the memory escape | Teen Ink

the memory escape

January 5, 2023
By Bayzoul SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
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Bayzoul SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
9 articles 2 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
no matter how big or how small, you can make a huge change in this giant world -paris white-lenard<br /> <br /> “Every moment of life is precious and can never happen again.” –<br /> <br /> spend as much time every day with your family and loved ones because you never know when that day is your last.<br /> - Paris white-lenard

The Memory Escape
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Bayzoul heard heavy, loud footsteps coming up the stairs. She suddenly started to panic. Her hands started to shake and her heart was beating fast in her chest like a snare drum. The only reason someone comes up here is if they wanted to give her trouble or hurt her for no reason. When the footsteps stopped in front of her door, she heard a click followed by a creek and the door swung open. She expected to see her guard or her brother, but instead, it was her father; Grady. She saw her father standing there with a tray of food. He looked down at her with a straight face. Bayzoul could see the dark circles underneath her father's eyes. But bayzoul was worse. She was so weak she could barely speak. But she was still powerful enough to hurt someone. But she didn't want to. Her father set the tray in her lap and checked to see if she had a fever. Bayzoul was confused.
“You're sick. You need to rest. I'll bring you some soup later.” he sighed with a shake of his head. He closed his eyes and sighed. He started to walk out of the room.

“Eat up. You have a long day ahead of you.” Her father roared in a loud booming voice.
“ Please just let me go outside for one day! Please!” Bayzoul pleaded. He clenched his jaw tightly. His hands balled up in fists.
“ NO! You are a target for some guy to snatch you up and run off with you. And you could burn down the city if you get mad. It's too risky to let you go out by yourself.” And with that, he turned and walked out the door again. But then stopped in the doorway and turned his head.
“ Your mother will be coming up to talk to you.” He closes the door and locks it again.
She sighs and looks down at the tray of food in my lap. It smelled sweet and good. It was the best meal she has had in YEARS. The taste is the best! It was buttery, creamy, doughy, gingery, mellow, melted, sugar, and warm.

That night, Bayzoul had a plan. A risky plan. She plans to sneak out of her window tonight. She plans to run away and go hide in the forbidden cities. But she would need a blue crystal for that. So she plans to stop by a friend's house and ask if he wants to come along. Bayzoul took out a pencil and a piece of paper. Then she started to draw a map of her route. On the back, she made a list of stuff she needed to bring with her. (water, food, fresh clothes, blanket, tent, bandages, radio, shoes{sandals} pillow, paper, pencil, knife, ax, phone, etc). Once she was packed she used torn fabric to make a rope so she could climb down. It was a cold night. Bayzoul started shivering right away. Her hands were shaking so badly she could barely climb down the rope.

When she reached the bottom, she ran into a problem immediately. She saw the night patrol guards pacing back and forth. She took out her spell book and found the one for invisibility. She took her spell pen and drew the symbol in the book.
She prayed that it worked. Bayzouls hands were shaking so badly. And her knees were rubber. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She walked into the guard's sight and nothing happened.
“Yes!” She whispered. But she did not know how long it would last; so she ran to the woods. Bu t the spell wore off before she could get out of the guard's sight. One of the guards spotted her so she ran as fast as her weak legs could carry her.

As Bayzoul ran, she could hear the guards shouting
“GET BACK HERE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE!” Just then her own bodyguard came out behind a tree and grabbed her by the wrist and ran with her.
“ What are you doing, Sandor?” Bayzoul hissed, her hands balling up into fists.
“ I'm helping you get away. What does it look like I'm doing?” He called over his shoulder in response.
“ Why are you helping me?” She asked.
“Because I don't want you locked away just as much as you do.” He answered. For some reason, she couldn't help but smile at him. Sandor took Bayzoul through a couple of turns and to a small clearing with a huge ( like really, really, REALLY huge) tree in the middle with an extremely gigantic tree house on it. And for some reason, it looks so familiar to Bayzoul. They didn't stop running until they climbed to the top of the wooden spiral staircase. Sandor opened a door leading inside and pressed a button on the wall. When he did, the spiral wooden staircase started to pull up. Bayzoul looked around the mansion-like treehouse. Sandor went inside a small security room. Bayzoul wondered how long it took to build all of this and who built it. Then she saw a photo in a really familiar frame. In the picture, there is a little girl with the same fiery red hair she had. She then realized that the little girl was her. Bayzoul gasped and took a few shaky steps back. She was holding a hammer and some nails. The memories came flooding back to her. She built this treehouse with Sandor and her father. And her mother decorated it. She remembered everything that her memory bank had lost. She turned her focus back on Sandor. He had put an invisible force field around their treehouse. Bayzoul walked out of the room and went down a narrow hallway and turned left into a bedroom. It had a queen-sized bed, bing bag chairs in the far right corner, a bookshelf on the left, a desk with an unfinished drawing, a closet, a dresser, a floor-length mirror, and a glass door that leads out to a balcony. Bayzoul picked up the drawing and inspected it. She was starting to draw a family photo. The same photo she had left in her tower room. She had to get it. But how? On her bed, there was a file. The file was filled with letters from her family. They used to write letters when they were away. Bayzoul read them all. As she read one specific letter ( from her parents) tears sprang into her eyes. And her bottom lip started to tremble. She went into her closet on the left were art things and on the right were three shelves of boxes each one labeled. On the top shelf, there were 5 boxes labeled: unused drives; used drives; photos; letters; and mini cameras. In the middle, there were 3 boxes labeled: throwing stars; daggers; sword pieces. The boxes on the bottom were too faded to read. Bayzoul grabbed a pencil and lined paper from the left side. She sat down on one of the bing bag chairs and wrote a letter to her parents.

She put the letter in a box with the other letters and put the box in her bag. Bayzoul stood up and wandered around the rest of the treehouse. There was one room left when Sandor caught up with her. This one room out of all the other rooms, Bayzoul did not remember.
“ Your parents and I added this room after you ran away. You should definitely look at it.'' Sandor suggested, putting an arm around her.
“ Why did you guys make this room after I ran away?” Bayzoul asked.
“Because we knew when you came back, you'd at some point come here and look in this room. This is my favorite room in the treehouse.'' Sandor explained. Bayzoul took a deep breath and slowly turned the knob. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach, and she tried to swallow a large lump in her throat.

The door swung open so easily. When Bayzoul saw what was on the other side she gasped, she covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes huge. The room was full of stuff she made as a little girl. Bayzoul couldn't help but smile. The room is divided into little rooms. In one corner there was a couch, tv, projector, and a coffee table. In another corner there were three tables: one had swords in cases s he made for Sandor when she was 3. On another table were throwing daggers she made by hand when she was 4. And on the last table were throwing stars she made by hand when she was 2. In another corner, there are small sculptures she made for her father when she was 5, and in the last corner, there was a recipe book and a photo album she made for her mother when she was growing up. She then realized what each corner represented: family. Her family; Sandor, mom, dad, her. She loved them and they loved her back.

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