More Than You Know | Teen Ink

More Than You Know

October 11, 2011
By swimster16 SILVER, Dexter, Michigan
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swimster16 SILVER, Dexter, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.
~Billy Joel

The author's comments:
I think the begging of this chapter is kinda cheesy because I started writing a long time ago!

“What a storm it was last night! Almost swept away my car, it did!” yelled Gramps when he entered our trailer. The wind burst in as an uninvited guest along with some snow. “Gramps close the dang door I’m freezing!!!” scream a voice from the back. That’s my overly sensitive mother. But she is on the cranky side today, she’s down with a cold. “Sorry!” He slammed the door behind him. I ignored the cold and went back to my journal. His hair gleamed in the moonlight as i stared at his masculine body. It twas like a mid-summers night dream. If only I could touch him. My mind craving his every move, it’s like I was a different person around you....
RRRIIIP! “Na na na na naaah!!!! I got your journal!!!” shouted my little brother. The most annoying little brat in the universe, his names Austin. “Give it back you twerp!” I wailed chasing him around our small trailer. Finally I tackled him and he hit the ground with a thump. He started to cry, but I ignored him and I grabbed my journal from his greasy fingers and walked calmly back to the couch as if nothing ever happened. I crashed on the couch to continue my journal about my dreams my cell rang my annoying ring tone. “Ugh!” I picked up the phone, “Hello?” I say with a lazy voice,
“Hey hey!!!” Cameron
“Hey" I reply
"What’s up girlie?”
“Nothin much, but hey guess what!,”
“What?” asked Cammie, her voice teeming with excitement
“ I had that dream again,”
“Seriously? If your that desperate for a date to the prom I can--”
“NO IT’S NOT ABOUT THE STUPID PROM!!!! I was in the dream with him,”
There was a static sound on the other end.
“I’m here”
Well what?”
“What do you think of it? Remember I thought I saw him at the mall but it was just some random guy and then we ran in to him at Hot Topic, and he ran out! You know the rest, and after that, I was having just as many dreams about that mystery guy!!”
"Amii, I really think that you should forget about him, its getting out of hand with this imaginary guy" Cameron said
"Cammie, it not getting out of hand, and YOU KNOW he's not imaginary!" I rudely replied
“I have to call you back Amii i gotta do some homework”
“Kk bye” I hang up. I know she was lying because she finishes all of her assignments in class. But I hung up anyway and I threw my indestructible phone across the room. I think for a sec then I grab my over-loved and tattered journal and continue my log. He stared at me for more than I expected. I try to move but it’s like I’m in a trance of his beautiful, brown, warm, comforting eyes. Then I am pulled toward him like there was an invisible rope tied to me. My body stops moving and right in front of me he disappears. My dream world pointed out the wall between our two different hidden lives because of our unknown existence of each other.... I shut my journal closed, feeling like someone was watching my every move. I walked to my fridge to get a little snack. Opened it, scanning it and apparently no one has went shopping for a while and forgot to refill on the food. “MOM!!!! THE FRIDGE IS EMPTY!!!!”
“THEN GO REFILL IT!!!!” So I decided it would be nice to clear my head and go to the grocery store and say hello to the stalker/freak manager, Carmsy.

I get into my old Vauxhall Astra (The Vaux-a-nator, which is what my friends call it) and try to get the car into a jump start. VRRRRRRMMM SPUUUUURD PUUUUTT PUT *cackle*. “Stupid car”. I curse under my breath and try again. VRRRRROOOM! “There we go” Even though it looks nice, it kinda needs a little elbow grease every time to get it started. So I pulled out of the trailer park and started to drive to the store. I turned up the radio to see what was on. Nothing, as usual, our local radio stations suck. So I popped in my favorite mixed CD and played “Untouched” by The Veronica's. I sang along all of a sudden I felt woozy. My vision blurred and was outlined in black, the car swept back and forth in the ice and snow of dead winter. I swerved into a ditch. My car slammed into a tree, the last thing I remember from that was the distant sound of screaming, then I blacked out.

