Control | Teen Ink


January 14, 2012
By DirectingGabs GOLD, Texas, Texas
More by this author
DirectingGabs GOLD, Texas, Texas
19 articles 1 photo 65 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.\"

Author's note: Hey guys! This isn't finished yet, I'm currently working on a bigger novel so I will try to add more chapters A.S.A.P. PLEASE! Comment and rate!

The author's comments:
Comment? Rate?(:

The date: January 1, 2045
Your Name: Rigit Felton
Gender: Female
How many siblings in your house hold: Just me.
Why you are signing up for matching system: It's required.
Long Live President Lively!

My hand dropped the single sheet of paper into the match box. With the card, went my will.
This was the governments problem. They controlled everything. I still can't even figure out why we have to fill out the matching card. As the government, they know all about me. Probably more than I know. At least they think.
When I said they control everything, I meant it. The food that passes through my lips-exactly three times a day, no more, no less- was monitored by them to keep me at a certain weight.
They also control who most people marry. But, the lucky ones- my parents- get to choose who they love because, they weren't chosen a perfect match in the famous Match Rally. Apparently, the government thinks that they know more about who is compatible for one another than our own selves. So, with that said- I am being forced to turn in this card so they can decipher whether I have a soul mate or if I have to settle for a fellow reject.
"I'm so excited!" Ashton squealed. She had been my best friend ever since the day in kindergarten that I started talking bad about the government from what I heard from parents. The teacher had whipped me in front of the class. When she dismissed us to recess, Ashton had came and checked on me unlike the other kids. In her small frame and honest brown eyes, I learned to find refuge in her.
"Why are you excited?" I stomped away from the box frustrated. "You have no say in who you get to marry. It's stupid!"
Ashton clamped her hand over my mouth and looked around at all the people passing around us. No one looked as if they had been listening.
"Don't talk about that in public!" she harshly whispered, as she lowered her hand slowly from my sealed lips.
Rebellion against the government was like assassination to our beloved president. Any sign of a rebellious citizen stirs up a lot of trouble. I remember when I was ten there was our neighbor who was really old and would shout at everyone who walked by. It wasn't that he was a disruption of our neighborhood, it was that he was yelling things like, "The government can't control our minds!", "President Lively is controlling our lives!" and "We need free will!"
There was one day that a whole bunch of soldiers dressed in the clean white uniforms went into his house without invite. My mom had pulled me back inside at that point. After that day, the old man was never there. He disappeared and never returned. As a child, I had my suspicions. Suspicions, that would keep me up at night and give me nightmares when I did finally fall asleep.
I brushed my black hair out of my eyes. "But, honestly- don't you want to marry who you really love? Not someone who people make you love," I asked as we descended the stairs from city hall. People were scattered about our small town chattering and laughing on this cold day. I could see my breath when I talked in a smoke inches from my lips. Almost as if my words were evaporating like this fog.
"Unlike you, Rigit," Ashton started and shoved her hands into the pocket of her brand new wool coat. "I don't have boys swarming me."
I pressed my lips together thinking of what to say. "I do not have boys swarming me," I murmured.
We walked across the street and onto the sidewalk that led to our neighborhood. Not many people these days had cars. Mostly the very rich citizens. There was no reason to have a car when everything you would need would be in the town square, which isn't that far from any one's house.
"I could name five guys off the top of my head, that have already asked me if you are seeing anyone!" Ashton argued. "Rig, with your long black hair and green eyes, your like any guy's dream! Just because you look so mysterious all the time..."
She resumed talking but I stopped listening. Everywhere I went, I was complimented on my beauty. As tiring as it was, I wouldn't change my looks for the world. I like the mysterious way that I seem to be. That way people can't always know what I'm thinking. It's like a mind game that I love to play.
Ashton was always putting herself down. She was more beautiful than me, I always thought so. With her long blond hair and big brown eyes, she seemed like the perfect house wife. For some reason, though, guys at our school always seemed to not like her that way. No wonder she was so excited to become a wife. She needed to be appreciated.
We walked down our quiet neighborhood to our houses that faced each other.
"Your beautiful, Ashton. Don't think other wise. I hope he's good for you." I faked a smile, being the good friend I attempt.
"Thank, Rigit," she whispered in my ear as we hugged.
We said our goodbyes and left to our homes.
I walked into the fourier and immediately smelled the food that the Food Police probably dropped off earlier. They would drop off the uncooked meal and my mom would finish it by popping it in the oven.
"Is that you, Rigit?" my mom's dainty voice echoed from the kitchen.
"Yes." I walked in to where she was bent over a pot of soup.
My mom's red hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail. She was my most favorite person in the world. Most girl's didn't have a very good relationship with their mother, but, I told my mother everything. Almost as much as I confessed to Ashton.
"How did it go?" she asked and turned to look at me from over the granite counter top.
I pursed my lips and took a seat on top of the dining table. There was a long silence that passed between us. She knew that I didn't want to fill out the match card.
"Why do I have to marry?" I asked and looked up to the ceiling trying to find my next words. "I want to be... free. Not be monitored or controlled. Just... free to be who I want," I whispered.
My mom walked over to me and smiled lovingly. Her maternal instincts kicked as she pulled me to her chest.
"Keep that attitude, sweetheart. If you believe, you can make a difference. I can feel it," she said.
I smiled and welcomed the warming hug she gave me.
My dad arrived home from the factory he worked at. And we all sat down and ate dinner. The soup was... strange. Like all the food they brought us on Monday. It was a mix of different meat and spices. I choked down the exact amount of food that was required for a seventeen year old girl and felt on verge of throwing up.
My parents started discussing wedding plans for me and I quickly tuned out. There was nothing in the world that would make me want to marry a guy that I don't know.
My mom was on the subject of colors for the wedding when I interrupted. "What if they pick me as a reject?" I asked hopefully. That would at least be something that I could live with. Maybe stay here with my parents until I die.
My dad smirked. "There is a ten percent chance that will happen, dear," he pointed out waving his spoon in the air with exaggeration. My dad took another bite of his soup as his black hair fell over his brown eyes.
My eyes widened slightly. "But, you two got married," I said and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Yes, that's very true. And like I said, it rarely happens." He nodded to himself.
I helped Mom clean up the dishes. We put the the glass plates into the box that the Food Police pick up every Saturday. After the kitchen was clean, I went up to my room to take a shower.
The water wasn't hesitant to warm at my command. I let the hot liquid fall down my back, leaving a burning trail of red puffy skin as it went down the drain.
It wasn't so much that I hated the man that I would soon be forced to marry- I didn't even know him- maybe, I would love him. The thing that I hate is, I don't get my choice of will. I want to choose my own things and my own ways. Who wants people making every decision for you?
I know I didn't.

