My Magical Life|Book 1|Magic | Teen Ink

My Magical Life|Book 1|Magic

January 29, 2021
By LetsPlaySomeVolleyball, Pearcy, Arkansas
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LetsPlaySomeVolleyball, Pearcy, Arkansas
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Author's note:

I came up with the main character Zero after watching a couple of fantasy shows and after watching the anime My Hero Academia.

My friend is on the ground crying, and I’m standing up for her against our bullies. I feel a rage coming on between me and the bullies. All of a sudden it’s cold, but I don’t have powers yet! And my bullies don’t have ice powers. So who’s doing the ice and coldness. I look down at my feet and see that, It’s me making the cold air and ice! Our bullies are very confused because as long as they’ve known me they’ve known that I’ve never had powers. So I tell them to back off of bullying me and my bestie. They look at me defending my friend and then they leave us alone for the rest of the year. I go help Luna up and she looks at me in amazement with the look on her face of how did she get those powers and when did she? I smile and say, “I don’t know how and when I got these powers.” She looks at me smiling. My arms start to hurt and I think it’s because I’m not used to my new power! Then my right arm starts to burn but I don’t know why, but it feels like there’s a fire burning in it. Luna backs away from my arm, and I look down at it and there’s a fire coming off of it.


I hear my mother yelling at me from downstairs to tell me to wake up. “I’m up!!!!” I yell back. Jeez oh, you might be wondering who I am. My name is Zero but I’m a girl. I know it sounds crazy that a girl has a weird fantasy boy’s name. But it’s true, I’m currently 16 and I’m about to apply to this crazy big school for people who have powers like me and my best friend Luna. This may seem crazy but I didn’t know I had powers until I was 7, most kids find out they have powers at the age of 5. My doctor said I was never going to have powers but I guess the universe had other plans. “Hurry up Zero!!!!” my mother yelled, “I’m almost ready!” I responded. I quickly put my hair in a messy bun and put my hoodie on because it was really cold where I live in the winter. You might be surprised that the school is having an entrance exam in the middle of the winter, but where I live it’s normal to start going to High School in the winter. I rush downstairs to the kitchen and grab some toast, “Thanks, mom.” I tell her, “Your welcome sweetie.” She responds. I quickly run outside to head to the place that they’re having the entrance exam.


Finally, I’m here after jogging for about 30 minutes or so I finally made it. I see so many faces and then a familiar one and I immediately know who it is! “Oh hey, Zero! You’re finally here.” Luna says. “Yeah, sorry about that,” I respond and then they start to call for the exam to start and then I trip and someone catches me even though nobody was touching me. I look back and a boy is staring at me. “Heh sorry I used my power without asking but I thought you’d need some help so you didn’t face plant.” He said. I look at him in shock. “Zero Gravity right,” I say, his face changes from a grin to a smile and he nods. He touches my hand and then I stop floating but fall flat on the ground. “I’m Nate,” he introduced himself to me. “I’m Zero!” I say as I’m getting up off the ground. He smiles and then says, “That’s a nice name Zero, guess I’ll see ya around I hope.” “Yeah, I hope that as well,” I respond. “TIME FOR THE EXAM TO BEGIN!!!!” The announcer says to everyone there. We all line up in front of the door to the exam and then the buzzer rings for the exam to start. We all rush through the giant doors and start demolishing what we’re supposed to with our powers and while I’m doing my part I see that my old bully is there too with his amazing explosion power. “Lucas!” I hear Nate yell and then I look at Lucas who used to be my bully. “Wait, You know Lucas?!” I yell to Nate while demolishing things at the same time. He nods to me and I make a weird face at the same time. I go back to focusing on the exam and then I hear a scream and follow it and I see Luna trapped under a huge piece of rock about to be crushed by one of the things we’re supposed to destroy. I quickly run over to her and then create a giant ice storm and freeze the thing in place with a huge ice wall. And then my energy is being wasted a lot. I slide up the ice wall and go too far over and start to fall, down, down then I brace myself for impact but no I get a smack on the face, and then I’m floating. “H-Hey Nate thanks for the save,” I say. “It’s no problem. But can we talk about that save though! It was amazing your determination to save your friend!” he responds. I start to blush but my love for him changes and why I mean by that is I love him even more than I did before. The time is almost up for the exam to be over and I notice that Luna only has a few points and I’m very surprised because Luna’s powers are teleportation and bending which means she can bend anything and what I mean by that is she can bend any element, but if she uses her power way too much she can either throw up or pass out. When she was under the rock she had thrown up first so she couldn’t teleport away or bend the rock above her. I help her to get through the exam before it’s over and now she has enough points to pass the exam. “AND TIME!” the announcer from earlier says to everyone. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and grab a water bottle on my way out to go change and then walk home and wait for the results from the school. “Hey, Zero!” Luna and Nate say as I turn around and see them running after me as I walk home. “Yeah, guys?” I respond. “Can we come with you?” they ask. “Sure,” I tell them. Soon we’re all three walking toward my house and then we round the corner to my house and I see a random car in my driveway and I run inside to see if my mom is okay Nate and Luna following right behind me. I open the door and there’s a random man in my living room talking to my mom.