The author's comments:
The dream was really interesting to write, I had to make it as vived as I could

Next thing I remember I’m in a hospital which tubes and needles invading my body putting in fluids into me. I looked around and saw cards and presents surrounding me saying, “Get Well Soon!”
A nurse came in and looked shocked, almost jumped out of her shoes. “Oh your awake! I’ll tell the doctor” She rushed out. My friends rushed in from the waiting room and also the creep of our school, Ramone. All she does is talk, talk, talk. It’s really annoying, personally i didn't even know why she was there because I avoid her at school. “Oh hi Amii! I didn’t know you were awake! We just wanted to come in here to see if you were doing well, your bleepy-thing is bleeping just fine! Did you know you’ve been asleep for 10 WHOLE DAYS! Everybody was so worried......” And her voice was drowned out in the hospital hallway by being pulled away by security. The nursed walked in to check on the equipment. I was so shocked I laid in the hospital bed for a while. I sputtered to think about what I was going to say. I looked at Cammie straight in the eye, “TEN DAYS!!! Why didn’t you tell me!” my voice raspy from the lack of using it.
“I think I’ll just leave you two alone, just remember not to get her over-excited, she’ll go back into an unconscious state,” said the nurse as she quickly rushed out of the tiny room and taking everyone else with her.
“How could I tell you! You were UN-CON-SCIOUS!!!!!” Cammie said continuing the conversation put emphasis on the last words.
“You do know people who are unconscious can still hear everything”
“Did I know that? NO! I was too busy freaking out in my house seeing if miraculously you would wake up and call me and say everything was fine!”
“Well I’m sorry that didn’t happen to you,” I calmly replied
There was a long silence.
“I’m sorry I was just worried about you, not everyday someones best friend goes unconscious,” Cammie whispered
“It’s okay," I yawned, showing I was tired, "Well on that note, I’m gonna take a quick nap,”
“Okay well it was nice seeing you, you know, alive.”
I smirked. We waved good-bye and a nurse escorted Cammie out of the room so I could take my nap.

He stared at me, looking into my feelings. My enclosed life compared to his. He points out the wall between us, so thick yet thin enough to see. His hand
leans on the wall and I put mine directly in front of his. “You will be mine, Amii,” he says.
His voice sounded like arch angels sent shivers down my spine. My anger is too much for me. My hand crumbles the wall on site. I starts to walk towards him, but his image floats farther back. I start running but he is still too far away, “I love you,” he whispers

The author's comments:
The capture had to have kind of a mysterious theme to it, along with the realization of how Amii found the "Mystery Man" or he found her

I woke up after the amazing dream that I just encountered. This is the first dream that the mystery man has every talked. That day I was very excited. "Maybe that is a sign that I'll meet him!" I was practically bouncing on the hospital bed. The nurse came in to check on the equipment and said that I was free to wander the hospital...... But I would need supervision. I agreed and then called Cammie. "Hey come over to my hospital room I need to tell you something!"
"Okay I'll be right over,"
And in about 5 minutes Cammie walked into my room and greeted the nurse and me. "Well that was really fast" I said with exasperation
"Eh, I was around the neighborhood,"
"Okay you can go now Amii, just remember don't go to far"
"Okay I won't"
So Cammie and I walked out of the room and started to walk the corridors. "Okay, I going to tell you what I asked you to come for,"
"What is it! Tell me! Wait, don't tell me, 'cause if it's cancer I'm gonna be really sad" Cammie stated
"Hah, no I don't have cancer. But this time in my dreams," Dramatic pause, "He talked to me"
We stopped in front of a cute ice cream parlor, Cammie turned my way looking grim. I frowned. "Amii, listen. We have been through thick and thin together and I feel like I have a right to tell you how i feel about him." She shivered on the last word. "I think you should drop the whole thing about how he's real and move on with your life."
I thought about it for a moment then said this in the nicest way i could, "Well, Cameron, if that's how you really feel then why don't you leave,"
"Right now?" she said, her face full of misery.
"Right. Now" I tried to keep a straight face but it was difficult given the fact that my best friend just said hey why don't you get a life. I walked back to my hospital dorm room and laid on my bed. I heard my phone vibrate but i grabbed it and turned it off without looking at who it was. i stared at the bland ceiling tiles and tried to count them. One hour passed.... Two hours passed..... Three hours passed..... I ran out of things to think about. I shifted to my side and stared out at the starry night threw the bare trees on the horizon. Then, I heard an abnormal pattern of footsteps outside my door. "Is this the place?" One guy whispered. He sounded around my age. "I think so, lets go inside" answered another
I heard the door creak open. I closed my eyes as i saw a silhouette look at me through my eyelids. "She's fast asleep. Okay, lets grab her and we'll exit through the windows" "Okay, wait i need to ask you something" asked one of the two guys near me. "Yeah Brian," "Are you sure this is a good idea?" questioned Brian. "Dude! Are you backing out on me now!!! I gave you plenty of reasons why we're here and we went through all the precautions!" said the other guy, at a stage whisper.
"Okay." said Brian, still sounding unsure. I felt myself being lifted up and hoisted into a sleeping bag. They zipped me up and carried me out the window.