I went to school for the next two weeks. Acting like everything was normal and in place. The girls among the hallways would chatter loudly about their Match letters coming from the government in the mail. The day I caught Susannah Smith giggling about her new fiancee' was the day I stopped picking up the mail for my parents.
And now, Ashton got her letter in the mail and was chirping about how cute he was through our video chat projection.
"And he has the most gorgeous eyes! I honestly can say that they top yours," she squealed, even though she wasn't really in the room with me, the affect of her scream was just as hurtful.
"I just might take that to offense," I chuckled and fingered my warm sweat pants.
Ashton laughed.
"When are you meeting him?" I asked.
She glanced down at the letter in her hand. "Uh, he said he wants to meet next week on Monday." Ashton smiled up at me. "Have you gotten your letter yet?"
I shook my head. "No. And I hope that if I do- it will be a rejection."
Ashton gave me a hard look. "Don't talk like tha-"
"Rigit!" My mom's head peeked through my now open bedroom door. Her eyes were wild with excitement as she planted herself on my bed. She waved a envelope in the air wildly.
My heart sank.
With a swift movement she shoved the thin envelope in my hand.
Don't worry, Rigit, it could be anything. Like, a letter from my teachers or from the government about my health status. As I told myself this I knew it was far from the truth, I couldn't even believe my own thoughts.
Reality: That was my Match letter.
I didn't realize that my fingers were shaking as they tore open the seal holding my letter. Inside- neatly folded in thirds, not halves- was a formal slip of paper.
Dear Rigit Janet Felton,
Congratulation! Your match has been chosen for you by similar characteristics in personalities. You can find his name below.
Name: Liam Stockett
Age: 18
Please contact your match as soon as possible and arrange wedding plans before: February 18, 2045.
In the name of President Lively!