“Zero you’re finally here! I want you to meet someone.” my mom says to me noticing Luna and Nate who she doesn’t recognize. “Mom who is he?” I ask. “Zero meet your father.” She tells me. Hold on Father!?! Like the one who left me when I was 3? “Wait, so you’re telling me that this man is my father who I know nothing about because he was “too busy” to even see his daughter!?!” I snap at my mom. “Zero you’re going to do this in front of your friends!?” she snaps back. “I DON’T CARE IF THEY ARE HERE BUT I CAN’T BE AROUND THIS MAN THAT I DON’T EVEN KNOW!” I yell back at her. “ZERO LANIE HEART HOW DARE YOU YELL AT YOUR MOTHER!!!” she yells back. I start to feel hot and cold because my anger is showing and my right arm has the fire coming out of it and my left has frost on it. Nate looks kind of scared because he’s never seen me like this and Luna is frowning and telling Nate that I’m ok it’s just that I’m mad and this happens when I get really mad. My dad has a completely different expression on his face, he’s smiling how is he smiling? “Zero sweetie can you go check the mail while your mom and I talk?” my dad buds in. I turn, head for the door, grab my phone, walk out to the mailbox, and find that my, Luna and Nate’s exam results are there in a tiny little circle thing. I quickly run back to the door and yell, “GUYS OUR RESULTS ARE HERE ALREADY!!!!” and they rush over to see me and grab their results. We watch the results on a hologram and we all got accepted into VS High! “Nate guess we’ll be seeing each other around!” I say. He nods and blushes. I blush too and then the ground starts to shake and I fall over and of course, Nate catches me again. We laugh and he says, “Falling for me already?” I feel my face turn so red it’s probably tomato colored. My mom screams because things are falling off of the fireplace and quickly Nate rushes over and makes them float. My mother thanks him, and I run-up to my room to see if my puppy is okay. I see her under my bed whimpering. “Come here girl it’s okay,” I tell her and she comes to me, I pick her up and run back downstairs. The ground is still shaking and I trip down the stairs and my little pup flies out of my hands and into Nate’s. I of course fall on my face after landing on my shoulder from the fall. I swear we all heard a crack come from my arm. I yell in agony and try to move it but it hurts so much that I can’t. “Mom! I can’t move my left arm!” I tell my mother and she rushes over to me, to see if I’m okay but my arm is broken. Luna calms my puppy who I still haven’t given a name to yet. My father calls the ambulance because he works as a doctor.

A few minutes later

The ambulance is taking me to the hospital and my dad is in the front of it driving, Luna, Nate, my mom, and the puppy are in the back with me. We go around a sharp turn and I scream because I end up hitting my broken shoulder on the wall of the ambulance. I numb the pain with my frost, and then we take another turn and the doors open in the back and I’m on the stretcher and being wheeled inside. I’m given some type of gas that makes you go to sleep and the next thing I know I’m in a hospital bed with my arm in a cast. “Mom, what happened? Is my arm okay? Am I going to be able to go to school when it starts?” I bombard her with so many questions. She smiles and says yes. I want to jump up and down in excitement but if I did that my arm probably would hurt even more. So I squeal instead Nate and Luna walk in after my squeal, “We’re so glad you’re okay.” They tell me. “I’m glad that your glad,” I respond. I shake my head quickly and then my head and waist hurt. I have no clue why it hurts but it does. I feel my head and there are two little bumps on the top of my head and there soft like really soft. I then look down at the back of my waist and see and little furry nub sticking out of my pants. “Mom, what’s going on with my head and waist?” I ask. “You’re just growing is all, but it’s probably because the doctor said that you’re growing some wolf ears and a wolf tail,” she responds. I scream very loudly that I swear the window in the hospital room almost shattered. My dad runs into the room after hearing my blood-curdling scream. “Are you okay?” He asks me. I nod and take deep breaths. 