I figured that I was being stolen by my dream guy, but that didn't matter at the moment.... I was still being kidnapped! I was practically hyperventilating, except hyperventilating is for girlie girls. Anyway, I tried to breathe quieter so i could listen in on the conversation to see if I could get anything.
"I don't think this is a good idea Jet" Jet, what a cute name!
"Oh shut up Brian! Just get her in the trunk and we'll talk on the ride back"
Humph, well Jet, I think to myself, I think you shouldn't take a girl hostage just because you have had continuous dreams about her (I predicted) and when you finally found her, you take her away to a far away land. Gosh darn it i really hate Jet right now!!! After my private ranting and raving, I got picked up and tossed into the back of a trunk and I heard the truck doors slam. I heard the sound of the night come to life, I soon fell asleep. That night was the first night I didn't have any dreams about him in a long time.

The author's comments:
I loved writing the note in a guy's point of view. It may be a little girly but I tried to do my best!

I've been driving for sometime, probably an hour now, until i see a little speck in the distance. I speed up a little bit until im about 300 yards away. I was a cute little country gas station with a little store inside. Thank goodness! I drove into the lot and walked into the little tavern. I found a little old lady clerk. it looked like she was asleep so i rand the desk bell. "Oh!" She woke with a start. "Oh hello dear, what can I do for yah today?" asked the clerk. "Um, if I may ask, what town is this?" I tried to say in the most polite voice. "Well you are in Tonopah, Nevada, deary" I almost died. That's about 12 hours from the area where I live. "Okay thank you. And um, where is an ATM machine?" "Right over there, hun" "Thank you!" I run over to take out some money from my account to buy food for my trip. I ruffle through the freshly printed bucks. $175 buck-a-roos all saved up from babysitting my little brother. Enough to last 12 hours from snacks and meals, probably some new clothes. Maybe some shoes. I get more money out of my account because I'll need more money for the gas I'll have to pay for.

I fill up the tank, buy some knitted cozy boots, and drive out of the country gas station, waving good-bye to the little old lady. I drive a little more before I look at the little details in Jets'/Brians' truck. They have a blueish-gray desktop and a little Hawaiian girl swaying on the top. I slow down a little more. They have candy wrappers and cigarette boxes littered everywhere. (Ugh! they smoke! Total turn-off.) In the seat next to me, there was a mysterious brown, ragged briefcase. I slowly turn onto the side of the road as my curiosity escalates. I open the latches and see a mess of photos of me.







At first I think it's flattering but then i realized I just stole a truck from the to a man whom I have only seen at Hot Topic and in my dreams. I start freak out. I shut the case and crank up the radio and put the pedal to the metal. My curiosity is still agitating my brain, whacking itself against the side to look more closely to see whats going on, I try to ignore it and keep driving. After about and hour and a half of listening to cheesy Christmas songs, I realize its time to face whats been lying in that briefcase. I open to what seems like a tornado of smiles. Every inch of the briefcase was a picture of my smiling. I started to nose around a bit more. I moved some of the pictures to reveal a folder. I open the folder and in it was a familiar over loved journal. It was mine. I look through the pages of purple glitter pen when i see on the sides of my journal entry's, little notes in red pen. Things like, "I had the exact same dream about you Amii." or "I wish I talked to you when I first saw you" and "I truly do love you". I closed the book and bite my lip to hold back what was going on my messed up head these days. I open the journal back up and flip to my last remaining pages. There was a long letter that was in guyish hand writing that I've seen before writing the little notes on the sides.
It said, "Dear Amii,
I know that this early and as I've read some of your journal entries you might know who I am. Here's the hint: I am the masculine body like a mid-summers night dream, I am the voice that sounds like arch angels, I am the man you've been dreaming about for weeks. If you do give me a moment to explain my reasons I assure you nothing is wrong. Amii, ever since I saw you at Hot Topic I've never felt the same way about a girl. As soon as I saw you I got shivers down my spine. I froze just as you turned around with that brown luscious hair flowing down your shoulders, or flowery scent floating toward me from your perfume. I knew from that moment(scratch) second that i must have met the girl that everyone guy searches for to grow old with. Amii, I've been thinking about you the same way ever since that visit. Thinking about you just gives me goosebumps. Amii, I love you"
The note ended, which left me speechless.