And the letter ended. My heart was in my throat and my stomach in knots. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't...
My hands locked in place and I just stared at the now crimpled letter in my hands

My mom contacted Liam. We were set up on a date for tonight at the restaurant in town. My mom was angered at me for not talking to him myself. My excuse? He would be more pleased to see me if he was anxious.
I was dreading the night. With each ticking second it felt like my grip on freedom was slowly slipping and the day I say, "I do" will be when I completely loose hold of everything that was just.
Unlike Ashton, I wasn't worried on what hairstyle would be more appealing. Or what eyeshadow would brighten my eyes.
"How about a natural look?" I asked after so much arguing over shades got me frustrated.
Ashton shrugged, she knew I had won. As for me, I had never been one too wear all the make up and latest style. I've always been just... me. Rigit Felton. And soon to be Rigit Stockett... Stop! I had to stop thinking like that. They can't control my mind too. That's my one solitude place. Let them take everything but- just not my thoughts.
Ashton settled me in a plain dark green dress which suited me rather well. With my long hair falling down on my shoulders.
With one slip into some shiny heels, I was out the door.
The cab took me to the restaurant. Honestly, I was nervous. You try meeting your future husband for the first time... Your going to feel butterflies. The door opened and released me to the unbarring chipper street corner. My clicking heels added to the orchestra of voices as I made my way to the restaurant doors.
The interior of the building was loud with laughter and the sound of classical music. Along the sides, the red walls were lined with a gold trim, setting a vintage atmosphere.
It was like I felt his presence before I laid my eyes upon him. This tingling sensation that someone was looking at me, rose the hair on my arms.
I slowly turned and saw a man sitting in a booth in the corner of the room. His eyes met mine and he immediately stood.
So this is what it felt like to lose independence?, I thought. Looking into the mahogany eyes of a complete stranger?
I tried not to melt when he smiled. It was hard not to. I tried not to stare at his lips when he said my name. And, oh goodness, it was hard not to.
"I honestly can't believe this is happening," he chuckles, taking a seat across from me. Liam had red hair that swifted across his face. The brown eyes and defined cheek bones complimented him in every way I didn't believe was possible. To me, he seemed like a soft, shy person. And the way he was blushing when he said my name, proved that he was.
"Same here," I smiled and those couldn't be more true words.
"So...," he started and looked so starstruck that I felt sorry that my affections couldn't be returned. His red hair fell in his eyes and with a natural movement he swifted his bangs away.
I raddled my brain for words to say and came up with the lamest, "What do you like to do?"
"Well, I like to read a lot in my study. Where it's quiet, or out in the garden." He genuinely smiled.
Well, from what I conquered he has a big house. Most homes in my neighborhood didn't have gardens. Liam liked to read. We had one thing in common at least.
"What do you like to read?" I asked, and thus! our conversation was born.
Liam was sweet. Down to earth, generous. He told me about all the benefits and charity runs he had attended. His father also worked high up in the government. In the same office building as President Lively. Liam also hoped to take over the family business that his mom runs when he gets older. If I can remember correctly, it was some kind of shipping company.
We talked and talked. Then, our food arrived and we laughed through mouthfuls of delicious poultry. When we finished, Liam made us both order desert after I told him I didn't need any. He then said we needed a reason to stay longer.
I ordered desert.
It was getting late and we had empty dishes scattered about our area. I stood up from my seat.
"I hate to say this but, I really have to go." I let my true sorrow be public within my expressions.
His face fell from his bright smile but yet he stayed a perfect gentlemen. "I'll walk you to a cab," he said and took my hand to lead me out onto the street. He whistled down a a yellow taxi and held the door for me to get in.
"The next time we see each other, I'll be the one wearing a fancy tux by the altar," Liam whispered to me.
I stared at him hard. My stomach was tied in knots at the thought of our wedding approaching.
Liam leaned in and his lips landed on mine softly for a moment before stepping back toward the sidewalk.
My heart skipped a beat.
"I'll be the one wearing white," I whispered numbly and closed the door for the taxi to speed off.