A few months later

My ears are a lot bigger than they were when they first started to grow, and my tail is a lot longer and fluffier than it was. Oh and I finally gave a name to my puppy. Her name is JuJu! Anyway, I’m in class right now, and uh it’s pretty boring. Everybody does keep looking at me with weird stares but I just smile and they go back to learning. Oh and I don’t just have fire and ice powers anymore. I have a power called multi-power. Why, because I have more than just those two powers. I also have teleportation, speed, illusion, imagination, and portals. My doctor said that I’m going to have more development. I’m also now at the top of my class and I’m also class rep! Oh, funny thing Nate and I are dating now, Luna is dating our childhood bully Lucas. And all is well, or so I thought.

We’re on our way to the training area and then we hear loud booms coming from our training area. I teleport in and see it’s just the class next door to ours. I go back outside and see that there’s a huge group of people I’ve don’t think any of us students have seen before. Except that the group is villains… My class is fighting them off so that I can probably go get help from the other teachers so I teleport back in and tell that class and their teacher that we’re under attack by a huge group of villains. They hurry out to help but the door won’t budge. We figure out that one of the villains has trapped us in there or well not me, so I teleport everyone out of there and they start to help defend off the attack and I start to help too. I hear yelling coming from behind me and I look but it’s too late I’m knocked out in a heartbeat. I hear Luna and Nate’s voices rushing toward me but then I hear the villain’s voice too and then Luna and Nate’s voices start to fade away like they're going away from me or I’m going away from them.

When I wake up

I awake with a jolt and see the villains that attacked my school in front of me. I try to move my hands but I can’t because they’re tied to a chair. One of the villains takes off a piece of tape on my mouth and I ask, “What do you want from me?” “We want you to join our little group,” the lead villain responds. I laugh at that even though that puts me in jeopardy. “Oh, so you’re being serious,” I say. And he nods. Well, I guess I could see what it’s like for a day not that I have a choice. One of them, a girl who seems around my age, smiles at me in approval. They let me free of the chair and I put on a mask that covers my face while thinking of a nice name that’s not my name. “Everyone introduce yourselves please.” the head villain says. The girl steps up first and says, “The name is Zara it’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs.?” “Zero, but I wanna change my name so that I’m not recognizable by my name.” I say. “Well after we get through with introductions I’m giving you a makeover!” She responds. I smile and she steps back and another guy steps up. “I’m Zeal it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Zero,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you too Zeal,” I respond. Another guy steps up and says, “I’m Jake, but the name that I go by is Spaid.” Then the head villain steps up and introduces himself, “I’m Erick but everyone here except my closest friends calls me boss.” Zara then quickly grabs my wrist and drags me to what I think is her room for my makeover. She ends up dying my hair from the blonde color to a nice red, fade to white, she gives me some extra clothes she thought would look good with my hair, gives me red and white eye contacts, and tells me that my new name would probably be Ace. I then go into her bathroom and change into the amazing red and white crop-top with a nice red collar that folds down, it also has a little messy tie, then the ripped jeans are a nice dark denim blue because they’re jeans. And then I put on a matching mask that covers my whole face but still lets me see things and breathe, I take the mask off and put the contacts in and then put the mask back on and I walk out of the bathroom to see if Zara is still there and she is. She looks at me and says, “Zero is that still you?” I nod and say, “I’m no longer Zero, but now I’m Ace.” She jumps up and down in excitement and tells me to wait behind the door until she tells me to come out. “Now introducing the new and improved Zero who’s name is now Ace.” I then leave from behind the door and walk out in front of them and they look at me in amazement. I make a knife teleport to my hand and I giggle, creepily. “Zara you have outdone yourself again,” Zeal says to her. Boss has a different reaction than everybody else. He’s actually blushing and it’s probably because of what I’m wearing, he looks at me in the eyes and tells me to take the mask off so he can see my face again. I take off the mask again, and he examines my face with a bunch of scars and asks me who gave me these. I tell him who it was and how he did it. Boss’s face turns a very deep red because he’s mad. “We could plan an attack again once I’m a little stronger and used to this,” I tell everyone. They all agree with me so we start to train and plan our next attack and within that time I get the hang of becoming a villain. I’ve murdered about 1593 people in just a month, and then I’ve committed other crimes in between that. Then it’s the time of the attack.