The author's comments:
I liked to escape plan that she made. I also thought trying to describe the house and it's surroundings made it sound isolated

I woke up after the amazing dream that I just encountered. This is the first dream that the mystery man has every talked. That day I was very excited. "Maybe that is a sign that I'll meet him!" I was practically bouncing on the hospital bed. The nurse came in to check on the equipment and said that I was free to wander the hospital...... But I would need supervision. I agreed and then called Cammie. "Hey come over to my hospital room I need to tell you something!"
"Okay I'll be right over,"
And in about 5 minutes Cammie walked into my room and greeted the nurse and me. "Well that was really fast" I said with exasperation
"Eh, I was around the neighborhood,"
"Okay you can go now Amii, just remember don't go to far"
"Okay I won't"
So Cammie and I walked out of the room and started to walk the corridors. "Okay, I going to tell you what I asked you to come for,"
"What is it! Tell me! Wait, don't tell me, 'cause if it's cancer I'm gonna be really sad" Cammie stated
"Hah, no I don't have cancer. But this time in my dreams," Dramatic pause, "He talked to me"
We stopped in front of a cute ice cream parlor, Cammie turned my way looking grim. I frowned. "Amii, listen. We have been through thick and thin together and I feel like I have a right to tell you how i feel about him." She shivered on the last word. "I think you should drop the whole thing about how he's real and move on with your life."
I thought about it for a moment then said this in the nicest way i could, "Well, Cameron, if that's how you really feel then why don't you leave,"
"Right now?" she said, her face full of misery.
"Right. Now" I tried to keep a straight face but it was difficult given the fact that my best friend just said hey why don't you get a life. I walked back to my hospital dorm room and laid on my bed. I heard my phone vibrate but i grabbed it and turned it off without looking at who it was. i stared at the bland ceiling tiles and tried to count them. One hour passed.... Two hours passed..... Three hours passed..... I ran out of things to think about. I shifted to my side and stared out at the starry night threw the bare trees on the horizon. Then, I heard an abnormal pattern of footsteps outside my door. "Is this the place?" One guy whispered. He sounded around my age. "I think so, lets go inside" answered another
I heard the door creak open. I closed my eyes as i saw a silhouette look at me through my eyelids. "She's fast asleep. Okay, lets grab her and we'll exit through the windows" "Okay, wait i need to ask you something" asked one of the two guys near me. "Yeah Brian," "Are you sure this is a good idea?" questioned Brian. "Dude! Are you backing out on me now!!! I gave you plenty of reasons why we're here and we went through all the precautions!" said the other guy, at a stage whisper.
"Okay." said Brian, still sounding unsure. I felt myself being lifted up and hoisted into a sleeping bag. They zipped me up and carried me out the window.

I figured that I was being stolen by my dream guy, but that didn't matter at the moment.... I was still being kidnapped! I was practically hyperventilating, except hyperventilating is for girlie girls. Anyway, I tried to breathe quieter so i could listen in on the conversation to see if I could get anything.
"I don't think this is a good idea Jet" Jet, what a cute name!
"Oh shut up Brian! Just get her in the trunk and we'll talk on the ride back"
Humph, well Jet, I think to myself, I think you shouldn't take a girl hostage just because you have had continuous dreams about her (I predicted) and when you finally found her, you take her away to a far away land. Gosh darn it i really hate Jet right now!!! After my private ranting and raving, I got picked up and tossed into the back of a trunk and I heard the truck doors slam. I heard the sound of the night come to life, I soon fell asleep. That night was the first night I didn't have any dreams about him in a long time.