The next few weeks were hectic. I lived and breathed wedding colors and decorations. Which one will fit better for reception? Which one will Liam like better?
Ashton picked a dark pink for her wedding and we assisted each other in shopping for china.
Liam's mother, a tall, skinny woman who looked like she had to me reconstructive surgeries, went with me to pick out my cake and finger snacks. She wouldn't allow Liam and I to have any contact with one another because, it would create anxiety to see each other at the altar. But, all I had left to think about for five weeks was the single kiss Liam left me with.
And that left me crazy.
Right now, my mom, Ashton, Liam's mom, and I were at the dress shop for the grand prize of the wedding- my dress. Walking through the aisles and aisles of white silk, my mind felt like it was about to bust. So many choices.
My mom and Caroline had tons in their hands and escorted my to the dressing room.
I tried on dress after dress. One fit weird in the hips the other was too loose. One was to extravagant. It was like nothing was going right. When I decided that maybe I should wear my dependable sweat pants, Ashton held a beauty in front of me.
Then, my decision was made.

Chapter Three The Beginning
The day arrived. The one that I have been dreading ever since I learned about Matches. As people pricked and primped me, I sat in silence. There was someone applying a last coat of clear nail polish, while another dried my wet hair, and someone creamy, tan liquid on my face. Through the whole time of being beautified, one thing stuck in my mind, "If I'm going down, why not in style."
After finishing touches were done to my eyes, and a curling iron had been through my black hair more times then I would have accepted on any other occasion, they pushed me into a dressing room to put on my corset. Sliding the single sheet of white curtain back, I gently slipped off my plush robe.
The corset that was supposed to give me a curvy image was cold against my bare skin as I slid it onto my body. An attendant slipped inside my changing area and helped me with the ties,not loosening them but pulling and bruising me with each tug. Next, came my dress- the prize of the occasion. The white silk was zipped up onto me and flowed down my legs. With the final touch of a veil, they stood me in front of a mirror.
Not to be prideful, but I looked beautiful. My black hair was cascading down my back and shoulders in single curls that reminded me of silk cylinders. My face had a certain glow and my eyes were showing brighter than I've ever seen them. The dress that I picked out was a simple one, that I felt was a part of me some how. The single straps were outlined with sparkles and my collar bone was exposed by the dipping neck of the dress. White silk flowed down my legs in sparkling patterns to kiss the tip of the floor beneath me.
My beauty team stepped aside to admire their work. When they did finishing touches, like putting my hair back a little, squirting a spritz of perfume on me and one last coat of lip gloss they moved out of the room to catch their seats in the chapel.
Caroline waltzed in wearing a light blue dress with black pumps and put her hands on both sides of my shoulders.
"You look absolutely stunning dear," she whispered. "I wouldn't choose anyone else to marry my Liam." She moved back and studied me harder.
"Rig!" Ashton screeched and ran over to me. "You look beautiful!" She clasped her hands in mine, her new wedding ring scratching me the tiniest bit. "I love you, you look great and have fun out there. Right now I got to go."
"Love you too," I said and gave her the best hug I could manage in this tight corset.
She ran out and in came my mother.
"Oh, honey...," she murmured and gave me a motherly hug. She said a few words to me then lead me outside to the entrance of the chapel.
Inside I heard the music start up- my queue to descend down the aisle. My dad was at my side and looped his arm with mine. We walked slowly up the porch stairs to the old white church building and the wooden doors were opened.
A wave of butterflies took flight in my stomach as I saw all the eyes turn toward me. Was I ready for this? No. What was I supposed to do about it? Nothing. I silently argued with myself. Getting married at eighteen. That was considered early in the old days. Back then, people got married in their twenties. That must of been crazy.
As my dad led me walking to the beat of the organ, my eyes looked up to the front where Liam stood in a nice tux. Looking at him, my lips tingled with the memory of our last encounter. Crazy to think that the second time we see each other, we'll be husband and wife.
My dad stopped me to the front and pulled back my veil.
"I love you," he whispered. "Be a good girl and follow the law. This might not be what you want, but it's your only choice." He gave me a weak smile and kissed my cheek.
After my dad released me, Liam was at my side, taking my arm in his we walked to the front and the music stopped.
"You may all be seated," said the government trained priest.
Liam's eyes met mine and a joyous smile crept onto his lips. His started mouthing some words. Are you nervous?, he asked.
A little, I replied.
His eyes went wide and he smiled brightened as the priest resumed talking.
I'm very nervous, he mouthed.
"Please bring the rings," said the priest as Liam's little cousin, Jason, walked up with a pillow- on top was two shining rings.
Liam and I took the rings- I taking his, him taking mine- and we stared at the priest for the next step.
"Liam," he said facing Liam. "Do you take Rigit Felton as your wife? To love and to hold, through sickness and through health. For better and for worse. Only by death shall you part?"
Liam's eyes never faltered from mine as he said, "I do."
"Then, repeat after me, I Liam Stockett," the priest resumed.
Liam looked at me and smiled. "I Liam Stockett."
"Take Rigit Felton."
