say anything else the teacher stormed back into the classroom with a stack of papers in his hand. As he placed them on his desk, the class heard a loud, screeching alarm. Everyone in the class looked up from what they were doing and tried to figure out where that loud, obnoxious sound was coming from. 

Ally and Isaac locked eyes and looked at each other with confusion. Ally then locked eyes with a few other people in the class. That included Kavi, Eli, and Noemi. Clearly, nobody recognized the alarm and didn't know whether it was a lock down, a fire drill, or even a smoke alarm. Even Mr. Nilo, the chemistry teacher, didn't know but he tried his best not to show his concerns or worry.  

“Everyone remain calm, I'll call the main office and see what's happening” Mr. Nilo said in a soothing voice to try not to freak his students out even more. He walked over to the wall phone near the door and dialed the number. As the phone rang, the cracked open door had fully opened and in walked…a zombie. 

“...What the hell..?” said a student in the back of the room.

The zombie slowly limped its way over to the closest living thing it could get its hands on… Mr. Nilo. As it was making its way over to the teacher, the students sat in silence before they started to talk amongst each other and started to laugh at the situation. They honestly had no idea what was happening.

“Hey buddy, your zombie make-up looks a little smudged. Let me get that for you” Kavi said while giggling like a little boy who discovered a curse word. That drew the zombies' attention to Kavi and ignored their oblivious teacher. Isaac took a good look at the creepy, disgusting, smelly thing. He too honestly thought that it was some senior prank or something. But after examining the big, green, bloody teeth, the broken bones that looked way too real to be any sort of prosthetic, and the big chunk of flesh missing from the kids neck, he knew that this wasn't some elaborate joke. And by the looks of it, Teagan got the same message. 

As Kavi slowly got closer to the zombified person, the more anxious he got. He didn't know why. It was just a joke…right? His hand was just about to touch the zombie's bloody, broken neck before they heard a loud scream of anguish. Everybody quickly turned to look at who had suddenly screamed. And what they saw will scare them for life. 

They saw their chemistry teacher being devoured by two other zombies. The loud screams, the ripping of his skin and bones, the chewing, and the fear had caused the whole class to erupt in a big panic. Kavi then looked at the zombie in front of him as it lunged forward to attack him. Kavi yelled in fear as he put his hands on the zombie's shoulders trying to pry it off of him.

Isaac was quick to take action. He got up from his seat and took the closest thing that he could get his hands on. The fire extinguisher. He took it off the wall and ran to the front of the room. Ally watches in horror as she watches her best friend take one of the zombies off their dead teacher and bash its head in repetitively. As Isaac was taking care of one of the zombies, the other one was on its way to attack him. Teagan quickly ran over with a bunsen burner and stabbed the other one zombie in its eye and into the back of its head. 

All the blood, gore, guts, it was too much for anyone's eyes to bare. Kavi, on the other hand, was still struggling to get his zombie off of him. Isaac got up from the floor, took the fire extinguisher with both hands, and smashed the zombies head with it. It fell to the floor dead. But Isaac didn't stop there. He sat on top of the body, raised the fire extinguisher up again, and hit it's head…over and over again. Kavi had fallen to the floor with a few other kids dragging him out of the bloody massacre. 

The zombie's head had turned into mush as it stopped moving entirely. Isaac gave the zombie one last blow to the head as he stopped and took some deep, heavy breaths. Isaac slowly got up. His arms went weak and dropped the fire extinguisher onto the floor with a loud bang. Everyone in the class had traveled to the back to hide. They all looked at Isaac and Teagn in fear. They were the ones who acted in aggressive violence. 

“...What the f*ck..” Kavi says while properly getting up from the floor.

Teagan and Isaac then noticed the door. The both ran over to close it before any other zombie could get in. But before they could properly close it, a zombie's arm had forced its way through the cracked open door, blocking them from locking. Teagn and Isaac had tried their best to put all their body weight into closing the door. The zombie's head had also ended up slipping through the cracks of the door.

It's growls piercing through everyone's ears as they all panic and start to scream. Ally gathered up the courage to step from her hiding spot and helped Teagan and Isaac close the door. Kavi had also seen them all struggling. They were all pleading for help and started to lose their power in holding the door. Ally looked around the classroom and saw nobody moving to help

“HELLO?! Are you just going to stand there?! Help us!” Ally screamed in anguish. 

Still, the class didn't move a muscle. Most studdens started to cry, some were hiding, and some were praying that this would end and be a dumb, classical joke. 