The author's comments:
I tried to make this chapter short so I could try and continue my plan in the story.... :)

I stared at the message on the notebook. It made me think about how much he has affected my life so far and maybe, just maybe, I would want to turn this truck around and go back to him. But I realized that I have a home to go back to, my family must be so worried. The thought of that gave me a giant pang in my chest. Tears swelled in my eyes but I choked them back. I put the journal down and I realized I can't just quit my life for a guy, yet. So I turned up the heat and drove in silence for a a while. I drove into a town to a car wash. "Hmmm, I think it would be a lot more comfortable if I cleaned this out." I told myself. I drove in and after about 30 minutes, I whirred out with a sparkling clean car and a spotless inside with a little scented Christmas tree hanging from the rear view mirror. I drove out feeling a lot more cheery.
I drove on for a couple more hours singing to Christmas songs and the thought of the note drifted to the back of my mind to leave me alone. I stopped into a Wendy's. I was so distracted these last few days that I can't remember the last time I ate. I order one of everything, I ate all in less then an hour. I started to drive for some time when the scenery around me started to get familiar. There was that tree that got split in half from a thunder storm 2 months ago! And there is the sign that's lopsided because the builders didn't put in a screw in one of the bolts! OHMYGOD! ITS MY MOMS CAR!!! I started speed up a little but I realized that it wasn't my exit that she drove on. I frowned, but I drove a couple minutes and drifted into my exit. As I slowly puled into my trailer park a wave of memories flooded my brain. As I hopped out of the car my little brother ran into my arms and gave me a giant bear hug. "Promise me you'll never leave again!" he mumbled into my sweater. "I won't, just as long as you don't annoy me too much!" We looked at each other with our watery eyes and started to laugh/cry all the way to the trailer.

The author's comments:
I love writing the fight, It was Amii's chance of standing up and saying her thoughts that she kept in for the most of the story.


The chill of spring air of April tickles my face as I step outside to enjoy the trailer park scenery on my front porch with my warm cup of coffee. My little brother comes skipping out with his play dinosaurs. "Hey Amii, you wanna play with me?" he asks.
"No thanks Austin, I just wanna get some air. I'm probably gonna go shopping later, want anything?" I ask
"Could I have the new Razzle Dazzle Pops? Or a new T-rex?" He said in his most cutest little voice.
"I can promise a T-rex, but I'm not sure about the pops"
"Okay!" he gets up and jumps inside with happiness. Sigh, I look at my truck that I stole "accidentally" 4 months ago in Tonopah, Nevada. The memories flooded my head and brought a tear to my eyes. What is Jet doing right now? Is he okay? I get the feeling that something strange is gonna happen today. I try to ignore it and get into the car.

