Dystopian Promises | Teen Ink

Dystopian Promises

August 10, 2023
By yelenaistyping--, Topeka, Kansas
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yelenaistyping--, Topeka, Kansas
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Favorite Quote:
you can't go forward if you are focused on what's behind you, you can't change the past but you can strive to make the future better, whether it's yours or someone else's.

Author's note:

I've been writing ever since I was 13, and it was always my dream to write a book and be a famous author one day. now that I'm 18, and I have an idea for a novel that I'm very passionate about, I'm happy to have a website like teenink to help me make my dream come true.

I woke up with a hard, crust sitting in the corner of my eyes. I wiped it away, not excited to wake up. Having a hard time waking up isn’t abnormal for me, but I felt more drowsy than usual this morning. “I probably just didn't sleep as well as I thought last night” I spoke under my breath. I felt as though something was different, I moved and shifted around in my bed cautiously, trying not to wake my roommates. I discovered I was right when I felt a sharp pain stab into my stomach, surprising me.

I let out a loud, involuntary cry in discomfort when the pain in my stomach gradually got worse, like someone shot me and then stabbed a knife into me; twisting it back and forth like they were trying to get the bullet out. I tried to think about what I could’ve done the day before that made my stomach hurt like this, but I couldn't think of anything. My reaction jolted my roommates awake. They rubbed their eyes like I did before, and looked around for the source of the sound. The first person to wake up was namjoon, and when he looked over at me clutching my stomach in desperation to make the pain stop, he knew why.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked, worried, his words gentle and comforting like the hand of a loved one, but it was obvious that he was barely awake. I tried to tell him, but all that came out was, “My stomach.. It hurts”. He looked at me saying with his eyes “You screamed like that because your stomach hurts?!”, but still trying to stay as patient as he could. “I’m sorry..” I said with my body language, trying to make it obvious that I didn't mean to anger him. 

He grabbed his phone that was resting on the nightstand and turned it on to check the time. My heart dropped, I had no idea what time it was. I wasn't thinking about that when I woke up, but I had a feeling that it was stupid early. “Jungkook..” my roommate called my name, trying his best to hide his anger and stay calm, “ it’s 4 o’clock in the morning..”. I didn't know why but when I heard that I had an eerie feeling in my whole body that gave me the chills. “Why did I not only wake up naturally at 4 in the morning but also wake up with an excruciating pain with no explanation of what caused it or why it was there?” I thought, scaring myself more, “Something’s not right..”.

I felt really bad, “I’m sorry, I’m really so-” but I was interrupted by my stomach pain deciding to make itself known again. “Sh*t!.. F*ck!” I tried to muffle my yell with my hand, but my reaction was too late. Tears ran down my face, each one trying to be faster than the other. I didn’t care about how loud I was anymore, I just wanted the pain to stop.

Hoeseok’s head shot up when he heard the obvious agony in my voice, his messy bed head flopping back when he looked towards my direction. The room filled with groans and yawns as everyone finally started to come to their senses. 

Yoongi (or suga) turned his head over to me like a haunted doll in a horror movie. Yoongi is a nice and caring person, but, if there is anything in the world that he hates more than anything, it’s being woken up. “Sh*t,” I thought to myself, “my stomach pain was nothing compared to whatever he might do”. Suga has never actually done anything to us, but he just has that aurora of a person that you never f*ck with, or you find out. So, everyone was slightly terrified of him.

Suga slowly sat up and looked at us, like a ticking time bomb, every minute getting closer and closer to the end. He sensed that the room was different, scanning the room for anything that would succor him to figure out what. He slowly reached for his alarm clock, and my heartbeat increased as he looked at me with a glare. We all kept waiting and waiting for something to happen, an outburst, his face turning red with anger, anything, but the silence was so loud that my ears all but burst and bled. He sat and stared for at us so long that it felt like he wasn't the same person anymore. 

His expression was blank and robotic, it put everyone in the room on edge. The yoongi we knew would not stare right through us as he did. My bottom lip quivered and my face fell flat. Yoongi's presence was strong, and it wasn’t human. Something really bad happened to him, and I don’t know why but I had a disturbing feeling that the rest of us didn't have a chance at being safe either.

