The golden fall | Teen Ink

The golden fall

May 10, 2024
By Skye_thecoolwriter, Woodland, Washington
Skye_thecoolwriter, Woodland, Washington
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


one day, Marel and her younger brother are going to school, but when they arrive at school, it is completely different. there are strangers instead of just the teachers, Marel goes to speak up but she ends up getting taken. when she gets taken, she arrives In the facility. she doesn't know where she is or why she is there. more strange people start to do testing on her, with her not taking her meds to get rid of whatever she has going on with her, but she soon finds out that one of the people testing her isn't like the rest, nor is she. when she finds that out she eventually ecapes from the facility

Skye W.

The golden fall

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