"Take Rigit Felton," he repeated.
"To be my wife, to love and to hold."
"To love and to hold," Liam whispered and reached out and grabbed my hand.
"Through sickness and through health..."
"Through sickness and through health." He squeezed my hand hand tighter.
Priest glanced back down at his book. "For better and for worse only by death shall we part."
Lacing his fingers with mine he said, "For better and for worse only by death shall we part."
"Now place the ring on her finger."
Liam gently grabbed my left hand ring finger and slid a silver band with a ginormous diamond on top.
The priest then turned to me. "Now do you Rigit Felton, take Liam Stockett as your husband to love and to hold through sickness and through health. For better and for worse. Only by death shall you part?"
I felt like I was about to hurl. My stomach was in knots, my head was fuzzy and my mouth didn't feel like working. I couldn't meet Liam's eyes so I looked out to the audience where Ashton was. She sat there giving me silent cheers. Then mouthed the dreaded words, I do.
"I do," I murmured and two syllables were never harder to say.
From my moments hesitation, Liam pursed his lips and sent me a hard, confused stare.
"Then repeat after me..." he then stated the whole recite.
"I Rigit Felton take Liam Stockett to love and to hold through sickness and through health for better and for worse only by death shall we part." I whispered.
"Then place the ring on his finger."
I grabbed his left hand and slid the golden band around his finger.
"Then by the power invested in me from President Lively and as God and these loved ones your witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride."
As soon as the priest finished that sentence, Liam grabbed my face in between his hands and pressed his lips against mine.
People clapped and cheered as he kissed me and I felt slightly embarrassed. Everyone watched and smiled at the newly married couple.
I pulled back from him and pried his hands from my face taking his left hand and holding it in my own.
Now, it was time to make our grand escape. We walked down the aisle as husband and wife and out the doors to our waiting limo. Ducking inside the car sped off.
Liam wrapped an arm around me shoulders and pulled me to him.
"Where are we going?" I asked smiling up to him.
With out having to think about he said, "Our new home."
My mouth dropped. "Our... home?" The thought never phased me, that I would leave my home with my parents and move in with him. I would have to share a room with him... How could I skip this idea?
"Yeah," he looked at me like he couldn't believe I was asking this. "The maids already designed the room and everything. We just have a home to come to." Liam took my hand in his and set it in his lap and looked out the window at the flying city.
Maids? We were going to have maids?
"We're going to have maids..?" I asked dumbly.
Liam placed his head on my shoulder and yawned. "Well, of course. That way we can focus on different things... like us." I felt his cheeks rise with a smile.
The limo started to slow and a mansion came into view. It was Victorian styled. Huge white bricks towered up making what looked like three stories high. A circular driveway came around and tons of people stood smiling and cheering as we slowed.
"Who are they?" I whispered to Liam.
A tall man opened our door and we got out of the car.
"The servants," he replied taking my hand and leading me to the front door.
The servants stared at me in awe as I swifted my way to the front door with Liam at my hip. Not once though did he look in their general direction.
The butler- as I presumed- opened up two wooden doors that led to the inside of our home.
And it was a castle.
The inside was white tiled floor sweeping across. On the side was two stair cases that stretched up to a second floor and me on a big overlook of the foyer. Underneath the staircases was a large hallway. Stone statues lined along the walls of the fourier creating a little bit of decoration.
"Let me show you our room," Liam murmured and led me up the staircase to a whole other level of the house.
Liam said the whole third story of the house was our personal headquarters. Only personal maids and requested servants were allowed to come through it.
The top of the stair way held a formal looking door. More like a front door type.
Inside was a cozy looking room. It felt more like a home except for the chandelier on the ceiling that provided light through fo room. There was a red couch in the middle of the room that sat in front of a red brick fire place. The floor was a light brown hard wood that swept across the living room and down a hallway. There was a glass coffee table in front of the couch with red candles resting on top. Along the walls were canvases of stunning art. Painted flower vases full of roses.
Our personal headquarters was everything I dreamed of. The coziness of a home to have a family with. It was perfect.
"Liam," I whispered. I couldn't find the words to describe what I was feeling. Love? Contentedness? Whatever this fuzzy, warm feeling was in my stomach.
I felt his dancing eyes on me as he waited for me to continue.
"Just wait," Liam started and lead the way. Our footsteps pitter- patted together down the dim lighted hallway. He stopped in front of a door at the very end. He looked over his shoulder at me as if he was giving a dramatic pause for a grandee finale.
I didn't understand until he opened the door.
To start there was perfectly clean spotless white carpet that spread along the room. The walls were a silvery dark blue that matched a stormy sky- but it was still a brilliant, beautiful color. In the middle of the room was a king sized bed with a comforter lay ed across that matched the walls. The bed was surrounded by a white canopy.
It was beautiful.
Again, I was at a loss for words.
"This is-" I started but was cut off by Liam's lips pressing against mine.