March 19, 11:09 a.m. time of the attack

We start to quietly infiltrate the school campus and I have on my mask just in case so no one recognizes me, we’re divided into 3 groups it’s me, and Boss in group one. Zara and Zeal in group 2. And then Spaid is by himself in group 3. Even if I were to take my mask off they wouldn’t recognize me because of my “new” makeover. “Ace are you ready to go in and act as a new student?” Boss asks me. I nod and go into the hallway and wait for the teacher to say come in. He then says come in and that’s when I walk in and make my fake introduction. “Hello, I’m River,” I say as I hear the boss say that it’s almost time to break in over our little earpieces. They ask what’s behind the mask and I don’t respond, I feel bad for leaving Luna and Nate. I’ve also heard that everyone thinks I’m either dead or that I’m MIA. Nate walks over and touches my mask, I feel it starting to float as I grab it and hold it on I say, “That’s a huge no-no, sir.” Then the windows break and I “accidentally” collapse to the ground. My mask comes off and Nate makes it come toward him, Boss jumps in first and says, “If you want your precious little Zero back you’ll have to fight us.” And as he says that I attack Nate, pinning him to the ground, grab my mask, and force him to make the mask stop floating. And while doing that I keep my face hidden. Nate makes it stop floating and I put it back on. Boss goes straight for Lucas my old bully, and I say, “Not yet.” Everyone looks at me and I finally reveal who I am by quickly rinsing out the hair dye and putting it back in, but only Lucas, Luna, and Nate notice who I am. I freeze Nate in ice, teleport to everyone else in the class and freeze them including Luna. Now I’m focused on Lucas who Boss conveniently backed into a corner, I laugh at the thought of him beating me up again but realize that I’m the one beating him up. I walk over to him as he’s trembling and I say, “Hey man let’s make a deal. Where you join us and we leave y’all alone for a few more months?” My boss smiles in approval of the strategy. Lucas adds, “Um, I-I guess I don’t have a choice?” I laugh and say, “Nope.” He nods meaning he’ll join us in return for them being left in peace for a few months. I grab his wrist and boss’ and teleport away to base. 

We’re on our way to the training area and then we hear loud booms coming from our training area. I teleport in and see it’s just the class next door to ours. I go back outside and see that there’s a huge group of people I’ve don’t think any of us students have seen before. Except that the group is villains… My class is fighting them off so that I can probably go get help from the other teachers so I teleport back in and tell that class and their teacher that we’re under attack by a huge group of villains. They hurry out to help but the door won’t budge. We figure out that one of the villains has trapped us in there or well not me, so I teleport everyone out of there and they start to help defend off the attack and I start to help too. I hear yelling coming from behind me and I look but it’s too late I’m knocked out in a heartbeat. I hear Luna and Nate’s voices rushing toward me but then I hear the villain’s voice too and then Luna and Nate’s voices start to fade away like they're going away from me or I’m going away from them.

