The Abilities | Teen Ink

The Abilities

December 10, 2018
By Anonymous

Author's note:

im doing this for a grade 

The Abilities

I walked out the door of my second story apartment, ready for school. I walked down the flight of stairs to get in my car, when suddenly I get a phone call from a blocked number. Strange, I thought to myself, I never usually get calls from anybody except my mom. I answered it, and a man with a deep scratchy voice spoke back.

“Is this Xavier?” the man spoke.

“Yes? Who is this?” I answered.

“I know who you are. I knew your real parents. I need you to meet me in the parking lot of the abandoned church near your school at 9pm. Don’t bring anybody with you, and don’t ask any questions.”

The phone hung up, and I was kind of nervous. If he knew my real parents that must mean he knows of my abilities. I spent the whole day of school thinking to myself, who is this? What could this guy possibly want with me?

At the end of the school day, I walked out of school and got in my Chevy Silverado, and made my way home. I sat in bed, doing homework, and the thought of me meeting this random guy wouldn’t leave my mind. It was a little sketchy, but I’m curious on what he wants considering he knew my parents.

I jolted awake after realizing I had fallen asleep for a couple hours. I looked down at my brand new Apple Watch and saw that it was 8:45pm, almost time for me to go meet this guy. I got in my car and drove to the abandoned church near my school. I pulled up in the parking lot next to this white, old, beat up car that looked like it was made in 1980. In the car was this man with glasses, long blonde hair in a ponytail, with a torn up shirt and jeans. He looked up to me, and his eyes were bright neon green.

“Hello, Xavier,” he spoke, “I am Dr. Green.”

“Um, hi.” I say back.

“I bet you’re wondering why I brought you here. Let me tell you. I live on planet Threa, and right now we’re being attacked from another planet trying to take over mine. I contacted you because I knew your parents and wanted to see if you had abilities like they did. I knew your mom could fly, and your dad had strength like the Hulk.”

“Yeah, I can do both of those things. But what makes you think I want to help you? I’m not invincible, you know.”

He looked amazed as I told him that. I could tell that he really needed my help, but I wondered what would be in it for me.

“I’d be willing to pay you 10,000 American dollars. Is that enough to convince you to help me?” asks Dr. Green.


“Okay, meet me tomorrow at this same time with your bags packed and ready to go. You won’t miss a day here on Earth, 3 weeks on my planet is 3 hours on Earth.”

“See you then.” I say excitedly.

I roll up my window, and drive my truck back home. As I get home, I start wondering about what it will be like in a different universe, on another planet. I wondered if I would be able to breathe that air without any difficulties, or if the people there would treat me the same as everyone else. I’m not entirely sure on what things will be like, but I can’t wait to go on an adventure with my new friend.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual, excited for my adventure with Dr. Green. I make sure to pack my bags with three weeks worth of clothes. I get a text sent to my phone from a random number at around 7:20am. It reads “Meet me at 9am instead of 9pm. We need you now.”

Strange, I thought to myself. I guess it would mean more time for me to spend with my new friend. After not having a lot of friends my whole life, this means a lot to me, even if he just needs my help I bet we will be friends forever.

A few hours went by, and I hopped in my truck and headed to the abandoned church parking lot to meet Mr. Green. As I arrived, the same beaten up old car was there in the same spot it had been last night, and I pulled up next to it. Dr. Green looked more beaten up and his clothes were torn up worse since last night, and it looked like his hair was longer too.

“Xavier.” Dr. Green said nervously.

“Yeah?” I responded.

“There’s a big problem.”

“Well, what’s the problem Dr. Green?”

“I’m afraid that the invaders have come close to killing nearly one million people. The total population on this planet is two million people. And I’m afraid we’re going to need to inject you with invincibility, it lasts forever, but you’ll need to do as much as you can to help kill all of the invaders.”

“Okay, but what’s the problem with injecting me with invincibility?”

“The problem is that it’s a 50/50 chance of it being poisonous. It could make you feel sick for months, or it would make you invincible for the rest of your life.”

I had a huge decision to make. I didn’t want to let Dr. Green down, because I can see him being a good friend. I bet he would do the same for me if I needed his help. So, I agreed to take the injection of invincibility. I got out of my truck, closed the door and made sure to lock it so nobody stole it while I was gone. I hopped in his old beat up car, and he asked if I was ready to go.

“Lets go.” I said.

The car started shaking, and then suddenly I saw the brightest light flash I’ve ever seen, and I felt like I was floating. All of the sudden, we hit the ground hard in what looks like a desert. The ground consisted of dirt, with very little grass. I looked around and saw no trees, just little white poles sticking up from the dirt. About a few miles away, I could see fighting in the distance and loud noises that sounded like gunshots.

“This is where you live?” I asked Dr. Green.

“Yes, and it’s where your parents grew up too.”

“Were you friends with my parents?” I asked.

“Yes, we all went to the same grouping area.”

“Grouping area?”

“Yes, you might refer to it as ‘school’ on Earth, but here on Threa, we refer to it as a grouping area. We all are put in a ginormous room, and we all learn the same thing everyday.”

“Sounds boring.” I replied.

Dr. Green started walking towards the fighting, and I followed. We came upon a bunch of small houses that were all connected, and he walked inside one of the many doors. Inside, it was all messy and torn down, and it looked like a slob lived here.

“Welcome to my home.” says Dr. Green.

Well, I thought to myself, it isn’t the worst mess I’ve ever seen. Dr. Green walks into what I would call a kitchen, and reaches inside one of the cabinets. He pulls out this purple looking liquid, and pours a little bit of it into a syringe, with a long needle on the end of it. I hate needles.

“This is what you’ll be using to inject yourself with the power of invincibility.” Dr. Green explains.

“Great.” I respond sarcastically, “The only thing I hate worse than needles are spiders. And not the little ones, I’m talking about the ones that are bigger than my face.”

“Well, you’re just out of luck because on Threa, there are spiders bigger than some of the people living here.”

I gulped quietly, kind of nervous about what I’m going to run into during my adventure here. He handed me the syringe with the purple liquid inside, and took ahold of my arm. He searched for a vein coming out of my forearm, and once he found it he slowly inserted the needle into it.

“Ow!” I winced in pain.

“Oh, you’ll be fine. At least you’re invincible now.”

He pushed the top of the syringe so that the liquid injected into my bloodstream.

“Are you ready?” Dr. Green asked.

“I guess so.” I told him.

“Alright then, lets go kick some butt.”

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