Chapter Four.
The next morning, I awoke to a cramp in my upper thigh and the warm feeling of skin against skin. My eyes cleared up and I realized that it wasn't a dream. I had really gotten married.
The feeling of breath on my neck caused me to turn my head. Liam laid next to me as still as a rock. His ginger hair was slightly rumpled and he looked so young and innocent.
Smiling, I pushed myself up too sitting position. That's when I realized there was no pajamas on my body. Nothing.
Did Liam and I...?
My stomach twisted at the thought. What had I been thinking? I could barely remember any of it.
My heart pounded and I grabbed a silk robe that rested on the side table. Wrapping it around me I ran to the door that I prayed led to the bathroom. I guessed correctly and only seconds after I walked in before I threw up.
Gagging over the porcelain toilet, my stomach only felt worse.
Liam frantically ran into bathroom. Taking one look at me he ran into the other room. Coming back a minute later his ear was pressed against a phone. He bent down to me and held back my hair from my sweating face.
"I don't know!," he yelled into the phone. "I just woke up to her being sick... Can you just send somebody up here?" I've never heard Liam so angry before. "That's a demand!"
He slammed the phone shut a thrust it across the bathroom. It hit the wall and crashed to the floor.
When I realized I was done puking my guts out, I sat back against the wall and shut my eyes.
Liam sat down next to me and pulled me against his chest. "Are you okay?" he murmured.
I nodded.
Pulling myself out of my husband's grasp, I went to the counter and searched for something to heal my rank breath. Liam watched me as I grabbed the first toothbrush I found and squirted white paste on it.
"What happened, Rigit?" he asked, still sitting on the floor. He had on gray sweat pants. They were put on crooked from his rush to the bathroom. His bare chest rose and fell as he waited for an answer. Did he work out? His muscles were defined and strong.
I shrugged. Spitting in the sink I rinsed my mouth out with the cold water.
"Put some clothes on," he said walking up behind me and laying a hand on my shoulder. "I'm having a doctor come to check you out. I don't want him to see my wife like this."
For some reason I felt offended. But, I followed orders and went to the closet and grabbed the first thing I could find. Slipping on a t shirt and wool shorts I went back to the bed.
My head felt dizzy and my stomach still churned back and forth. What was going on with me?
"Liam," I whimpered as my head started to perspire with sweat. I might of been disgusted with what we did last night but I was in desperate need of the comfort of someone.
From across the room he bit down on his lip hard staring at the door. Hearing my voice, he shot me sorrowful eyes before making his way over to me. He took my hand in both of his.
"Are you dizzy?" he asked.
I nodded
I nodded.
With the thought of it there was a single pain in the front of my skull right above my eyes.
Another nod.
"Are you hot? Cold?" Liam asked frantically.
I tried to find words in the back of my throat but nothing came up. After numerous tries of whimpering, I hoarsely whispered, "Hot."
Before Liam could respond, the door to our room burst open. A tall lanky man strolled in. His white hair thinned over his the top of his head and he held a brown suitcase in his arms.
"What's going on Liam?" he demanded in a medium voice that sent chills through me.
"It's Rigit," he said. The man looked at me for the first time in his short visit. "She woke me up this morning throwing up. She won't stop sweating and she's dizzy."
Liam resumed talking but I couldn't stay focused. They were becoming blurry through my vision. One minute they were clear then things would fade.
I tried sitting up to see if I was hallucinating the blurriness, but when my head left the pillow consciousness soon left me too and I hit the bed with a thump.