I looked into Yoongi's dead-like eyes, not fully sure if there was even a glimpse of his old self left anymore. I could barely get myself to process what was going on, and my being self-aware made me slowly grow mad. I felt that familiar and depressing lump in my throat grows and form, making my cheeks flush red and pale. I looked into what was left of the soft, warm, and brown glow in Yoongi's eyes that reminded me of a playful baby doe, slowly fading into cold and ice-like depths that sucked you into an empty prison with no easy way to escape. Making me perceive that I did something wrong, even though I know I didn't. My sick punishment turned my beloved friends into feelingless zombies right in front of me.

I reached for the side of my stomach and clenched it as hard as I could, feeling my fingers tense up as the pain got worse and worse by the passing second. I had the feeling of warm liquid seeping from the injury into my hand, but when I checked there was nothing there.” great, I’m going insane”, but I didn’t care anymore, I felt numb. The only thing I remember seeing was the ceiling before my eyes blurred and watered over.

Out of nowhere, I noticed a bright fluorescent light that tainted my peripheral, growing bigger and bigger, slowly eating up the room like a sinkhole until everything was covered in a snow-white, fluorescent blanket of light. The more the light grew, the more I realized that my injury was fading and my anger was seeping out of my pores like a waterfall. The light was healing me. I heard Suga's voice from what seemed like miles away, even though the apartment we lived in only covered a few square feet. It didn't matter though, because I could hear in his voice that he changed back to his original self, the light healed him too. “Jungkook?!” he called out, his voice breaking, echoing around me like it was a person, reaching out to hug me and tell me that things were ok now. “Yoongi?!” I heard my voice become weak when I said his name, trying to hold back my tears. 

I didn’t care how bright the light was, I was going to open my eyes to find him or go blind trying. I followed his voice, that echo getting closer and closer and that comforting hug from the light, getting tighter and warmer. I tripped over something and landed straight on my face, my nose bleeding rapidly but I didn't care. It turns out, what I tripped over was Yoongi's foot, and when I found out I hugged him so fast that I knocked the wind out of my lungs. I noticed my blood was gone shortly after my other friends arrived, the light still healing any injuries. “Yoongi, jungkook, thank goodness you guys are ok!” I heard a familiar voice say, It was jimin. I looked over at him to see tears trying to escape his eyes. I could tell that he was struggling to keep them back, trying not to let his emotions show. I gave him a knowing nod as my arms opened up with a comforting welcome. 

I knew that Jimin needed a hug, but it still took me by surprise when he ran into my arms. I gave him a little squeeze before taehyung stepped in with something to say, “Where is everyone else?”.. “do we even know where we are?” He has the reputation of being the pretty boy of the friend group, but even he knows that something isn’t right. “What do we do now?” I said looking at namjoon, hoping that at least “148” would figure something out, but that was the first time I think I ever saw him have a loss for words. If I wasn't scared shitless before, seeing the smartest person I know completely dumbfounded made me terrified. 

We all stood there looking at each other for the longest time, and our eyes finally adjusted to the bright light that filled the room. Jin finally stepped forward and looked back at us with a shrug before walking forward. I knew we all collectively thought he was insane, we didn't know what could have possibly been hiding in the places we couldn't see. But we followed him, we didn't have much of a choice. It didn't take long before the light faded to reveal an empty room with nothing but an old school tv hooked up to an early 2000s gaming system, with a little boy sitting in front of it with his eyes glued to whatever he was playing. 

We were too scared to move, talk, or do anything, we didn’t know what to do. The room was quiet again, to the point where I almost thought I was deaf. Absolutely nothing happened until I heard a chime from my pocket. It came so suddenly that I jumped, and my heart started to beat rapidly. I looked back at my friends and they grimaced, they were scared about the kid hearing us. I slowly grabbed my phone and unlocked it, looking at the notification. “Who the hell?” I thought to myself while I opened my texts. My eyes widened and my heart sank. I saw my face grow pale in the reflective screen in front of me as I read the sentence that changed my life forever. “Walk up to me and touch my shoulder. Don’t be afraid, follow the light”.

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