When I wake up

I awake with a jolt and see the villains that attacked my school in front of me. I try to move my hands but I can’t because they’re tied to a chair. One of the villains takes off a piece of tape on my mouth and I ask, “What do you want from me?” “We want you to join our little group,” the lead villain responds. I laugh at that even though that puts me in jeopardy. “Oh, so you’re being serious,” I say. And he nods. Well, I guess I could see what it’s like for a day not that I have a choice. One of them, a girl who seems around my age, smiles at me in approval. They let me free of the chair and I put on a mask that covers my face while thinking of a nice name that’s not my name. “Everyone introduce yourselves please.” the head villain says. The girl steps up first and says, “The name is Zara it’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs.?” “Zero, but I wanna change my name so that I’m not recognizable by my name.” I say. “Well after we get through with introductions I’m giving you a makeover!” She responds. I smile and she steps back and another guy steps up. “I’m Zeal it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Zero,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you too Zeal,” I respond. Another guy steps up and says, “I’m Jake, but the name that I go by is Spaid.” Then the head villain steps up and introduces himself, “I’m Erick but everyone here except my closest friends calls me boss.” Zara then quickly grabs my wrist and drags me to what I think is her room for my makeover. She ends up dying my hair from the blonde color to a nice red, fade to white, she gives me some extra clothes she thought would look good with my hair, gives me red and white eye contacts, and tells me that my new name would probably be Ace. I then go into her bathroom and change into the amazing red and white crop-top with a nice red collar that folds down, it also has a little messy tie, then the ripped jeans are a nice dark denim blue because they’re jeans. And then I put on a matching mask that covers my whole face but still lets me see things and breathe, I take the mask off and put the contacts in and then put the mask back on and I walk out of the bathroom to see if Zara is still there and she is. She looks at me and says, “Zero is that still you?” I nod and say, “I’m no longer Zero, but now I’m Ace.” She jumps up and down in excitement and tells me to wait behind the door until she tells me to come out. “Now introducing the new and improved Zero who’s name is now Ace.” I then leave from behind the door and walk out in front of them and they look at me in amazement. I make a knife teleport to my hand and I giggle, creepily. “Zara you have outdone yourself again,” Zeal says to her. Boss has a different reaction than everybody else. He’s actually blushing and it’s probably because of what I’m wearing, he looks at me in the eyes and tells me to take the mask off so he can see my face again. I take off the mask again, and he examines my face with a bunch of scars and asks me who gave me these. I tell him who it was and how he did it. Boss’s face turns a very deep red because he’s mad. “We could plan an attack again once I’m a little stronger and used to this,” I tell everyone. They all agree with me so we start to train and plan our next attack and within that time I get the hang of becoming a villain. I’ve murdered about 1593 people in just a month, and then I’ve committed other crimes in between that. Then it’s the time of the attack.

March 19, 11:09 a.m. time of the attack

We start to quietly infiltrate the school campus and I have on my mask just in case so no one recognizes me, we’re divided into 3 groups it’s me, and Boss in group one. Zara and Zeal in group 2. And then Spaid is by himself in group 3. Even if I were to take my mask off they wouldn’t recognize me because of my “new” makeover. “Ace are you ready to go in and act as a new student?” Boss asks me. I nod and go into the hallway and wait for the teacher to say come in. He then says come in and that’s when I walk in and make my fake introduction. “Hello, I’m River,” I say as I hear the boss say that it’s almost time to break in over our little earpieces. They ask what’s behind the mask and I don’t respond, I feel bad for leaving Luna and Nate. I’ve also heard that everyone thinks I’m either dead or that I’m MIA. Nate walks over and touches my mask, I feel it starting to float as I grab it and hold it on I say, “That’s a huge no-no, sir.” Then the windows break and I “accidentally” collapse to the ground. My mask comes off and Nate makes it come toward him, Boss jumps in first and says, “If you want your precious little Zero back you’ll have to fight us.” And as he says that I attack Nate, pinning him to the ground, grab my mask, and force him to make the mask stop floating. And while doing that I keep my face hidden. Nate makes it stop floating and I put it back on. Boss goes straight for Lucas my old bully, and I say, “Not yet.” Everyone looks at me and I finally reveal who I am by quickly rinsing out the hair dye and putting it back in, but only Lucas, Luna, and Nate notice who I am. I freeze Nate in ice, teleport to everyone else in the class and freeze them including Luna. Now I’m focused on Lucas who Boss conveniently backed into a corner, I laugh at the thought of him beating me up again but realize that I’m the one beating him up. I walk over to him as he’s trembling and I say, “Hey man let’s make a deal. Where you join us and we leave y’all alone for a few more months?” My boss smiles in approval of the strategy. Lucas adds, “Um, I-I guess I don’t have a choice?” I laugh and say, “Nope.” He nods meaning he’ll join us in return for them being left in peace for a few months. I grab his wrist and boss’ and teleport away to base. 


To be continued...

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