I felt like I was on a boat. Though I've never been to the ocean, my senses told me that was where I was. The salty smell of the air in my nose and on my tongue. The rocking of the boat. And the sight of no land.
Looking about, I was by myself. This might scare some but, to me it was relaxing and peaceful. My eyes fell to the water next to me. So close. Instinctively, my hand reached out a caressed the dancing water. It was not yet cold, but not hot. The perfect temperature. Beyond the surface, there was a dozen fish swimming together. So happily in the aqua water.
The boat - by some magic force- started to steer itself toward the right, away from the beautiful fish. As if separated by an invisible line the boat crossed over to a darker place. Instead of blue skies, it was gray. The water was murky, but not foggy enough for me to not be able to see the horrid fish underneath. Ones with sharp teeth. Some with fins. One jumped out of the water and snapped toward my face. It's teeth were stained red with pieces of flesh in between.
I jumped back and put myself in the middle of the boat. But, I now noticed that the boat wasn't that big. Small, wooden, and three feet width at the most. Pitiful.
A bigger fish bit the front of the boat. Splintering the wood and taking almost half of my boat with it. Liquid rushed in beside me, skimming my lower half with the rancid water. Filling the capacity, the boat started to sink. Before I knew it, fish swam around me, nipping, and taunting me with their beady eyes and razor teeth.
I never learned to swim, so down I sunk. My head was under the water and fish rushed toward me at sight of their new meal. My lungs were constricting with the lack of oxygen and I couldn't stay under here long or I would-