Kavi escaped from his classmates grasp and full speed ran into the door to shut it. It ended up taking Kavi a few pushes to get the door shut. When the door closed, the zombie's hand had broken off and fell to the ground. Everyone erupted into a panic and were now focused on trying to escape the small classroom.

“Everyone calm down! It's ok, I have an idea,” Isaac said in a rush, “We should stay in a group and have half of us stay here and make a game plan to escape and another half will venture outside of the class and try to find more people to save. Maybe we can find another teacher”

The class stared at Isaac in shock. 

“Why would we listen to you?” a girl in the class asked, “You just brutally murdered four people!”

“They weren't people,” Teagn adds, “They are now zombified monsters trying to kill us. They have no feelings or thoughts. Just hunger. For any living them they can get their slimy hands on”

This had started an argument between a third of the class saying that they are still human and can be saved, another third saying that they are dead and trying to kill us, and the other third was either crying or trying to find their way out of this situation. 

Ally was torn between all three sides of the argument. It took a few moments for her to make up her mind and see both sides. She ended up siding with Isaac and Teagn. Kavi was surprisingly quiet during this debacle. He has no thoughts coursing through his mind. Just shock. 

“HEY! I have a better plan. Why don't we all just jump out the window? It's two stories but we could all survive and quickly run away, saving all of our lives in faster time” said a random girl, walking to the middle of the class.

“No Claire,” Noemi quickly stated, “That would never work. We would all most likely break our legs, die, and be helpless. We don't even know what's going on outside. There could be a sh*t ton of other zombies out there, waiting to kill us!” 

The class nodded in agreement with Noemi. Claire chuckled and gave Noemi a mighty glare.

“Youre really that stupid? There's probably multiple policemen, the army, or even the navy could be out there! Staying here would be idiotic and usless” She says in retaliation. 

The class was slowly siding with Claire as she smiled with victory. 

“I mean…she does have a point,” a boy said, “Maybe we can get help”

The whole class then fully sided with Claire as they planned out their strategies on how to get out the window without hurting themselves too badly.

Isaac, Teagan, and Noemi all argue in protest with their dangerous idea until Claie spoke up again.

“If you don't agree with us and our method on survival, then you can leave” she says as she turns around to point at the blood covered door. 

“WHAT?!” Ally and Kavi shouted.

“You're just going to send them out to possibly die?! You're straight up crazy!” Ally angerly stated, “We don't even know whats f*cking of there, if anyone is alive or if anyone is looking for us!”

“Well,” Claire starts, “You guys seemed pretty confident on staying here, risking all of our lives, and trying to help the helpless. So…I think you guys can handle it” she finishes with the slyest grin a person could have.

The whole class was behind Claire's idea and they took Isaac, Teagan, and Noemi outside and locked them out one by one. 

Ally was screaming, fighting back from the kids holding her from helping her best friend. The kids then covered her mouth with their hands. Including Kavi

“It's what's best Ally…Just let it happen” Kavi mutters to her. 

As they drag them all out, Claire also grabs Eli from the back corner of the room; his puffy eyes all red from the crying he has been doing. 

“Take him too. He can't handle anything. Use him as your shield or something” Claire states as she throws Eli into the group with Isaac and shuts and locks the door.

The kids holding Ally back had let her go as she sunk to the floor with despair. Tears were flooding at the thought of her best friend being mauled by those infectious beasts. Kavi attempted to pick her up from the ground and comfort her but she smacked his arm away from touching her.

“You guys are monsters…” Ally says in a low voice, “You have no idea what you are doing. Isaac was being smart and strategic. He could have helped and saved us. But you all pushed him away. He has more balls than anyone in this room” Ally exclaimed while looking at both Kavi and Claire. Kavi looks down ashamed while Claire stood her ground, staring back at Ally. 

“Come on guys!¨ Ally shouts in frustration, ``You guys ACTUALLY think that this is a good idea?! This is ridiculous. Come on Kavi, for once make the smart decision and listen to me¨

Ally looks at Kavi with hope, begging that he will make the smart decision and follow her. But…he didnt move. 

Ally sighs in disbelief and grabs the closest thing to her, which was the fire extinguisher that  Isaac used, and quickly aimed for the door. She slowly grabbed the doorknob and turned it slowly to open the door. She peaked out the crack of the door to check for zombies. Before she left, she glanced at her classmates again. She knew that this could possibly be the last time she will see any of them. She took a metal picture, took a deep breath, and walked out the door. 

She didn't know what was going to happen to her or her friends. But she knew that she was going to do everything in her power to survive and get back home. Or she would die trying.

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