At about 7 o'clock, I drive to Cammie's place to pick her up for our movie double date with Cammie's boyfriend (of 2 months, and I've only seen once in a very dark restaurant. He sounded vaguely familiar, in a bad way) and her blind date for me. (Apparently her boyfriend suggested him) I knock on her door. "Coming!!" her sing song voice comes from somewhere in the back of the house. she opens the door. "Oh hey! Just in time! You date came here about 5 minutes ago! he's in the kitchen" she whispered the last part in my ear.
I walk in my short ruffled violet skirt with a white top with a small breast pocket. I walk into the kitchen, I thought I would faint right on the floor as soon as I saw my blind date. It was Jet. Jet was sitting in Cammie's kitchen, with slacking jeans and a sky blue v-neck shirt with ruffled hair to finish. Jet, the last person I ever thought I would meet again, was in Cammie's kitchen looking at some wax fruit. Jet looked up and almost fell out of his seat. I turned around to Cammie and signaled her to meet me in the mud room. I fast walked there, pulling her behind me. "Cammie, what is your boyfriends name?"
"I told you, Brian" she said as if she was telling me the sky was blue and the grass was green.
Oh my god. everything connected. That's why he covered his face, that's why he chose the blind date, that's why he never talked to me. I stormed into the kitchen. I looked at Jet, "You, I need you to follow me," I grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside to the backyard. I heard from a distance Cammie say, "Well they hit it off fast." That made me even more mad.
I stop in the middle of the yard. "What the hell do you think you're doing! Coming and begging Brian for you to come as MY blind date!" I shoved him. "Do you think I don't remember it was you who took me from the hospital, huh!" I shoved him again "You don't think I don't remember trying to escape from your hell house that you put me in!" I shoved him again, harder this time. "And on top of all that, you UNDRESSED ME! YOU LOW LYING, GIRL STEALING, PERVERTED, DRUNK, LITTLE BASTARD!" Then I went overboard and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground, clutching his nose. I was breathing really heavily. He sat up and started to plug his nose. "You hab ebery right to be mab at meb, I woulb be too" He tried to say through the blood. The sincerity blasted in me and I kneeled down and helped him inside the house. Cassie gasped when she saw. "What happened!"
"Well as Jet was following me into the woods, he ran into a tree, and I came to help him," I calmly replied. I winked at Jet. We went into the freezer and got him an ice-pack and clogged his nose with a paper towel. "Well, I don't think it's broken, because if it was I wouldn't be able to touch it," said Cammie. After about 20 minutes of taking care Jet, me and Cassie dressed into our p.j's and watched a movie on her T.V. with the guys. Cammie snuggled next to Brian, fitting her head right in between his head and shoulder. I just sat uncomfortably next to Jet. I soon fell asleep. I didn't have a dream about Jet like I used to, it was unsettling.
When I woke up I was on Jets shoulder and him snoring lightly next to me. I felt comfortable so I fell back a sleep. I woke up and it was 9:00 am. I got up and Jet was still sleeping. I looked next to me and Brain and Cammie weren't there. I stretch and get off the couch. I lazily walk to the kitchen when a cheerful Cammie greets me across her table top island. "Morning sleepy head. Looks like you slept soundly tonight." She winked and nodded her head into the general direction of the living room.
"Hey where's Brian?" I ask
"Oh, he went and drove to his house to get some p.j's for him and Jet." She replied as she started to pour pancake batter onto the griddle.
"Cammie, me and Jet didn't 'hit it off' last night. I actually dragged him to the backyard and yelled at him. Cammie, I need to tell you something," I say
"Anything hun, you say it, and keep it," she said, looking straight into my cornea
"Jet and Brian were the 2 'mystery guys' that stole me from the hospital. The took me to a place called... um... Tonopah, Nevada! That's it!" I say, I look at Cammie. She looks as if I said yesterday's news.
"Well, doesn't that surprise you at all! Freak you out just a little bit??" I add with a little hysteria
"Am's, I knew all of this in the first 2 weeks of me and Brians' relationship. He told me all of his secrets, and I told him mine. It was a very heartfelt night. Then after that, we've been truth to truth." she said while she beat the eggs
I stared at her in disbelief. "You-you-you.... You knew all this time??" I said at a stage whisper
"Yah, I kinda figured that you would react like this, pancake?" She pushed a chocolate chip pancake towards me that's shaped as a heart. "I really hate you right now," I say as I grab the pancake and walk to the living room "love you too!," says behind me. I sit on the couch and turn on the T.V. "Morning" says a lazy voice next to me. I look and Jet is chillin with his hand behind his head. My mind stutters but I answer automatically, "Hey," I turn back to the T.V. to see whats on. I flip through channels as my hand twitches. "So how was your night?" he asked in a sarcastic voice. "Do we really want to know the answer to that?" I respond in an equal sarcastic voice. "No, but I still want to know why you punched me in the nose," I turned to face him, he was sitting straight up with a quizzical look on his face. I put the remote down, "Can we not talk about it? It was a long couple of days and I still don't forgive you," I said in a stubborn voice. "Then why did you try and get as close to me as you could've last night?" He answered back. I blushed and turned away. "I was asleep I didn't know what I was doing." He put his hand on my chin and turned me toward him. "No need to be embarassed, I probably would've done the same, after all I did read your journal." He let go and Turned to the T.V. to watch some AFV. Nothing was as funny as it used to be.

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This book has 2 comments.

two<3 said...
on Jan. 8 2012 at 1:02 pm
It was great!! I love Amii, but Jet creeps me out...

on Nov. 6 2011 at 11:05 am
swimster16 SILVER, Dexter, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.
~Billy Joel

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