Sitting up I gasped for air. Realizing I could breathe again and there was no smell of ocean anywhere, I took in my surroundings.
Right where I left off, my bedroom.
"Mrs. Stockett?" a male voice echoed through my brain. Turning, there was a man about my age sitting in a chair by my bed. He had blond soft hair and masculine cheek bones. His dark lashes settled over his eyes, which were the darkest shade of brown almost- as if his whole pupil and iris were engulfed with black. Not in a startling way, but in a secretive, dangerous kind of fashion.
Anyone would be able to tell that he was gorgeous.
"Who are you?" I asked, my voice wasn't raspy or hoarse anymore. My body felt back to normal.
"Xavier, ma'am. I'm your personal servant that Mr. Stockett assigned to bring you breakfast and stay with you when your sick. I hope you don't mind." Xavier had a deep yet soft voice. Nothing I'd ever heard. I never even though that those to types could exist in one man.
"Yeah, that's fine..." I quickly ran my hands through my hair. "Where's Liam?" I asked.
"In his study on the second story, ma'am," Xavier replied.
I pulled myself out of bed and went to the closet. Rummaging through the clothes I said, "Do you mind taking me there?" I pulled a simple green dress off the rack. Most of the clothes in here seemed to be dresses, except for Liam's side.
"No, ma'am. It's my job to make life in the mansion more comfortable," Xavier yelled back at me.
Slipping off my clothes, I pulled on the green dress. "If we are going to be hanging around each other often, you need to stop calling me 'ma'am'. I go by Rigit or Rig"
"Yes ma'am-" there was a pause. "I mean Rigit."
I chuckled to myself softly. After, getting my dress on I went to the bathroom to brush my hair. The room was cleaned and the strong smell of chemicals filled my nose. Evidently, someone had been in here to clean since my last encounter.
"I'm ready," I sighed and walked down the hall of our quarters. Xavier followed and opened the front door for me that led to the stairs. "After you," he murmured, shutting it quietly when we had both exited.
Xavier took the lead and led me down the stairs. They were mostly deserted only one maid headed up the stairs toward our quarters.
She was shaking as she stopped in front of us. Her eyes nervously darted around everywhere except to meet mine. "Are you done up there, ma'am?" she asked looking at her feet.
Xavier must've noticed the confusion on my face because he said, "She cleans your rooms."
"Oh!" This is is probably the maid Liam was talking about. "Yes, I'm done for now."
She gave me a quick fast nod and by stepped us up the stairs.
"Thank you!" I called after her and smiled sincerely.
The shock on her was public. There was a tiny smile on her face before she turned and walked away.
"Was she okay?" I asked Xavier as we walked down the spiraling stairs.
He laughed. "Yeah, she's just nervous. None of us knew what you were going to be like. We've seen some mean people..." He trailed off, as if looking back in a window of a memory.
I bit my lip. My sympathy was deep for him. I couldn't imagine being given orders for a living. "Why didn't you just leave then?" I asked. "If they were mean... I would've left. I'm to head strong to even take orders from people." I gave a little laugh under my breath.
Xavier stopped when we arrived on the second floor and looked at me with admiration, and pity.
When he spoke his voice had taken on a different tone. "It's not that simple, Rigit. You can't leave. If I could, believe me... I wouldn't be here." There was some kind of longing in his eyes. I noticed he was looking through the window that led to an empty pasture.
I was confused. Couldn't leave? What did he mean? "What do you-"
"Never mind. I shouldn't be talking to you about that," he said and walked down a wide hallway.
Accepting the fact that he wasn't going to speak anymore on that subject, I took a breath a followed behind. Our footsteps echoed off the wooden walls and harmonized as we walked further down the winding hallway. Every Once in a while the would be a single door. But not another until a couple more turns.
Xavier finally turned down a dead end. "Liam's study is through that door," he whispered. The dead silence of the hallway gave that kind of effect where you felt your voice couldn't go much louder than a whisper.
"Thank you." I smiled and turned to open the door knob.
"Oh!," he exclaimed. "Knock first. Liam doesn't like to be barged in on. I'll be out here when your done."
I nodded and gave a single thump.
"Come in!" I recognized the voice, Liam.
I walked in a closed the door behind me.
His study resembled a large office. The walls were all paneled wood and the floor the same. Liam sat at a big desk in the middle of the room that was stacked with papers to the roof. There were a few file cabinets on the walls right next to a couple lined bookshelves lined with old hard back books that were falling apart at the seams.
Liam sat frustrated animatedly talking through his phone. "What do you mean the stocks won't be in by Saturday?" he boomed. Never have I heard him talk in such a tone of voice. I didn't even think he could hold the capacity of such a strong emotion.
"Well, I will tell all the people I know about your company!" he paused. "Then, screw you! I will not buy from you again. And neither will a bunch of my friends!" With that he slammed the phone on the receiver.
He through his head in his hands as I shrank back against the wall biting my lip. I shouldn't have come. Bad timing was apparently my number one flaw.
"Hey, honey," he greeted me warily, now realizing I was standing in the room. His face brightened at the sight of me and the redness from anger slowly faded from his cheeks.
"Hey," I whispered, not knowing what to do now.
Liam rolled his chair back from the desk a little bit and patted his lap.
Without thinking, I brought myself over to him and sat down. Immediately, he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck.

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This book has 3 comments.

on Aug. 23 2012 at 4:47 pm
DirectingGabs GOLD, Texas, Texas
19 articles 1 photo 65 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.\"

it's not finished yet! haha no wonder you think it should of been longer. I'm stil working on it and I have a chapter or two completed that I need to put up on here. Sorry it took so long.

on Jan. 28 2012 at 8:34 am
foreverSmall PLATINUM, Brighton, Michigan
23 articles 0 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
Psalm 23:2-4

Hey, it's me again. I think it should have been longer, because it doesn't really tell much at the end. But I love it! :D

on Jan. 22 2012 at 11:31 am
foreverSmall PLATINUM, Brighton, Michigan
23 articles 0 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
Psalm 23:2-4

This is so good! I love it! Keep writing.